dPath <- tempdir()
lccUrl <- paste0(
lcc <- prepInputs(
url = lccUrl, destinationPath = dPath,
targetFile = "LCC2005_V1_4a.tif", alsoExtract = NA
fireUrl <- "https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/downloads/nfdb/fire_poly/current_version/NFDB_poly.zip"
firePolygons <- prepInputs(url = fireUrl, destinationPath = dPath, fun = "sf::read_sf")
firePolygons <- sf::st_transform(firePolygons, crs = crs(lcc))
# rasterize firePolygons
firePolygons$dummyVar <- 1
firePolygons <- firePolygons[firePolygons$YEAR > 2004, ]
fireRaster <- fasterize(sf = firePolygons, raster = lcc, field = "dummyVar")
fireLoc <- 1:ncell(lcc)
fireLoc <- fireLoc[!is.na(getValues(fireRaster))]
burned <- data.table(pixelID = 1:ncell(lcc), lcc = getValues(lcc))
burned[pixelID %in% fireLoc, burn := 1]
burnCalc <- burned[, .(available = .N, burned = sum(burn, na.rm = TRUE)), .(lcc)]
burnCalc[, "percentBurned" := round(burned / available * 100, digits = 3)]
setkey(burnCalc, lcc)
From the plot above (and based on descripitons of each class) we determine the following non-flammable classes:
And for fireSense categories: