Package 'Require'

Title: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows
Description: A single key function, 'Require' that makes rerun-tolerant versions of 'install.packages' and `require` for CRAN packages, packages no longer on CRAN (i.e., archived), specific versions of packages, and GitHub packages. This approach is developed to create reproducible workflows that are flexible and fast enough to use while in development stages, while able to build snapshots once a stable package collection is found. As with other functions in a reproducible workflow, this package emphasizes functions that return the same result whether it is the first or subsequent times running the function, with subsequent times being sufficiently fast that they can be run every time without undue waiting burden on the user or developer.
Authors: Eliot J B McIntire [aut, cre] , Alex M Chubaty [ctb] , Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada [cph]
Maintainer: Eliot J B McIntire <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-01-16 06:09:57 UTC

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Require: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows


A single key function, 'Require' that makes rerun-tolerant versions of 'install.packages' and 'require' for CRAN packages, packages no longer on CRAN (i.e., archived), specific versions of packages, and GitHub packages. This approach is developed to create reproducible workflows that are flexible and fast enough to use while in development stages, while able to build snapshots once a stable package collection is found. As with other functions in a reproducible workflow, this package emphasizes functions that return the same result whether it is the first or subsequent times running the function, with subsequent times being sufficiently fast that they can be run every time without undue waiting burden on the user or developer.

This is an "all in one" function that will run install.packages for CRAN and GitHub packages and will install specific versions of each package if versions are specified either via an (in)equality (e.g., "glue (>=1.6.2)" or "glue (==1.6.2)" for an exact version) or with a packageVersionFile. If require = TRUE, the default, the function will then run require on all named packages that satisfy their version requirements. If packages are already installed (packages supplied), and their optional version numbers are satisfied, then the "install" component will be skipped.


  install_githubArgs = list(),
  install.packagesArgs = list(INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch"),
  standAlone = getOption("Require.standAlone", FALSE),
  install = getOption("Require.install", TRUE),
  require = getOption("Require.require", TRUE),
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", FALSE),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  upgrade = FALSE,
  returnDetails = FALSE,

  install_githubArgs = list(),
  install.packagesArgs = list(INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch"),
  standAlone = getOption("Require.standAlone", FALSE),
  install = TRUE,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", FALSE),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  upgrade = FALSE,



Either a character vector of packages to install via install.packages, then load (i.e., with library), or, for convenience, a vector or list (using c or list) of unquoted package names to install and/or load (as in require, but vectorized). Passing vectors of names may not work in all cases, so user should confirm before relying on this behaviour in operational code. In the case of a GitHub package, it will be assumed that the name of the repository is the name of the package. If this is not the case, then pass a named character vector here, where the names are the package names that could be different than the GitHub repository name.


Character string of a file name or logical. If TRUE, then this function will load the default file, getOption("Require.packageVersionFile"). If this argument is provided, then this will override any packages passed to packages. By default, Require will attempt to resolve dependency violations (i.e., if this packageVersionFile specifies a version of a package that violates the dependency specification of another package). If a user wishes to attempt to install the packageVersionFile without assessing the dependencies, set dependencies = FALSE.


The library path (or libraries) where all packages should be installed, and looked for to load (i.e., call library). This can be used to create isolated, stand alone package installations, if used with standAlone = TRUE. Currently, the path supplied here will be prepended to .libPaths() (temporarily during this call) to Require if standAlone = FALSE or will set (temporarily) .libPaths() to ⁠c(libPaths, tail(libPaths(), 1)⁠ to keep base packages.


Deprecated. Values passed here are merged with install.packagesArgs, with the install.packagesArgs taking precedence if conflicting.


List of optional named arguments, passed to install.packages. Default is only --no-multi-arch, meaning that only the current architecture will be built and installed (e.g., 64 bit, not 32 bit, in many cases).


Logical. If TRUE, all packages will be installed to and loaded from the libPaths only. NOTE: If TRUE, THIS WILL CHANGE THE USER'S .libPaths(), similar to e.g., the checkpoint package. If FALSE, then libPath will be prepended to .libPaths() during the Require call, resulting in shared packages, i.e., it will include the user's default package folder(s). This can be create dramatically faster installs if the user has a substantial number of the packages already in their personal library. Default FALSE to minimize package installing.


Logical or "force". If FALSE, this will not try to install anything. If "force", then it will force installation of requested packages, mimicking a call to e.g., install.packages. If TRUE, the default, then this function will try to install any missing packages or dependencies.


Logical or character string. If TRUE, the default, then the function will attempt to call require on all requested packages, possibly after they are installed. If a character string, then it will only call require on those specific packages (i.e., it will install the ones listed in packages, but load the packages listed in require)


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


See utils::install.packages


When FALSE, the default, will only upgrade a package when the version on in the local library is not adequate for the version requirements of the packages. Note: for convenience, update can be used for this argument.


Logical. If TRUE the return object will have an attribute: attr(.., "Require") which has lots of information about the processes of the installs.


Passed to install.packages. Good candidates are e.g., type or dependencies. This can be used with install_githubArgs or install.packageArgs which give individual options for those 2 internal function calls.


Install is the same as Require(..., require = FALSE), for convenience.


Require is intended to replace base::require, thus it returns a logical, named vector indicating whether the named packages have been loaded. Because Require also has the ability to install packages, a return value of FALSE does not mean that it did not install correctly; rather, it means it did not attach with require, which could be because it did not install correctly, or also because e.g., require = FALSE.

standAlone will either put the Required packages and their dependencies all within the libPaths (if TRUE) or if FALSE will only install packages and their dependencies that are otherwise not installed in .libPaths()[1], i.e., the current active R package directory. Any packages or dependencies that are not yet installed will be installed in libPaths.

GitHub Package

Follows remotes::install_github standard. As with remotes::install_github, it is not possible to specify a past version of a GitHub package unless that version is a tag or the user passes the SHA that had that package version. Similarly, if a developer does a local install e.g., via pkgload::install, of an active project, this package will not be able know of the GitHub state, and thus pkgSnapshot will not be able to recover this state as there is no SHA associated with a local installation. Use Require (or remotes::install_github) to create a record of the GitHub state.

Package Snapshots

To build a snapshot of the desired packages and their versions, first run Require with all packages, then pkgSnapshot. If a libPaths is used, it must be used in both functions.

Mutual Dependencies

This function works best if all required packages are called within one Require call, as all dependencies can be identified together, and all package versions will be addressed (if there are no conflicts), allowing a call to pkgSnapshot() to take a snapshot or "record" of the current collection of packages and versions.

Local Cache of Packages

When installing new packages, Require will put all source and binary files in an R-version specific subfolder of getOption("Require.cachePkgDir") whose default is RPackageCache(), meaning cache packages locally in a project-independent location, and will reuse them if needed. To turn off this feature, set options("Require.cachePkgDir" = FALSE).


For advanced use and diagnosis, the user can set verbose = TRUE or 1 or 2 (or via options("Require.verbose")). This will attach an attribute attr(obj, "Require") to the output of this function.


Maintainer: Eliot J B McIntire [email protected] (ORCID)

Other contributors:

  • Alex M Chubaty [email protected] (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:


## Not run: 
opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

getCRANrepos(ind = 1)
Require("utils") # analogous to require(stats), but it checks for
#   pkg dependencies, and installs them, if missing

# unquoted version
Require(c(tools, utils))

if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  # Install in a new local library (libPaths)
  tempPkgFolder <- file.path(tempdir(), "Require/Packages")
  # use standAlone, means it will put it in libPaths, even if it already exists
  #   in another local library (e.g., personal library)
  Install("crayon", libPaths = tempPkgFolder, standAlone = TRUE)

  # Mutual dependencies, only installs once -- e.g., cli
  tempPkgFolder <- file.path(tempdir(), "Require/Packages")
  Install(c("cli", "R6"), libPaths = tempPkgFolder, standAlone = TRUE)

  # Mutual dependencies, only installs once -- e.g., rlang
  tempPkgFolder <- file.path(tempdir(), "Require/Packages")
  Install(c("rlang", "ellipsis"), libPaths = tempPkgFolder, standAlone = TRUE)

  # Isolated projects -- Use a project folder and pass to libPaths or set .libPaths() #
  # GitHub packages
  if (requireNamespace("gitcreds", quietly = TRUE)) {
    #if (is(try(gitcreds::gitcreds_get(), silent = TRUE), "gitcreds")) {
      ProjectPackageFolder <- file.path(tempdir(), "Require/ProjectA")
      if (requireNamespace("curl")) {
          libPaths = ProjectPackageFolder,

      # No install because it is there already
        libPaths = ProjectPackageFolder,
      ) # the latest version on GitHub

      # Mixing and matching GitHub, CRAN, with and without version numbering
      pkgs <- c(
        "remotes (<=2.4.1)", # old version
        "digest (>= 0.6.28)", # recent version
        "PredictiveEcology/fpCompare@a0260b8476b06628bba0ae73af3430cce9620ca0" # exact version
      Require::Require(pkgs, libPaths = ProjectPackageFolder)

## End(Not run)

GITHUB_PAT-aware and main-master-aware download from GitHub


Equivalent to utils::download.file, but taking the GITHUB_PAT environment variable and using it to access the Github url.


  need = "HEAD",
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
  verboseLevel = 2



a character string (or longer vector for the "libcurl" method) naming the URL of a resource to be downloaded.


a character string (or vector, see the url argument) with the file path where the downloaded file is to be saved. Tilde-expansion is performed.


If specified, user can suggest which master or main or HEAD to try first. If unspecified, HEAD is used.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


A numeric indicating what verbose threshold (level) above which this message will show.


This is called for its side effect, namely, the same as utils::download.file, but using a GITHUB_PAT, it if is in the environment, and trying both master and main if the actual url specifies either master or main and it does not exist.

Partial alternative (faster) to installed.packages


This reads the DESCRIPTION files only, so can only access fields that are available in the DESCRIPTION file. This is different than installed.packages which has many other fields, like "Built", "NeedsCompilation" etc. If those fields are needed, then this function will return an empty column in the returned character matrix.


  lib.loc = .libPaths(),
  which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
  other = NULL,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  packages = NULL,
  collapse = FALSE



character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL for all known trees (see .libPaths).


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances".


Can supply other fields; the only benefit here is that a user can specify "github" (lower case) and it will automatically add c("GithubRepo", "GithubUsername", "GithubRef", "GithubSHA1", "GithubSubFolder") fields


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


Character vector. If NULL (default), then all installed packages are searched for. If a character vector is supplied, then it will only return information about those packages (and is thus faster to execute).


Logical. If TRUE then the dependency fields will be collapsed; if FALSE (default) then the which fields will be kept separate.

Create a custom "available.packages" object


This is the mechanism by which install.packages determines which packages should be installed from where. With this override, we can indicate arbitrary repos, Package, File for each individual package.


  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



A pkgDT object


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


See utils::install.packages


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).

Needs VersionOnRepos, versionSpec and inequality columns


Needs VersionOnRepos, versionSpec and inequality columns





A pkgDT object

Clear Require Cache elements


Clear Require Cache elements


  ask = interactive(),
  Rversion = versionMajorMinor(),
  clearCranCache = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")

  ask = interactive(),
  Rversion = versionMajorMinor(),
  clearCranCache = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



Either missing or a character vector of package names (currently cannot specify version number) to remove from the local Require Cache.


Logical. If TRUE, then it will ask user to confirm


An R version (major dot minor, e.g., "4.2"). Defaults to current R version.


Logical. If TRUE, then this will also clear the local crancache cache, which is only relevant if options(Require.useCranCache = TRUE), i.e., if Require is using the crancache cache also


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).

The default cache directory for Require Cache


A wrapper around tools::R_user_dir("Require", which = "cache") that creates the directory, if it does not exist.




The default cache directory

Path to (package) cache directory


Sets (if create = TRUE) or gets the cache directory associated with the Require package.


cacheDir(create, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"))




A logical indicating whether the path should be created if it does not exist. Default is FALSE.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


To set a different directory than the default, set the system variable: R_USER_CACHE_DIR = "somePath" and/or R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "somePath" e.g., in .Renviron file or Sys.setenv(). See Note below.


