Package: fireSenseUtils

Eliot J B McIntire

fireSenseUtils: Utilities for Working With the 'fireSense' Group of 'SpaDES' Modules

Utilities for working with the 'fireSense' group of 'SpaDES' modules.

Authors:Jean Marchal [aut], Eliot J B McIntire [aut, cre], Alex M Chubaty [aut], Ian Eddy [aut]

fireSenseUtils.pdf |fireSenseUtils.html
fireSenseUtils/json (API)

# Install 'fireSenseUtils' in R:
install.packages('fireSenseUtils', repos = c('', ''))

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4.51 score 1 stars 2 scripts 56 exports 145 dependencies

Last updated 7 days agofrom:29c10c9c3b (on development). Checks:1 OK, 7 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 31 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGJan 31 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGJan 31 2025



fireSense LCC flammability analysis

Rendered fromFiresense_LCC_flammability.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 31 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-01
Started: 2020-11-24

fireSense tutorial

Rendered fromfireSense-tutorial.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 31 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-01
Started: 2020-04-03

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
'fireSenseUtils' packagefireSenseUtils-package fireSenseUtils
Objective function when no piecewise model is used.objFunIgnition
Function to pass to the optimizer - Piece-wise version.objFunIgnitionPW
Objective function for 'fireSense_spreadFit' module.objfunSpreadFit
Convert list of annual SpatRaster to 'data.table'annualStackToDTx1000 annualStackToDTx1000.list annualStackToDTx1000.Raster annualStackToDTx1000.SpatRaster
Semi-automated selection of fuel classed based on GLMsassessFuelClasses
buffer ignition points to create non-ignitions for modelbufferIgnitionPoints
Create buffers around polygons based on area target for bufferbufferToArea bufferToArea.list bufferToArea.sf bufferToArea.SpatialPolygons
create a variable sized buffer around a set of pixels belonging to the same fire IDbufferToAreaRast
Modify cohortData with burn columnbuildCohortBurnHistory
Generate, Summarize, Predict Burn Classes from CovariatesburnClassGenerator burnClassPredict burnClassSummary burnProbFromClass
Iteratively calculate 'youngAge' column in FS covariatescalcYoungAge
preparing covariates for fitting modulescastCohortData
Data checks and assertions for 'spreadFitRun'.doDataChecks chk_duplicatedStartPixels
Ensure fire points are located on flammable pixels inside a fire polygon Intended to be run using 'Map'cleanUpSpreadFirePoints
Converts stacks of climate rasters to data.table and optionally subsets to indexclimateRasterToDataTable
Classify 'pixelGroups' by flammabilitycohortsToFuelClasses
merging and assignment of fuel classescombine_fuel_classes
Download and prepare fire data from National Fire DatabasecompareMDC
Replace 'NA's in a 'data.table' with zerosdtReplaceNAwith0
Extract the elements of the special terms, i.e. the variable and the knot valueextractSpecial
Calculate proportional burn of landcover and tree speciesfuelClassPrep
Get Fire 'SpatialPoints' from Canadian Fire DatabasegetFirePoints_NFDB
Get Fire 'SpatialPoints' from Canadian Fire DatabasegetFirePoints_NFDB_V2
Download and prepare fire data from National Fire DatabasegetFirePolygons
Cleaning up the polygon pointsharmonizeBufferAndPoints
Harmonize fire dataharmonizeFireData
Four- and five-parameter logistic functionslogistic2p logistic3p logistic4p logistic5p
identify each year's individual fires and buffer them accordinglymakeFireIDs
wrapper on GLM that creates separate GLMs for each item in fuelmakeGLM
Create landcoverDT object to classify and track non-forest lccmakeLandcoverDT
Convert a list of 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' object to a list of 'data.table' objectsmakeLociList
guarantees mutually exclusive values in a data tablemakeMutuallyExclusive
Put 'cohortData' back into a 'SpatRaster' with some extra detailsmakeRastersFromCD
preparing a time since disturbance map from stand age and fire datamakeTSD
Order of Magnitudeoom
Plot burn summaryplotBurnSummary
Plot cumulative burn mapsplotCumulativeBurns
Plot historic ignitions, escapes, and area burnedplotHistoricFires
Predictions from ignition modelpredictIgnition
Handling piecewise terms in a formulapw
this is a wrapper to simplify caching of 'lapply' with 'bufferForFireRaster'. Years are iteratively processed by 'makeFireID'.rasterFireBufferDT
create a list of annual ignition points based on fire rasterrasterFireSpreadPoints
Generate random beta variates between 2 values and a meanrbetaBetween
remove buffered fires in fireBufferedListDT that are outside RTMremoveBufferedFiresOutsideRTM
rescale function no.2rescaleKnown2
Wrapper around 'DEoptim' callDEoptimIterative runDEoptim termsInDEoptim
prepare covariate table with ignition year, fuel class, climate value, and land coverstackAndExtract
Update name of layers in a climate raster stackupdateStackYearNames
Make histograms of 'DEoptim' object 'pars'visualizeDE