"data.table", "dplyr", "pemisc", "PtProcess", "quickPlot",
"raster", "sf", "sp", "SpaDES.core", "", "spatstat"
options(reproducible.useCache = FALSE) # Turn off caching
moduleDir <- checkPath(file.path(tempdir(), "modules"), create = TRUE)
outputDir <- checkPath(file.path(tempdir(), "outputs"), create = TRUE)
modulePath = moduleDir,
outputPath = outputDir
## TODO: download modules to moduleDir -- use git or downloadModule() ???
normalizeRaster <- function(x) { ## TODO: use pemisc version (#9)
# Normalize raster values
(x - minValue(x)) / (maxValue(x) - minValue(x))
is a spatially explicit landscape fire model,
that is, it simulates the fire disturbance in the landscape.
is implemented as a group of SpaDES
modules. A main asset of fireSense
is that it can be
parameterized directly from data using systematic methods while
incorporating sensitivity to different environmental drivers.
To better represent how environmental drivers control fire,
breaks down the fire process into three stages:
ignition, escape, and spread. Sensitivity to environmental drivers can
be introduced at each of these stages and these factors need not
necessarily be identical for all stages. This way each module can be
adapted to your own problem and used to answer your own questions.
In order to facilitate the parameterization of fireSense
from data using systematic methods we have created SpaDES modules
dedicated to these tasks:
These follow the way fireSense
breaks down the fire
process and are named accordingly. For example,
implements methods to fit the
statistical model of fire ignitions. The
module implements methods described
in Marchal et al. (2017),
and fireSense_SpreadFit
implement methods described in Marchal et al. (2019). Each of these modules is associated with
an additional module to facilitate the production of predictive maps
(rasters) or data sets (data.frames). To continue with the example of
fire ignitions, the module fireSense_IgnitionPredict
associated with the fireSense_IgnitionFit
module. One
possible use of the fireSense_IgnitionPredict
module would
be to generate rasters describing in a spatially explicit way the
predicted ignition rates.
In addition of these modules, we implemented the
module to fit statistical model of the
fire size distribution using the tapered Pareto distribution (Schoenberg, Peng, and Woods 2003). The use of
is not a requirement because these
outputs are not required by fireSense
. Although the use of
is optional, it can be used to reduce the
dimensionality of the problem, which helps speed up and facilitate
convergence when using the . module later. Later in this tutorial we
will show how the outputs of the fireSense_SizeFit
can be used as inputs of the fireSense_SpreadFit
Alternatively, the parameter of the tapered Pareto distribution can be used as inputs of the spread model assuming these capture the effect of environmental drivers of fire sizes.
We start by fitting the spread model using the
module. In order to fit this model we
need data about the shape of the fire size distribution. We can predict
it using the fireSense_SizePredict
module and fit the model
to our study region using the fireSense_SizeFit
This tutorial is intended to provide examples to run all
modules without the need to download actual data.
Depending on the fact that some of them have dependencies.
# Create a raster template describing the study area
raster_width <- raster_height <- 100
r_template <- raster(matrix(nrow = raster_height, ncol = raster_width))
# Create rasters describing environmental drivers controlling fire
# Here we use for example the land cover and the weather
## Landcover -- these should be "proportion of that single cover type", e.g., Proportion Deciduous
landTypeOne <- gaussMap(r_template, scale = 300, var = 300)
landTypeOne <- normalizeRaster(landTypeOne)
landTypeTwo <- 1 - landTypeOne
## Weather
weather <- gaussMap(r_template, scale = 300, var = 3000)