If !is.null(cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir()), i.e., a cache path exists, the cache directory will be created, with a README placed in the folder. Otherwise, this function will just return the path of what the cache directory would be.


Currently, there are 2 different Cache directories used by Require: cacheDir and cachePkgDir. The cachePkgDir is intended to be a sub-directory of the cacheDir. If you set Sys.setenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR" = "somedir"), then both the package cache and cache dirs will be set, with the package cache a sub-directory. You can, however, set them independently, if you set "R_USER_CACHE_DIR" and "R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE" environment variable. The package cache can also be set with options("Require.cachePkgDir" = "somedir").

Get the option for Require.cachePkgDir


First checks if an environment variable Require.cachePkgDir is set and defines a path. If not set, checks whether the options("Require.cachePkgDir") is set. If a character string, then it returns that. If TRUE, then use cachePkgDir(). If FALSE then returns NULL.



Purge everything in the Require cache


Require uses caches for local Package saving, local caches of available.packages, local caches of GitHub (e.g., "DESCRIPTION") files, and some function calls that are cached. This function clears all of them.


cachePurge(packages = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"))

purgeCache(packages = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"))



Either a character vector of packages to install via install.packages, then load (i.e., with library), or, for convenience, a vector or list (using c or list) of unquoted package names to install and/or load (as in require, but vectorized). Passing vectors of names may not work in all cases, so user should confirm before relying on this behaviour in operational code. In the case of a GitHub package, it will be assumed that the name of the repository is the name of the package. If this is not the case, then pass a named character vector here, where the names are the package names that could be different than the GitHub repository name.


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Run for its side effect, namely, all cached objects are removed.

Creates the directories, and adds version number


Creates the directories, and adds version number


checkLibPaths(libPaths, ifMissing, exact = FALSE, ...)



The library path (or libraries) where all packages should be installed, and looked for to load (i.e., call library). This can be used to create isolated, stand alone package installations, if used with standAlone = TRUE. Currently, the path supplied here will be prepended to .libPaths() (temporarily during this call) to Require if standAlone = FALSE or will set (temporarily) .libPaths() to ⁠c(libPaths, tail(libPaths(), 1)⁠ to keep base packages.


An alternative path if libPaths argument is missing.


Logical. If FALSE, the default, then checkLibPaths will append the R version number on the libPaths supplied. If TRUE, checkLibPaths will return exactly the libPaths supplied.


Not used, but allows other functions to pass through arguments.

Check directory path


Checks the specified path to a directory for formatting consistencies, such as trailing slashes, etc.


checkPath(path, create)

## S4 method for signature 'character,logical'
checkPath(path, create)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'NULL,ANY'

## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY'



A character string corresponding to a directory path.


A logical indicating whether the path should be created if it does not exist. Default is FALSE.


Character string denoting the cleaned up filepath.


This will not work for paths to files. To check for existence of files, use file.exists(). To normalize a path to a file, use normPath() or normalizePath().

See Also

file.exists(), dir.create().


## normalize file paths
paths <- list("./aaa/zzz",
              file.path(".", "aaa", "zzz"))

checked <- normPath(paths)
length(unique(checked)) ## 1; all of the above are equivalent

## check to see if a path exists
tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "example_checkPath")

dir.exists(tmpdir) ## FALSE
tryCatch(checkPath(tmpdir, create = FALSE), error = function(e) FALSE) ## FALSE

checkPath(tmpdir, create = TRUE)
dir.exists(tmpdir) ## TRUE

unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) # clean up

Compare package versions


Alternative to utils::compareVersion that is vectorized on version, versionSpec and/or inequality. This will also return an NA element in the returned vector if one of the arguments has NA for that element.


compareVersion2(version, versionSpec, inequality)



One or more package versions. Can be character or numeric_version.


One or more versions to compare to. Can be character or numeric_version.


The inequality to use, i.e., >=.


a logical vector of the length of the longest of the 3 arguments.

Only checks for deprecated libPath argument (singular)


Only checks for deprecated libPath argument (singular)


  standAlone = getOption("Require.standAlone", FALSE),



The library path (or libraries) where all packages should be installed, and looked for to load (i.e., call library). This can be used to create isolated, stand alone package installations, if used with standAlone = TRUE. Currently, the path supplied here will be prepended to .libPaths() (temporarily during this call) to Require if standAlone = FALSE or will set (temporarily) .libPaths() to ⁠c(libPaths, tail(libPaths(), 1)⁠ to keep base packages.


Logical. If TRUE, all packages will be installed to and loaded from the libPaths only. NOTE: If TRUE, THIS WILL CHANGE THE USER'S .libPaths(), similar to e.g., the checkpoint package. If FALSE, then libPath will be prepended to .libPaths() during the Require call, resulting in shared packages, i.e., it will include the user's default package folder(s). This can be create dramatically faster installs if the user has a substantial number of the packages already in their personal library. Default FALSE to minimize package installing.


Checks for the incorrect argument libPath (no s)

GitHub package tools


A series of helpers to access and deal with GitHub packages


DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV(file, purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE))

DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV(file, other = "RemoteSha")

  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



A file path to a DESCRIPTION file


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


Any other keyword in a DESCRIPTION file that precedes a ":". The rest of the line will be retrieved.


A character string with a GitHub package specification (c.f. remotes)


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


dlGitHubDESCRIPTION retrieves the DESCRIPTION file from

Detach and unload all packages


This uses pkgDepTopoSort internally so that the package dependency tree is determined, and then packages are unloaded in the reverse order. Some packages don't unload successfully for a variety of reasons. Several known packages that have this problem are identified internally and not unloaded. Currently, these are glue, rlang, ps, ellipsis, and, processx.


  dontTry = NULL,
  doSort = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



A character vector of packages to detach. Will be topologically sorted unless doSort is FALSE.


A character vector of packages to not try. This can be used by a user if they find a package fails in attempts to unload it, e.g., "ps"


If TRUE (the default), then the pkgs will be topologically sorted. If FALSE, then it won't. Useful if the pkgs are already sorted.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


A numeric named vector, with names of the packages that were attempted. 2 means the package was successfully unloaded, 1 it was tried, but failed, 3 it was not loaded, so was not unloaded.

Available and archived versions


These are wrappers around available.packages and also get the archived versions available on CRAN.


  repos = getOption("repos"),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")

  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
  returnDataTable = TRUE,



A single package name (without version or github specifications)


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the return is a data.table. Otherwise, it is a matrix, as per available.packages


See utils::install.packages


dlArchiveVersionsAvailable searches CRAN Archives for available versions. It has been borrowed from a sub-set of the code in a non-exported function: remotes:::download_version_url

Deals with missing libPaths arg, and takes first


Deals with missing libPaths arg, and takes first


doLibPaths(libPaths, standAlone = FALSE)



The library path (or libraries) where all packages should be installed, and looked for to load (i.e., call library). This can be used to create isolated, stand alone package installations, if used with standAlone = TRUE. Currently, the path supplied here will be prepended to .libPaths() (temporarily during this call) to Require if standAlone = FALSE or will set (temporarily) .libPaths() to ⁠c(libPaths, tail(libPaths(), 1)⁠ to keep base packages.


Logical. If TRUE, all packages will be installed to and loaded from the libPaths only. NOTE: If TRUE, THIS WILL CHANGE THE USER'S .libPaths(), similar to e.g., the checkpoint package. If FALSE, then libPath will be prepended to .libPaths() during the Require call, resulting in shared packages, i.e., it will include the user's default package folder(s). This can be create dramatically faster installs if the user has a substantial number of the packages already in their personal library. Default FALSE to minimize package installing.

1st level –> create the .pkgEnv object in Require


1st level –> create the .pkgEnv object in Require


envPkgCreate(parentEnv = asNamespace("Require"))



The parent environment in which to make the new environment. Defaults to asNamespace("Require")

3rd level for deps #############################################


3rd level for deps #############################################



3rd level for DESCRIPTIONFile


3rd level for DESCRIPTIONFile



Extract info from package character strings


Cleans a character vector of non-package name related information (e.g., version)


extractPkgName(pkgs, filenames)

extractVersionNumber(pkgs, filenames)





A character string vector of packages with or without GitHub path or versions


Can be supplied instead of pkgs if it is a filename e.g., a .tar.gz or .zip that was downloaded from CRAN.


Just the package names without extraneous info.

See Also



extractPkgName("Require (>=0.0.1)")
  "Require (<=0.0.1)",
  "PredictiveEcology/Require@development (<=0.0.4)"
extractInequality("Require (<=0.0.1)")

The packages argument may have up to 4 pieces of information for GitHub packages: name, repository, branch, version. For CRAN-alikes, it will only be 2 pieces: name, version. There can also be an inequality or equality, if there is a version.


The packages argument may have up to 4 pieces of information for GitHub packages: name, repository, branch, version. For CRAN-alikes, it will only be 2 pieces: name, version. There can also be an inequality or equality, if there is a version.


getDeps(pkgDT, which, recursive, type = type, repos, libPaths, verbose)



A pkgDT object e.g., from toPkgDT


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances".


Logical. Should dependencies of dependencies be searched, recursively. NOTE: Dependencies of suggests will not be recursive. Default TRUE.


See utils::install.packages


is used for ap.


A path to search for installed packages. Defaults to .libPaths()


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


If version is not supplied, it will take the local, installed version, if it exists. Otherwise, it is assumed that the HEAD is desired. The function will find it in the ap or on For github packages, this is obviously a slow step, which can be accelerated if user supplies a sha or a version e.g., getDeps("PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (==1.0.2)")


A (named) vector of SaveNames, which is a concatenation of the 2 or 4 elements above, plus the which and the recursive.

Invert a 2-level list


This is a simple version of purrr::transpose, only for lists with 2 levels.





A list with 2 levels. If some levels are absent, they will be NULL


A list with 2 levels deep, inverted from l


# create a 2-deep, 2 levels in first, 3 levels in second
a <- list(a = list(d = 1, e = 2:3, f = 4:6), b = list(d = 5, e = 55))
invertList(a) # creates 2-deep, now 3 levels outer --> 2 levels inner

Join a data.table with a Package column to available.packages


Will join available.packages() with pkgDT, if pkgDT does not already have a column named Depends, which would be an indicator that this had already happened.


joinToAvailablePackages(pkgDT, repos, type, which, verbose)



A pkgDT object e.g., from toPkgDT


is used for ap.


See utils::install.packages


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances".


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


The returned data.table will have most of the columns from available.packages appended to the pkgDT, including Depends, Imports, Suggests. It will change the column name that is normally returned from available.packages as Version to VersionOnRepos.

Create link to file, falling back to making a copy if linking fails.


First try to create a hardlink to the file. If that fails, try a symbolic link (symlink) before falling back to copying the file. "File" here can mean a file or a directory.


linkOrCopy(from, to, allowSymlink = FALSE)

fileRenameOrMove(from, to)


from, to

character vectors, containing file names or paths.


Logical. If FALSE, the default, then it will try first, then file.copy, omitting the file.symlink step

This converts master or main to HEAD for a git repo


This will also convert a git repo with nothing after the @ to @HEAD





A git repository of the form account/repo with optional @branch or @sha or @tag


The git repository with @HEAD if it had @master, @main or no @.

Use message to print a clean square data structure


Sends to message, but in a structured way so that a data.frame-like can be cleanly sent to messaging.

This will only show a message if the value of verbose is greater than the verboseLevel. This is mostly useful for developers of code who want to give users of their code easy access to how verbose their code will be. A developer of a function will place this messageVerbose internally, setting the verboseLevel according to how advanced they may want the message to be. 1 is a reasonable default for standard use, 0 would be for "a very important message for all users", 2 or above would be increasing levels of details for e.g., advanced use. If a user sets to -1 with this numeric approach, they can avoid all messaging.


messageDF(df, round, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"), verboseLevel = 1)

messageVerbose(..., verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"), verboseLevel = 1)

  pre = "",
  post = "",
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
  verboseLevel = 1,
  counter = 1,
  total = 1,
  minCounter = 1



A data.frame, data.table, matrix


An optional numeric to pass to round


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


A numeric indicating what verbose threshold (level) above which this message will show.


Passed to install.packages. Good candidates are e.g., type or dependencies. This can be used with install_githubArgs or install.packageArgs which give individual options for those 2 internal function calls.


A single text string to paste before the counter


A single text string to paste after the counter


An integer indicating which iteration is being done


An integer indicating the total number to be done.


An integer indicating the minimum (i.e,. starting value)


Used for side effects, namely messaging that can be turned on or off with different numeric values of verboseLevel. A user sets the verboseLevel for a particular message.

modifyList for multiple lists


This calls utils::modifyList iteratively using base::Reduce, so it can handle >2 lists. The subsequent list elements that share a name will override previous list elements with that same name. It also will handle the case where any list is a NULL. Note: default keep.null = TRUE, which is different than modifyList


modifyList2(..., keep.null = FALSE)

modifyList3(..., keep.null = TRUE)



One or more named lists.


If TRUE, NULL elements in val become NULL elements in x. Otherwise, the corresponding element, if present, is deleted from x.


More or less a convenience around Reduce(modifyList, list(...)), with some checks, and the addition of keep.null = TRUE by default.


modifyList3 retains the original behaviour of modifyList2 (prior to Oct 2022); however, it cannot retain NULL values in lists.


modifyList2(list(a = 1), list(a = 2, b = 2))
modifyList2(list(a = 1), NULL, list(a = 2, b = 2))
  list(a = 1), list(x = NULL), list(a = 2, b = 2),
  list(a = 3, c = list(1:10))

Normalize filepath


Checks the specified filepath for formatting consistencies:

  1. use slash instead of backslash;

  2. do tilde etc. expansion;

  3. remove trailing slash.



## S4 method for signature 'character'

## S4 method for signature 'list'

## S4 method for signature 'NULL'

## S4 method for signature 'missing'

## S4 method for signature 'logical'



A character vector of filepaths.


Character vector of cleaned up filepaths.


## normalize file paths
paths <- list("./aaa/zzz",
              file.path(".", "aaa", "zzz"))

checked <- normPath(paths)
length(unique(checked)) ## 1; all of the above are equivalent

## check to see if a path exists
tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "example_checkPath")

dir.exists(tmpdir) ## FALSE
tryCatch(checkPath(tmpdir, create = FALSE), error = function(e) FALSE) ## FALSE

checkPath(tmpdir, create = TRUE)
dir.exists(tmpdir) ## TRUE

unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE) # clean up

Convert numeric to character with padding


This will pad floating point numbers, right or left. For integers, either class integer or functionally integer (e.g., 1.0), it will not pad right of the decimal. For more specific control or to get exact padding right and left of decimal, try the stringi package. It will also not do any rounding. See examples.


paddedFloatToChar(x, padL = ceiling(log10(x + 1)), padR = 3, pad = "0")



numeric. Number to be converted to character with padding


numeric. Desired number of digits on left side of decimal. If not enough, pad will be used to pad.


numeric. Desired number of digits on right side of decimal. If not enough, pad will be used to pad.


character to use as padding (nchar(pad) == 1 must be TRUE). Currently, can be only "0" or " " (i.e., space).


Character string representing the filename.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty


paddedFloatToChar(1.25, padL = 3, padR = 5)
paddedFloatToChar(1.25, padL = 3, padR = 1) # no rounding, so keeps 2 right of decimal

2nd level


2nd level



Parse a github package specification


This converts a specification like PredictiveEcology/Require@development into separate columns, "Account", "Repo", "Branch", "GitSubFolder" (if there is one)


parseGitHub(pkgDT, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"))



A pkgDT data.table.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


parseGitHub turns the single character string representation into 3 or 4: Account, Repo, Branch, SubFolder.


parseGitHub returns a data.table with added columns.

2nd level


2nd level



Package dependencies when one or more packages removed


This is primarily for package developers. It allows the testing of what the recursive dependencies would be if a package was removed from the immediate dependencies.


  pkg = character(),
  depsRemoved = character(),
  verbose = getOption()



A package name to be testing the dependencies


A vector of package names who are to be "removed" from the pkg immediate dependencies


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


A list with 3 named lists Direct, Recursive and IfRemoved. Direct will show the top level direct dependencies, either Remaining or Removed. Recursive will show the full recursive dependencies, either Remaining or Removed. IfRemoved returns all package dependencies that are removed for each top level dependency. If a top level dependency is not listed in this final list, then it means that it is also a recursive dependency elsewhere, so its removal has no effect.


## Not run: 
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  pkgDepIfDepRemoved("reproducible", "data.table")


## End(Not run)

Reverse package depends


This is a wrapper around tools::dependsOnPkgs, but with the added option of topoSort, which will sort them such that the packages at the top will have the least number of dependencies that are in pkgs. This is essentially a topological sort, but it is done heuristically. This can be used to e.g., detach or unloadNamespace packages in order so that they each of their dependencies are detached or unloaded first.

pkgDep2 is a convenience wrapper of pkgDep that "goes one level in", i.e., the first order dependencies, and runs the pkgDep on those.

This will first look in local filesystem (in .libPaths()) and will use a local package to find its dependencies. If the package does not exist locally, including whether it is the correct version, then it will look in (currently) CRAN and its archives (if the current CRAN version is not the desired version to check). It will also look on GitHub if the package description is of the form of a GitHub package with format account/repo@branch or account/repo@commit. For this, it will attempt to get package dependencies from the GitHub ‘DESCRIPTION’ file. This is intended to replace tools::package_dependencies or pkgDep in the miniCRAN package, but with modifications to allow multiple sources to be searched in the same function call.


  reverse = FALSE,
  topoSort = TRUE,
  useAllInSearch = FALSE,
  returnFull = TRUE,
  recursive = TRUE,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),


  which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
  recursive = TRUE,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  keepVersionNumber = TRUE,
  includeBase = FALSE,
  includeSelf = TRUE,
  sort = TRUE,
  simplify = TRUE,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  Additional_repositories = FALSE,



A vector of package names to evaluate their reverse depends (i.e., the packages that use each of these packages)


An optional named list of (reverse) dependencies. If not supplied, then tools::dependsOnPkgs(..., recursive = TRUE) will be used


Logical. If TRUE, then this will use tools::pkgDependsOn to determine which packages depend on the pkgs


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the returned list of packages will be in order with the least number of dependencies listed in pkgs at the top of the list.


