libcbmr usage examples

Usage examples

Additional examples (may not be fully updated and working) can be found here:

Example 1

Adapted from:



## These are python-side high level models and structures being read-in
cbm_exn_model <- libcbm_cbm_exn_model()
libcbm_resources <- libcbm_libcbm_resources()
model_variables <- libcbm_model_variables()
output_processor <- libcbm_output_processor()

## This function is making a cbm object (confirm?). This object will be used as t=0 in
## annual calculations
spinup <- function(spinup_input) {
  ## with config_path NULL (line 112) default CBM-CFS3 derived parameters are
  ## used, assign the config path here for the cbm_exn_model$initialize method.
  ## That will set a path from where all of the parameters will be read from,
  ## and if it's not specified it will pull these parameters from
  ## if
  ## you make your own directory with these same files you will override the
  ## defaults.
  ## GitHub location contains:
  ## decay_parameters.csv - this is a match to
  ## outDefaults$cbmData@decayParameters except that the
  ## outDefaults$cbmData@decayParameters$SoilPoolID (numbers 1 to 11) are named
  ## in decay_parameters.csv.
  ## disturburbance_matrix_association.csv(12753X4)  - this is a match to
  ## outDefaults$cbmData@disturbanceMatrixAssociation (6082X3) plus one column
  ## named "sw_hw" associating a sw or hw to each diturbance_matrix_id
  ##TODO Scott? why is csv not 2X the cbmData?
  ## disturbance_matrix_value.csv (14793X4) - this is a match
  ## outDefaults$cbmData@disturbanceMatrixValues (21339X4) except that instead
  ## of "ids" (source_pool_id sink_pool_id), the source_pool and sink_pool are
  ## named in disturbance_matrix_value.csv.
  ## flux.json file does not have an equivalent in sim$cbmData as it defines the
  ## fluxes (from where to where). It is probably built in the model_definition
  ## python module and into the c++ functions in spadesCBM (##TODO Scott? is
  ## this right?)
  ## pools.json is defined in CBMutils::.pooldef, right now pools.json does not
  ## have a softwood/hardwood split (fewer pools) then CBMutils::.pooldef, which
  ## has the CBM-CFS3 pools.

  ## root_parameters.csv (1X8) - this partly matches
  ## myDefaults$cbmData@rootParameters (48X7). root_parameters.csv has one line
  ## instead of repeating the same line for all SPUs, 

  ## biomass_to_carbon_rate (constant at 0.5) which is here
  ## myDefaults$cbmData@biomassToCarbonRate in spadesCBM (column names are a bit
  ## different too)
  ## SpatialUnitID rb_hw_a rb_sw_a rb_hw_b frp_a frp_b frp_c  versus
  ## id hw_a    sw_a    hw_b    frp_a   frp_b   frp_c   biomass_to_carbon_rate
  ## slow_mixing_rate.csv - this matches
  ## myDefaults$cbmData@slowAGtoBGTransferRate (which is a matrix not a data
  ## frame). This value does not vary across Canada.
  ## species.csv (194X6) - the information on this table is partly in the
  ## canfi_species.csv we provide with the CBM_vol2biomass module. It is not
  ## quite the same. Here are the coumn names and I don't know if they match:
  ## species_id species_name    genus_id    genus_name  forest_type_id  forest_type_name
  ## versus
  ## canfi_species,genus,species,name,forest_type_id
  ##TODO we might need to check that species match or are we going to inegrate
  ##these CBM species into the spacies look-up table in LandR?
  ## turnover_parameters.csv (96X12) - this almost matches this file
  ## spadesCBMrunsSK$cbmData@turnoverRates (15X13) except that the .csv has
  ## spatial_unit_id, while cbmData@turnoverRates has EcoBoundaryID, .csv has a
  ## separate column for sw_hw, and cbmData@turnoverRates has foliage and branch
  ## columns for each sw and hw.
  with(cbm_exn_model$initialize(config_path = NULL) %as% cbm, {
    # the spinup function creates the t=0 cbm_vars
    # but you can save and or load cbm_vars for each
    # timestep at the end of spinup point
    cbm_vars <- cbm$spinup(spinup_input)

## working through all processes
step <- function(cbm_vars) {
  with(cbm_exn_model$initialize(config_path = NULL) %as% cbm, {
    cbm_vars <- cbm$step(cbm_vars)

## in this example the increments are one curve (1-17 years old) with Merch
## Foliage Other (all softwood)
net_increments <- read.csv(

colnames(net_increments) <- c("age", "merch_inc", "foliage_inc", "other_inc")
stand_increments <- NULL
n_stands <- 1000
for (i in 0:(n_stands - 1)) { ## indexing in python starts at zero
  copied_increments <- data.frame(net_increments)
  copied_increments <- cbind(data.frame(row_idx = i), copied_increments)
  stand_increments <- rbind(stand_increments, copied_increments)

spinup_parameters <- data.frame(
  age = sample(0L:60L, n_stands, replace = TRUE),
  area = rep(1.0, n_stands),
  delay = rep(0L, n_stands),
  return_interval = rep(125L, n_stands),
  min_rotations = rep(10L, n_stands),
  max_rotations = rep(30L, n_stands),
  spatial_unit_id = rep(17L, n_stands), # Ontario/Mixedwood plains
  species = rep(20L, n_stands), # red pine
  mean_annual_temperature = rep(2.55, n_stands),
  historical_disturbance_type = rep(1L, n_stands),
  last_pass_disturbance_type = rep(1L, n_stands)

## run spinup
cbm_vars <- spinup(
  ## this is an R function that creates a python dictionary
    parameters = spinup_parameters,
    increments = stand_increments

## run 50 timesteps

##TODO Not sure what this does - speculating: the python-side puts all the
##results together and this goes and gets them there?
out_processor <- output_processor$ModelOutputProcessor()
for (t in 1:50) {
  cbm_vars$parameters$mean_annual_temperature <- 2.55
  cbm_vars$parameters$disturbance_type <- sample(
    c(0L, 1L, 4L), n_stands,
    replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.98, 0.01, 0.01)

  # look up the original increments and join to the current stand age
  step_increments <- join(
    x = data.frame(age = cbm_vars$state$age),
    y = net_increments,
    by = "age"

  # since some of the ages are out of range for the defined
  # data, set the increments to 0
  step_increments$merch_inc[$merch_inc)] <- 0
  step_increments$foliage_inc[$foliage_inc)] <- 0
  step_increments$other_inc[$other_inc)] <- 0

  # assign the merged increments to the parameters data.frame
  cbm_vars$parameters$merch_inc <- step_increments$merch_inc
  cbm_vars$parameters$foliage_inc <- step_increments$foliage_inc
  cbm_vars$parameters$other_inc <- step_increments$other_inc
  cbm_vars <- step(cbm_vars)

  out_processor$append_results(t, model_variables$ModelVariables$from_pandas(cbm_vars))

results <- out_processor$get_results()

## convert results to R data.frames
pools <- results["pools"]$to_pandas()
flux <- results["flux"]$to_pandas()
parameters <- results["parameters"]$to_pandas()
state <- results["state"]$to_pandas()