# Create low resolution rasters of the environmental drivers
# These are used for fitting the ignition model. The main advantages
# of fire modeling using low resolution are described in Marchal et al. 2017.
# In short, unlike high-resolution modeling, fire locations need not be known
# precisely and do not require data at scales where local homogeneity of
# landcover can be assumed.
landTypeOneLowRes <- aggregate(landTypeOne, fact = 25, fun = mean)
landTypeTwoLowRes <- 1 - landTypeOneLowRes
weatherLowRes <- aggregate(weather, fact = 25, fun = mean)
# Let's use a known pattern / equation
nbFires <- 500
fireLocations <- rpoint(nbFires, f = function(x, y, ...) 300 * y) # Introduce some spatial variability: more fires in the North
fireLocations <- as(fireLocations, "SpatialPoints")
# landcoverDataLowRes <- extract(landTypeOneLowRes, fireLocations, cellnumbers = TRUE) %>%
# as_tibble %>%
# rename(cell_id = 1, landtype_1_pp = 2) %>% # Rename columns using column index
# distinct(cell_id, landtype_1_pp) %>%
# mutate(landtype_2_pp = 1 - landtype_1_pp) # Add a column with the 2nd landcover type
# weatherDataLowRes <- extract(weatherLowRes, fireLocations, cellnumbers = TRUE) %>%
# as_tibble %>%
# rename(cell_id = 1, weather = 2) %>% # Rename columns using column index
# distinct(cell_id, weather)
# Create the dataset necessary to fit the statistical model of fire ignitions
# dataFireSense_IgnitionFit <- landcoverDataLowRes %>%
# group_by(cell_id) %>%
# summarise(n_fires = n()) %>%
# right_join(landcoverDataLowRes) %>%
# left_join(weatherDataLowRes) %>%
# mutate(n_fires = ifelse(, 0, n_fires))
# Converting the above from tibble to data.table
dataFireSense_IgnitionFit <- data.table(
extract(landTypeOneLowRes, fireLocations, cellnumbers = TRUE),
landtype_2_pp = extract(landTypeTwoLowRes, fireLocations, cellnumbers = FALSE),
weather = extract(weatherLowRes, fireLocations, cellnumbers = FALSE)
setnames(dataFireSense_IgnitionFit, old = "layer", new = "landtype_1_pp")
dataFireSense_IgnitionFit <- dataFireSense_IgnitionFit[, list(
n_fires = .N, landtype_1_pp = landtype_1_pp[1],
landtype_2_pp = landtype_2_pp[1], weather = weather[1]
), by = cells]
dataFireSense_EscapeFit <- data.table(
landtype_1_pp = extract(landTypeOne, fireLocations, cellnumbers = FALSE),
landtype_2_pp = extract(landTypeTwo, fireLocations, cellnumbers = FALSE),
weather = extract(weather, fireLocations, cellnumbers = FALSE)
# Create the dataset necessary to fit the statistical model fire escapes
# dataFireSense_EscapeFit <- tibble(
# landtype_1_pp = extract(landTypeOne, fireLocations),
# landtype_2_pp = extract(landTypeTwo, fireLocations),
# weather = extract(weather, fireLocations)
# )
b1 <- .01
b2 <- -1
b3 <- 1
escapeProb <- with(dataFireSense_EscapeFit, binomial()$linkinv(weather * b1 + landtype_1_pp * b2 + landtype_2_pp * b3))
escaped <- rbinom(n = nbFires, size = 1, prob = escapeProb)
dataFireSense_EscapeFit[, `:=`(escaped = escaped, n_fires = 1)]
# dataFireSense_EscapeFit <- mutate(dataFireSense_EscapeFit, escaped = escaped, n_fires = 1)
# Create the dataset necessary to fit the statistical model of the fire size distribution
# Calculate mean landcover and weather conditions around the locations of escaped fires
buf_around_loc_escaped <- gBuffer(fireLocations[as.logical(escaped)], byid = TRUE, width = .03)
landtypeTypeOneBufMn <- extract(landTypeOne, buf_around_loc_escaped) %>%
lapply(mean) %>%
landtypeTypeTwoBufMn <- extract(landTypeTwo, buf_around_loc_escaped) %>%
lapply(mean) %>%
weatherBufMn <- extract(weather, buf_around_loc_escaped) %>%
lapply(mean) %>%
dataFireSense_SizeFit <- data.table(
landtype_1_pp = landtypeTypeOneBufMn,
landtype_2_pp = landtypeTypeTwoBufMn,
weather = weatherBufMn
b1_l <- -.03
b2_l <- 4
b3_l <- -2
lambda <- with(dataFireSense_SizeFit, exp(weather * b1_l + landtype_1_pp * b2_l + landtype_2_pp * b3_l))
b1_t <- .02
b2_t <- 4
b3_t <- 2
theta <- with(dataFireSense_SizeFit, exp(weather * b1_t + landtype_1_pp * b2_t + landtype_2_pp * b3_t))
fireSize <- round(rtappareto(n = length(lambda), lambda = lambda, theta = theta, a = 1))
dataFireSense_SizeFit[, fire_size := fireSize]
# dataFireSense_SizeFit <- mutate(dataFireSense_SizeFit, fire_size = fireSize)
# Create the fire attribute dataset that describes the starting locations
# and the size of the fires to be spread. This is needed to fit the statistical model of spread probabilities
fireAttributesFireSense_SpreadFit <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(fireLocations[as.logical(escaped)],
data = data.frame(size = fireSize)
modules <- list("fireSense_IgnitionFit")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_IgnitionFit module inputs
objects <- list(dataFireSense_IgnitionFit = dataFireSense_IgnitionFit)
# Define fireSense_IgnitionFit module parameters
formula <- formula(n_fires ~ landtype_1_pp:weather + landtype_2_pp:weather - 1)
family <- poisson(link = "identity")
ub <- list(coef = 1)
dataObjName <- "dataFireSense_IgnitionFit"
trace <- 1
iterDEoptim <- 60
iterNlminb <- 100
cores <- 50
parameters <- list(
fireSense_IgnitionFit = list(
formula = formula, # Formula of the statistical model
family = family, # Distribution family, here the negative binomial distribution
ub = ub, # Upper bounds for coefficients to be estimated
data = dataObjName, # Name of the data.frame containing the variables in the statistical model. By default "dataFireSense_IgnitionFit"
trace = trace, # Print progress every 10 iterations
iterDEoptim = iterDEoptim, # Integer defining the maximum number of iterations allowed for the DEoptim optimizer
iterNlminb = iterNlminb, # Number of trials, or searches, to be performed by the nlminb optimizer in order to find the best solution
cores = cores # Number of logical cores to use for parallel computation during optimization
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
params = parameters,
objects = objects,
times = times
fireSense_IgnitionFitted <- sim$fireSense_IgnitionFitted # Extract the fitted model from the sim object
modules <- list("fireSense_EscapeFit")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_EscapeFit module inputs
objects <- list(dataFireSense_EscapeFit = dataFireSense_EscapeFit)
# Define fireSense_EscapeFit module parameters
formula <- formula(cbind(escaped, n_fires - escaped) ~ landtype_1_pp + landtype_2_pp + weather - 1)
dataObjName <- "dataFireSense_EscapeFit"
parameters <- list(
fireSense_EscapeFit = list(
formula = formula, # Formula of the statistical model
data = dataObjName # Name of the data.frame containing the variables in the statistical model. By default "dataFireSense_EscapeFit"
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
params = parameters,
objects = objects,
times = times
fireSense_EscapeFitted <- sim$fireSense_EscapeFitted # Extract the fitted model from the sim object
The purpose of this step is to derive variable fire spread probabilities at the cell level, both spatially and temporally, which are sensitive to environmental drivers that control fire size.
Although the use of fireSense_SizeFit is optional, it can be used to reduce the dimensionality of the problem, which helps speed up and facilitate convergence when using the fireSense_SpreadFit module later. Here, we use the fireSense_SizeFit module to model the relation between fire sizes and flammability conditions as represented by the drought index and the type of fuels. We then use the fireSense_SpreadFit module to convert the fitted equations produced by fireSense_SizeFit into variable probabilities of fire spread at the cell level, which are also sensitive to environmental drivers that control fire size.
modules <- list("fireSense_SizeFit")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_SizeFit module inputs
objects <- list(dataFireSense_SizeFit = dataFireSense_SizeFit)
# Define fireSense_SizeFit module parameters
formula <- formula(fire_size ~ landtype_1_pp + landtype_2_pp + weather - 1)
dataObjName <- "dataFireSense_SizeFit"
parameters <- list(
fireSense_SizeFit = list(
formula = list( # Formulas of the statistical model
beta = formula, # The formulas for the beta and theta parameters of the tapered Pareto.
theta = formula # They do not have to be identical, even if it's the case here
data = dataObjName, # Name of the data.frame containing the variables in the statistical model. By default "dataFireSense_SizeFit"
link = list(
beta = "log", # Link function for the beta parameter of the tapered Pareto
theta = "log" # Link function for the theta parameter of the tapered Pareto
a = 1, # Lower truncation point a of the tapered Pareto
ub = list(
beta = 10,
theta = 10
itermax = 2000,
trace = 100
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
params = parameters,
objects = objects,
times = times
fireSense_SizeFitted <- sim$fireSense_SizeFitted # Extract the fitted model from the sim object
modules <- list("fireSense_SizePredict")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_SizePredict module inputs
objects <- list(
fireSense_SizeFitted = fireSense_SizeFitted,
landtype_1_pp = landTypeOne,
landtype_2_pp = landTypeTwo,
weather = weather
# Define fireSense_SizePredict module outputs
outputs <- rbind(
file = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Beta.tif",
fun = "writeRaster",
objectName = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Beta",
package = "raster",
saveTime = 1
file = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Theta.tif",
fun = "writeRaster",
objectName = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Theta",
package = "raster",
saveTime = 1
# Define fireSense_SizePredict module parameters
parameters <- list(
fireSense_SizePredict = list(
data = c("landtype_1_pp", "landtype_2_pp", "weather"),
modelName = "fireSense_SizeFitted" # This is the default
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
objects = objects,
outputs = outputs,
params = parameters,
times = times
Here, we use the fireSense_SpreadFit
module to convert
them into spatially variable spread probabilities.