A path to search for installed packages. Defaults to .libPaths()


Logical. If TRUE, then all non-core R packages in search() will be appended to pkgs to allow those to also be identified


Logical. Primarily useful when reverse = TRUE. If TRUE, then then all installed packages will be searched. If FALSE, the default, only packages that are currently in the search() path and passed in pkgs will be included in the possible reverse dependencies.


Logical. Should dependencies of dependencies be searched, recursively. NOTE: Dependencies of suggests will not be recursive. Default TRUE.


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances".


See utils::install.packages


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


Currently only dependencies as an alternative to which. If specified, then which will be ignored.


Either a character vector of packages to install via install.packages, then load (i.e., with library), or, for convenience, a vector or list (using c or list) of unquoted package names to install and/or load (as in require, but vectorized). Passing vectors of names may not work in all cases, so user should confirm before relying on this behaviour in operational code. In the case of a GitHub package, it will be assumed that the name of the repository is the name of the package. If this is not the case, then pass a named character vector here, where the names are the package names that could be different than the GitHub repository name.


Logical. Include packages listed in "Depends". Default TRUE.


Logical. Include packages listed in "Imports". Default TRUE.


Logical. Include packages listed in "Suggests". Default FALSE.


Logical. Include packages listed in "LinkingTo". Default TRUE.


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Logical. If TRUE, then the package dependencies returned will include version number. Default is FALSE


Logical. Should R base packages be included, specifically, those in tail(.libPaths(), 1)


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the dependencies will include the package itself in the returned list elements, otherwise, only the "dependencies"


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the packages will be sorted alphabetically. If FALSE, the packages will not have a discernible order as they will be a concatenation of the possibly recursive package dependencies.


Logical or numeric. If TRUE (or > 0), the default, the return object is "just" a character vector of package names (with version requirements). If FALSE (or 0), then a data.table will be returned with 4 columns, Package, packageFullName, parentPackage (the package name for which the given line entry is a dependency; will be "user" if it was user supplied) and deps, which is a list of data.tables of all dependencies. If a negative number, then it will return a similar data.table as with FALSE, however, duplications in the recursive package dependencies are left intact.


Logical. If TRUE, then pkgDep will return a list of data.table objects (instead of character vectors) with a column packageFullName and possibly a second column Additional_repositories, which may have been specified in a DESCRIPTION file. NOTE: THIS ALTERS THE OUTPUT CLASS


A possibly ordered, named (with packages as names) list where list elements are either full reverse depends.


tools::package_dependencies and pkgDep will differ under the following circumstances:

  1. GitHub packages are not detected using tools::package_dependencies;

  2. tools::package_dependencies does not detect the dependencies of base packages among themselves, e.g., methods depends on stats and graphics.


## Not run: 
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  pkgDepTopoSort(c("Require", "data.table"), reverse = TRUE)


## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  # much bigger one


## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  pkgDep("tidyverse", recursive = TRUE)

  # GitHub, local, and CRAN packages
  pkgDep(c("PredictiveEcology/reproducible", "Require", "plyr"))


## End(Not run)

Take a snapshot of all the packages and version numbers


This can be used later by Require to install or re-install the correct versions. See examples.


  packageVersionFile = getOption("Require.packageVersionFile"),
  libPaths = .libPaths(),
  standAlone = FALSE,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  exact = TRUE,
  includeBase = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")

  packageVersionFile = getOption("Require.packageVersionFile"),
  standAlone = FALSE,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  exact = TRUE,
  includeBase = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



A filename to save the packages and their currently installed version numbers. Defaults to "packageVersions.txt". If this is specified to be NULL, the function will return the exact Require call needed to install all the packages at their current versions. This can be useful to add to a script to allow for reproducibility of a script.


The path to the local library where packages are installed. Defaults to the .libPaths()[1].


Logical. If TRUE, all packages will be installed to and loaded from the libPaths only. NOTE: If TRUE, THIS WILL CHANGE THE USER'S .libPaths(), similar to e.g., the checkpoint package. If FALSE, then libPath will be prepended to .libPaths() during the Require call, resulting in shared packages, i.e., it will include the user's default package folder(s). This can be create dramatically faster installs if the user has a substantial number of the packages already in their personal library. Default FALSE to minimize package installing.


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then for GitHub packages, it will install the exact SHA, rather than the head of the account/repo@branch. For CRAN packages, it will install the exact version. If FALSE, then GitHub packages will identify their branch if that had been specified upon installation, not a SHA. If the package had been installed with reference to a SHA, then it will return the SHA as it does not know what branch it came from. Similarly, CRAN packages will report their version and specify with a >=, allowing a subsequent user to install with a minimum version number, as opposed to an exact version number.


Logical. Should R base packages be included, specifically, those in tail(.libPaths(), 1)


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


A file is written with the package names and versions of all packages within libPaths. This can later be passed to Require.

pkgSnapshot2 returns a vector of package names and versions, with no file output. See examples.


Will both write a file, and (invisibly) return a vector of packages with the version numbers. This vector can be used directly in Require, though it should likely be used with require = FALSE to prevent attaching all the packages.


## Not run: 
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  # install one archived version so that below does something interesting
  libForThisEx <- tempdir2("Example")
  Require("crayon (==1.5.1)", libPaths = libForThisEx, require = FALSE)
  # Normal use -- using the libForThisEx for example;
  #    normally libPaths would be omitted to get all
  #    packages in user or project library
  tf <- tempfile()

  # writes to getOption("Require.packageVersionFile")
  # within project; also returns a vector
  # of packages with version
  pkgs <- pkgSnapshot(
    packageVersionFile = tf,
    libPaths = libForThisEx, standAlone = TRUE # only this library

  # Now move this file to another computer e.g. by committing in git,
  #   emailing, googledrive
  #   on next computer/project
  Require(packageVersionFile = tf, libPaths = libForThisEx)

  # Using pkgSnapshot2 to get the vector of packages and versions
  pkgs <- pkgSnapshot2(
    libPaths = libForThisEx, standAlone = TRUE
  Install(pkgs) # will install packages from previous line


## End(Not run)

Require options


These provide top-level, powerful settings for a comprehensive reproducible workflow. See Details below.






prints the default values of package options set at startup, which may have been changed (e.g., by the user) during the current session.


prints the current values of package options.

