Package 'SpaDES.core'

Title: Core Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Models
Description: Provides the core framework for a discrete event system to implement a complete data-to-decisions, reproducible workflow. The core components facilitate the development of modular pieces, and enable the user to include additional functionality by running user-built modules. Includes conditional scheduling, restart after interruption, packaging of reusable modules, tools for developing arbitrary automated workflows, automated interweaving of modules of different temporal resolution, and tools for visualizing and understanding the within-project dependencies. The suggested package 'NLMR' can be installed from the repository (<>).
Authors: Alex M Chubaty [aut] , Eliot J B McIntire [aut, cre] , Yong Luo [ctb], Steve Cumming [ctb], Ceres Barros [ctb] , His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada [cph]
Maintainer: Eliot J B McIntire <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-14 01:20:11 UTC

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Categorized overview of the SpaDES.core package


This package allows implementation a variety of simulation-type models, with a focus on spatially explicit models. The core simulation components are built upon a discrete event simulation framework that facilitates modularity, and easily enables the user to include additional functionality by running user-built simulation modules. Included are numerous tools to visualize various spatial data formats, as well as non-spatial data. Much work has been done to speed up the core of the DES, with current benchmarking as low as 56 microseconds overhead for each event (including scheduling, sorting event queue, spawning event etc.) or 38 microseconds if there is no sorting (i.e., no sorting occurs under simple conditions). Under most event conditions, therefore, the DES itself will contribute very minimally compared to the content of the events, which may often be milliseconds to many seconds each event.

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1 Spatial discrete event simulation (SpaDES)

A collection of top-level functions for doing spatial discrete event simulation.

1.1 Simulations

There are two workhorse functions that initialize and run a simulation, and third function for doing multiple spades runs:

simInit() Initialize a new simulation
spades() Run a discrete event simulation
experiment In SpaDES.experiment package. Run multiple spades() calls
experiment2 In SpaDES.experiment package. Run multiple spades() calls

1.2 Events

Within a module, important simulation functions include:

scheduleEvent() Schedule a simulation event
scheduleConditionalEvent() Schedule a conditional simulation event
removeEvent Remove an event from the simulation queue (not yet implemented)

2 The simList object class

The principle exported object class is the simList. All SpaDES simulations operate on this object class.

simList() The simList class

3 simList methods

Collections of commonly used functions to retrieve or set slots (and their elements) of a simList() object are summarized further below.

3.1 Simulation parameters

globals() List of global simulation parameters.
params() Nested list of all simulation parameter.
P() Namespaced version of params() (i.e., do not have to specify module name).

3.2 loading from disk, saving to disk

inputs() List of loaded objects used in simulation. (advanced)
outputs() List of objects to save during simulation. (advanced)

3.3 objects in the simList

ls(), objects() Names of objects referenced by the simulation environment.
ls.str() List the structure of the simList objects.
objs() List of objects referenced by the simulation environment.

3.4 Simulation paths

Accessor functions for the paths slot and its elements.

cachePath() Global simulation cache path.
modulePath() Global simulation module path.
inputPath() Global simulation input path.
outputPath() Global simulation output path.
rasterPath() Global simulation temporary raster path.
paths() Global simulation paths (cache, modules, inputs, outputs, rasters).

3.5 Simulation times

Accessor functions for the simtimes slot and its elements.

time() Current simulation time, in units of longest module.
start() Simulation start time, in units of longest module.
end() Simulation end time, in units of longest module.
times() List of all simulation times (current, start, end), in units of longest module..

3.6 Simulation event queues

Accessor functions for the events and completed slots. By default, the event lists are shown when the simList object is printed, thus most users will not require direct use of these methods.

events() Scheduled simulation events (the event queue). (advanced)
current() Currently executing event. (advanced)
completed() Completed simulation events. (advanced)
elapsedTime() The amount of clock time that modules & events use

3.7 Modules, dependencies, packages

Accessor functions for the depends, modules, and .loadOrder slots. These are included for advanced users.

depends() List of simulation module dependencies. (advanced)
modules() List of simulation modules to be loaded. (advanced)
packages() Vector of required R libraries of all modules. (advanced)

3.8 simList environment

The simList() has a slot called .xData which is an environment. All objects in the simList are actually in this environment, i.e., the simList is not a list. In R, environments use pass-by-reference semantics, which means that copying a simList object using normal R assignment operation (e.g., sim2 <- sim1), will not copy the objects contained within the .xData slot. The two objects (sim1 and sim2) will share identical objects within that slot. Sometimes, this not desired, and a true copy is required.