modules <- list("fireSense_SpreadFit")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_SpreadFit module inputs
inputs <- rbind(
# tapered Pareto's beta
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Beta",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "beta",
loadTime = 1
# tapered Pareto's theta
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Theta",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "theta",
loadTime = 1
objects <- list(fireAttributesFireSense_SpreadFit = fireAttributesFireSense_SpreadFit)
# Define fireSense_SpreadFit module parameters
formula <- formula(~ I(1 / beta) + log(theta) - 1)
parameters <- list(
fireSense_SpreadFit = list(
formula = formula, # Formula of the statistical model
data = c("beta", "theta"),
lower = c(.01, 0, .1, .3, .001, .001),
upper = c(.20, .1, 10, 4., .300, .300),
cores = 8
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
inputs = inputs,
modules = modules,
objects = objects,
params = parameters,
times = times
fireSense_SpreadFitted <- sim$fireSense_SpreadFitted # Extract the fitted model from the sim object
modules <- list("fireSense_IgnitionPredict")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_IgnitionPredict module inputs
objects <- list(
fireSense_IgnitionFitted = fireSense_IgnitionFitted,
landtype_1_pp = landTypeOne,
landtype_2_pp = landTypeTwo,
weather = weather
# Define fireSense_IgnitionPredict module outputs
outputs <- rbind(
file = paste0("fireSense_IgnitionPredicted.tif"),
fun = "writeRaster",
objectName = "fireSense_IgnitionPredicted",
package = "raster",
saveTime = 1
# Define fireSense_IgnitionPredict module parameters
parameters <- list(
fireSense_IgnitionPredict = list(
data = c("landtype_1_pp", "landtype_2_pp", "weather"),
modelName = "fireSense_IgnitionFitted" # This is the default
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
objects = objects,
outputs = outputs,
params = parameters,
times = times
modules <- list("fireSense_EscapePredict")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_EscapePredict module inputs
objects <- list(
fireSense_EscapeFitted = fireSense_EscapeFitted,
landtype_1_pp = landTypeOne,
landtype_2_pp = landTypeTwo,
weather = weather
# Define fireSense_EscapePredict module outputs
outputs <- rbind(
file = paste0("fireSense_EscapePredicted.tif"),
fun = "writeRaster",
objectName = "fireSense_EscapePredicted",
package = "raster",
saveTime = 1
# Define fireSense_EscapePredict module parameters
parameters <- list(
fireSense_EscapePredict = list(
data = c("landtype_1_pp", "landtype_2_pp", "weather"),
modelName = "fireSense_EscapeFitted" # This is the default
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
objects = objects,
outputs = outputs,
params = parameters,
times = times
modules <- list("fireSense_SpreadPredict")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense_SpreadPredict module inputs
# tapered Pareto's beta
inputs <- rbind(
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Beta",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "beta",
loadTime = 1
# tapered Pareto's theta
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_SizePredicted_Theta",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "theta",
loadTime = 1
objects <- list(fireSense_SpreadFitted = fireSense_SpreadFitted)
# Define fireSense_SpreadPredict module outputs
outputs <- rbind(
file = paste0("fireSense_SpreadPredicted.tif"),
fun = "writeRaster",
objectName = "fireSense_SpreadPredicted",
package = "raster",
saveTime = 1
# Define fireSense_SpreadPredict module parameters
parameters <- list(
fireSense_SpreadPredict = list(
data = c("landtype_1_pp", "landtype_2_pp", "weather"),
modelName = "fireSense_SpreadFitted" # This is the default
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
modules = modules,
objects = objects,
outputs = outputs,
params = parameters,
times = times
modules <- list("fireSense")
times <- list(start = 1, end = 1)
# Define fireSense module inputs
inputs <- rbind(
# Fire ignition rates
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_IgnitionPredicted",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "ignitionProbRaster",
loadTime = 1
# Fire escape probabilities
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_EscapePredicted",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "escapeProbRaster",
loadTime = 1
# Fire spread probabilities
files = dir(
pattern = "fireSense_SpreadPredicted",
full.names = TRUE
functions = "raster::raster",
objectName = "spreadProbRaster",
loadTime = 1
# Run the simulation
sim <- simInitAndSpades(
inputs = inputs,
modules = modules,
objects = objects,
times = times
burnMap <- sim$burnMap
Note that all the steps above could be done in one simulation / SpaDES call.
Read modules metadata, all module parameters are documented in