Below are options that can be set with options("" = newValue), where xxx is one of the values below, and newValue is a new value to give the option. Sometimes these options can be placed in the user's .Rprofile file so they persist between sessions.

The following options are likely of interest to most users:


Default: TRUE. This is the default argument to Require, but does not affect Install. If this is FALSE, then no installations will be attempted, and missing packages will result in an error.


Default: cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir(), which must be either a path or a logical. To turn off package caching, set this to FALSE. This can be set using an environment variable e.g. Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "somePath"), or Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "TRUE"); if that is not set, then an either a path or logical option (options(Require.cachePkgDir = "somePath") or options(Require.cachePkgDir = TRUE)). If TRUE, the default folder location cachePkgDir() will be used. If this is TRUE or a path is provided, then binary and source packages will be cached here. Subsequent downloads of same package will use local copy. Default is to have packages not be cached locally so each install of the same version will be from the original source, e.g., CRAN, GitHub.


Default: A character vector of packages that are generally more successful if installed from Source on Unix-alikes. Since there are repositories that offer binary packages builds for Linux (e.g., RStudio Package Manager), the vector of package names indicated here will default to a standard CRAN repository, forcing a source install. See also spatialPkgs option, which does the same for spatial packages.


Default: FALSE. If set to (almost) all internal caches used by Require will be deleted and rebuilt. This should not generally be necessary as it will automatically be deleted after (by default) 1 hour (set via R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE environment variable in seconds)


Default: A character vector of packages that are generally more successful if installed from Source on Unix-alikes. Since there are repositories that offer binary packages builds for Linux (e.g., RStudio Package Manager), the vector of package names indicated here will default to a standard CRAN repository, forcing a source install. See also otherPkgs option, which does the same for non-spatial packages.


Default: FALSE. A user can optionally use the locally cached packages that are available due to a user's use of the crancache package.


Default: 1. See ?Require.

Recursive function to remove .basePkgs


Recursive function to remove .basePkgs


rmBase(includeBase = formals(pkgDep)[["includeBase"]], deps)



Logical. If FALSE, the default, then base packages will be removed.


Either a list of dependencies, a data.table of dependencies with a column Package or a vector of dependencies.

R versions


Reference table of R versions and their release dates (2018 and later).




An object of class data.frame with 21 rows and 2 columns.


Update this as needed using rversions::r_versions():

⁠ # install.packages("rversions") v = rversions::r_versions() keep = which(as.Date(v$date, format = " as.Date("2018-01-01", format = " dput(v[keep, c("version", "date")]) ⁠

Like setdiff, but takes into account names


This will identify the elements in l1 that are not in l2. If missingFill is provided, then elements that are in l2, but not in l1 will be returned, assigning missingFill to their values. This might be NULL or "", i.e., some sort of empty value. This function will work on named lists, named vectors and likely on other named classes.


setdiffNamed(l1, l2, missingFill)



A named list or named vector


A named list or named vector (must be same class as l1)


A value, such as NULL or "" or "missing" that will be given to the elements returned, that are in l2, but not in l1


There are 3 types of differences that might occur with named elements: 1. a new named element, 2. an removed named element, and 3. a modified named element. This function captures all of these. In the case of unnamed elements, e.g., setdiff, the first two are not seen as differences, if the values are not different.


A vector or list of the elements in l1 that are not in l2, and optionally the elements of l2 that are not in l1, with values set to missingFill

Set .libPaths


This will set the .libPaths() by either adding a new path to it if standAlone = FALSE, or will concatenate c(libPath, tail(.libPaths(), 1)) if standAlone = TRUE. Currently, the default is to make this new .libPaths() "sticky", meaning it becomes associated with the current directory even through a restart of R. It does this by adding and/updating the ‘.Rprofile’ file in the current directory. If this current directory is a project, then the project will have the new .libPaths() associated with it, even through an R restart.


  standAlone = TRUE,
  updateRprofile = getOption("Require.updateRprofile", FALSE),
  exact = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



A new path to append to, or replace all existing user components of .libPath()


Logical. If TRUE, all packages will be installed to and loaded from the libPaths only. NOTE: If TRUE, THIS WILL CHANGE THE USER'S .libPaths(), similar to e.g., the checkpoint package. If FALSE, then libPath will be prepended to .libPaths() during the Require call, resulting in shared packages, i.e., it will include the user's default package folder(s). This can be create dramatically faster installs if the user has a substantial number of the packages already in their personal library. Default FALSE to minimize package installing.


Logical or Character string. If TRUE, then this function will put several lines of code in the current directory's .Rprofile file setting up the package libraries for this and future sessions. If a character string, then this should be the path to an .Rprofile file. To reset back to normal, run setLibPaths() without a libPath. Default: getOption("Require.updateRprofile", FALSE), meaning FALSE, but it can be set with an option or within a single call.


Logical. This function will automatically append the R version number to the libPaths to maintain separate R package libraries for each R version on the system. There are some cases where this behaviour is not desirable. Set exact to TRUE to override this automatic appending and use the exact, unaltered libPaths. Default is FALSE


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


This details of this code were modified from A different, likely non-approved by CRAN approach that also works is here:


The main point of this function is to set .libPaths(), which will be changed as a side effect of this function. As when setting options, this will return the previous state of .libPaths() allowing the user to reset easily.