envir() Access the environment of the simList directly (advanced)
copy() Deep copy of a simList. (advanced)

3.9 Checkpointing

Accessor method Module Description
checkpointFile() checkpoint Name of the checkpoint file. (advanced)
checkpointInterval() checkpoint The simulation checkpoint interval. (advanced)

3.10 Progress Bar

progressType() .progress Type of graphical progress bar used. (advanced)
progressInterval() .progress Interval for the progress bar. (advanced)

4 Module operations

4.1 Creating, distributing, and downloading modules

Modules are the basic unit of SpaDES. These are generally created and stored locally, or are downloaded from remote repositories, including our SpaDES-modules repository on GitHub.

checksums() Verify (and optionally write) checksums for a module's data files.
downloadModule() Open all modules nested within a base directory.
getModuleVersion() Get the latest module version # from module repository.
newModule() Create new module from template.
newModuleDocumentation() Create empty documentation for a new module.
openModules() Open all modules nested within a base directory.
moduleMetadata() Shows the module metadata.
zipModule() Zip a module and its associated files.

4.2 Module metadata

Each module requires several items to be defined. These comprise the metadata for that module (including default parameter specifications, inputs and outputs), and are currently written at the top of the module's .R file.

defineModule() Define the module metadata
defineParameter() Specify a parameter's name, value and set a default
expectsInput() Specify an input object's name, class, description, sourceURL and other specifications
createsOutput() Specify an output object's name, class, description and other specifications

There are also accessors for many of the metadata entries:

timeunit() Accesses metadata of same name
citation() Accesses metadata of same name
documentation() Accesses metadata of same name
reqdPkgs() Accesses metadata of same name
inputObjects() Accesses metadata of same name
outputObjects() Accesses metadata of same name

4.3 Module dependencies

Once a set of modules have been chosen, the dependency information is automatically calculated once simInit is run. There are several functions to assist with dependency information:

depsEdgeList() Build edge list for module dependency graph
depsGraph() Build a module dependency graph using igraph

5 Module functions

A collection of functions that help with making modules can be found in the suggested package, and are summarized below.

5.1 Spatial spreading/distances methods

Spatial contagion is a key phenomenon for spatially explicit simulation models. Contagion can be modelled using discrete approaches or continuous approaches. Several functions assist with these: An optimized (i.e., faster) version of terra::adjacent() Identify pixels in a circle around a SpatialPoints*() object
directionFromEachPoint() Fast calculation of direction and distance surfaces Fast calculation of distance surfaces Identify rings around focal cells (e.g., buffers and donuts) Identify outward radiating spokes from initial points Contagious cellular automata Contagious cellular automata, different algorithm, more robust Create a torus from a grid

5.2 Spatial agent methods

Agents have several methods and functions specific to them: Simple correlated random walk function Determines the heading between ⁠SpatialPoints*⁠
quickPlot::makeLines() Makes SpatialLines object for, e.g., drawing arrows
move() A meta function that can currently only take "crw"
specificNumPerPatch() Initiate a specific number of agents per patch

5.3 GIS operations

In addition to the vast amount of GIS operations available in R (mostly from contributed packages such as sf, terra, (also sp, raster), maps, maptools and many others), we provide the following GIS-related functions:

equalExtent() Assess whether a list of extents are all equal

5.4 'Map-reduce'–type operations

These functions convert between reduced and mapped representations of the same data. This allows compact representation of, e.g., rasters that have many individual pixels that share identical information. Convert reduced representation to full raster.

5.5 Colours in ⁠Raster*⁠ objects

We likely will not want the default colours for every map. Here are several helper functions to add to, set and get colours of ⁠Raster*⁠ objects:

setColors() Set colours for plotting ⁠Raster*⁠ objects
getColors() Get colours in a ⁠Raster*⁠ objects
divergentColors() Create a colour palette with diverging colours around a middle

5.6 Random Map Generation

It is often useful to build dummy maps with which to build simulation models before all data are available. These dummy maps can later be replaced with actual data maps. Creates a random map using Gaussian random fields Creates a random polygon with specified number of classes

5.7 Checking for the existence of objects

SpaDES modules will often require the existence of objects in the simList. These are helpers for assessing this:

checkObject() Check for a existence of an object within a simList
reproducible::checkPath() Checks the specified filepath for formatting consistencies

5.8 SELES-type approach to simulation

These functions are essentially skeletons and are not fully implemented. They are intended to make translations from SELES ( You must know how to use SELES for these to be useful:

agentLocation() Agent location Initiate agents into a SpatialPointsDataFrame
numAgents() Number of agents
probInit() Probability of initiating an agent or event
transitions() Transition probability

5.9 Miscellaneous

Functions that may be useful within a SpaDES context: Test whether a number lies within range ⁠[a,b]⁠
layerNames() Get layer names for numerous object classes
numLayers() Return number of layers
paddedFloatToChar() Wrapper for padding (e.g., zeros) floating numbers to character

6 Caching simulations and simulation components

Simulation caching uses the reproducible package.