## Not run: 
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()
  origDir <- setwd(tempdir())
  td <- tempdir()
  setLibPaths(td) # set a new R package library locally
  setLibPaths() # reset it to original
  # Using standAlone = FALSE means that newly installed packages
  #   will be installed
  #   in the new package library, but loading packages can come
  #   from any of the ones listed in .libPaths()

  # will have 2 or more paths
  otherLib <- file.path(td, "newProjectLib")
  setLibPaths(otherLib, standAlone = FALSE)
  # Can restart R, and changes will stay

  # remove the custom .libPaths()
  setLibPaths() # reset to previous; remove from .Rprofile
  # because libPath arg is empty

  unlink(otherLib, recursive = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Setup for binary Linux repositories


Enable use of binary package builds for Linux from the RStudio Package Manager repo. This will set the repos option, affecting the current R session. It will put this binaryLinux in the first position. If the getOption("repos") is NULL, it will put backupCRAN in second position.


  binaryLinux = urlForArchivedPkgs,
  backupCRAN = srcPackageURLOnCRAN



A CRAN repository serving binary Linux packages.


If there is no CRAN repository set

Setup a project library, cache, options


setup and setupOff are currently deprecated. These may be re-created in a future version. In its place, a user can simply put .libPaths(libs, = FALSE) in their .Rprofile file, where libs is the directory where the packages should be installed and should be a folder with the R version number, e.g., derived by using checkLibPaths(libs).


  RPackageCache = cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir(),
  standAlone = getOption("Require.standAlone", TRUE),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")

setupOff(removePackages = FALSE, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"))



Same as RPackageFolders. This is for more consistent naming with Require(..., libPaths = ...).


One or more folders where R packages are installed to and loaded from. In the case of more than one folder provided, installation will only happen in the first one.


See ?RequireOptions.


Logical. If TRUE, all packages will be installed to and loaded from the libPaths only. NOTE: If TRUE, THIS WILL CHANGE THE USER'S .libPaths(), similar to e.g., the checkpoint package. If FALSE, then libPath will be prepended to .libPaths() during the Require call, resulting in shared packages, i.e., it will include the user's default package folder(s). This can be create dramatically faster installs if the user has a substantial number of the packages already in their personal library. Default FALSE to minimize package installing.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


Deprecated. Please remove packages manually from the .libPaths()

A list of R packages that should likely be installed from Source, not Binary


The list of R packages that Require installs from source on Linux, even if the getOptions("repos") is a binary repository. This list can be updated by the user by modifying the options Require.spatialPkgs or Require.otherPkgs. Default "force source only packages" are visible with RequireOptions().


sourcePkgs(additional = NULL, spatialPkgs = NULL, otherPkgs = NULL)



Any other packages to be added to the other 2 argument vectors


A character vector of package names that focus on spatial analyses.


A character vector of package names that often require system specific compilation.


A sorted concatenation of the 3 input parameters.

split for a data.table that keeps integrity of a column of lists of data.table objects


data.table::split does 2 bad things:

  1. reorders if using f

  2. destroys the integrity of a column that is a list of data.tables, when using by So, to keep order, need by, but to keep integrity, need f. This function


splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity(pkgDT, splitOn)



A pkgDT object e.g., from toPkgDT


Character vector passed to data.table::split(..., f = splitOn)


A list of data.table objects of length(unique(splitOn)).

download.files or install.packages in a separate process


This uses sys package so that messaging can be controlled. This also provides the option to parallelize by spawning multiple background process to allow parallel e.g., downloads. Noting that if libcurl is installed (and detected using capabilities("libcurl")), then no explicit parallelism will be allowed, instead method = "libcurl" will be passed enabling parallel downloads.


  splitOn = "pkgs",
  doLine = "outfiles <-, args)",
  returnOutfile = FALSE,
  doLineVectorized = TRUE,



A list with all arguments for a to either ⁠download.file, ⁠install.packages⁠or a custom other function e.g.,⁠downloadAndBuildToLocalFile'.


A character vector of the names in args to parallelize over. Defaults to pkgs. All other named elements in args will be assumed to be length 1 and used for every parallel process.


A character string with the "outfiles <-, args)" line.


A logical. If TRUE, then the names of the outfiles will be returned.


A logical. If TRUE, and parallism is being used, this indicates that the doLine is a function that allows for multiple elements in ⁠args[[splitOn[[1]]]⁠. If FALSE, the function will make multiple sequential calls within each parallel process to the doLine call.


A single path where all downloads will be put


The library path (or libraries) where all packages should be installed, and looked for to load (i.e., call library). This can be used to create isolated, stand alone package installations, if used with standAlone = TRUE. Currently, the path supplied here will be prepended to .libPaths() (temporarily during this call) to Require if standAlone = FALSE or will set (temporarily) .libPaths() to ⁠c(libPaths, tail(libPaths(), 1)⁠ to keep base packages.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


Mostly for side effects, namely installed packages or downloaded packages or files. However, in the case of returnOutfile = TRUE, then a list of filenames will be returned with any outputs from the doLine.

Make a temporary (sub-)directory


Create a temporary subdirectory in .RequireTempPath(), or a temporary file in that temporary subdirectory.


  sub = "",
  tempdir = getOption("Require.tempPath", .RequireTempPath()),
  create = TRUE



Character string, length 1. Can be a result of file.path("smth", "smth2") for nested temporary sub directories.


Optional character string where the temporary dir should be placed. Defaults to .RequireTempPath()


Logical. Should the directory be created. Default TRUE

See Also


Make a temporary subfile in a temporary (sub-)directory


Make a temporary subfile in a temporary (sub-)directory


  sub = "",
  tempdir = getOption("Require.tempPath", .RequireTempPath()),



Character string, length 1. Can be a result of file.path("smth", "smth2") for nested temporary sub directories.


Optional character string where the temporary dir should be placed. Defaults to .RequireTempPath()


passed to tempfile, e.g., fileext

See Also


Trim version number off a compound package name


The resulting string(s) will have only name (including repository if it exists).





A character string vector of packages with or without GitHub path or versions

See Also



trimVersionNumber("PredictiveEcology/Require (<=0.0.1)")

Update installed packages with latest available versions


Similar to update.packages, but works for archived, non-archived, and Github packages.


  libPaths = .libPaths()[1],
  purge = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")



The library to update; defaults to .libPaths()[1]


Logical. Should the assessment of installed.packages purge the cached version. Default is FALSE


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


Run for its side effect, namely, updating installed packages to their latest possible state, whether they are on CRAN currently, archived, or on GitHub.