Caching can be done in a variety of ways, most of which are up to the module developer. However, the one most common usage would be to cache a simulation run. This might be useful if a simulation is very long, has been run once, and the goal is just to retrieve final results. This would be an alternative to manually saving the outputs.

See example in spades(), achieved by using cache = TRUE argument.

reproducible::Cache() Caches a function, but often accessed as argument in spades()
reproducible::showCache() Shows information about the objects in the cache
reproducible::clearCache() Removes objects from the cache
reproducible::keepCache() Keeps only the objects described

A module developer can build caching into their module by creating cached versions of their functions.

7 Plotting

Much of the underlying plotting functionality is provided by quickPlot.

There are several user-accessible plotting functions that are optimized for modularity and speed of plotting:

Commonly used:

Plot() The workhorse plotting function

Simulation diagrams:

eventDiagram() Gantt chart representing the events in a completed simulation.
moduleDiagram() Network diagram of simplified module (object) dependencies.
objectDiagram() Sequence diagram of detailed object dependencies.

Other useful plotting functions:

clearPlot() Helpful for resolving many errors
clickValues() Extract values from a raster object at the mouse click location(s)
clickExtent() Zoom into a raster or polygon map that was plotted with Plot()
clickCoordinates() Get the coordinates, in map units, under mouse click
dev() Specify which device to plot on, making a non-RStudio one as default
newPlot() Open a new default plotting device
rePlot() Re-plots all elements of device for refreshing or moving plot

8 File operations

In addition to R's file operations, we have added several here to aid in bulk loading and saving of files for simulation purposes:

loadFiles() Load simulation objects according to a file list
rasterToMemory() Read a raster from file to RAM
saveFiles() Save simulation objects according to outputs and parameters

9 Sample modules included in package

Several dummy modules are included for testing of functionality. These can be found with file.path(find.package("SpaDES.core"), "sampleModules").

randomLandscapes Imports, updates, and plots several raster map layers
caribouMovement A simple agent-based (a.k.a., individual-based) model
fireSpread A simple model of a spatial spread process

10 Package options

SpaDES packages use the following options() to configure behaviour:

  • spades.browserOnError: If TRUE, the default, then any error rerun the same event with debugonce called on it to allow editing to be done. When that browser is continued (e.g., with 'c'), then it will save it reparse it into the simList and rerun the edited version. This may allow a spades call to be recovered on error, though in many cases that may not be the correct behaviour. For example, if the simList gets updated inside that event in an iterative manner, then each run through the event will cause that iteration to occur. When this option is TRUE, then the event will be run at least 3 times: the first time makes the error, the second time has debugonce and the third time is after the error is addressed. TRUE is likely somewhat slower.

  • reproducible.cachePath: The default local directory in which to cache simulation outputs. Default is a temporary directory (typically ⁠/tmp/RtmpXXX/SpaDES/cache⁠).

  • spades.inputPath: The default local directory in which to look for simulation inputs. Default is a temporary directory (typically ⁠/tmp/RtmpXXX/SpaDES/inputs⁠).

  • spades.debug: The default debugging value debug argument in spades(). Default is TRUE.

  • spades.lowMemory: If true, some functions will use more memory efficient (but slower) algorithms. Default FALSE.

  • spades.moduleCodeChecks: Should the various code checks be run during simInit. These are passed to codetools::checkUsage(). Default is given by the function, plus these :list(suppressParamUnused = FALSE, suppressUndefined = TRUE, suppressPartialMatchArgs = FALSE, suppressNoLocalFun = TRUE, skipWith = TRUE).

  • spades.modulePath: The default local directory where modules and data will be downloaded and stored. Default is a temporary directory (typically ⁠/tmp/RtmpXXX/SpaDES/modules⁠).

  • spades.moduleRepo: The default GitHub repository to use when downloading modules via downloadModule. Default "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES-modules".

  • spades.nCompleted: The maximum number of completed events to retain in the completed event queue. Default 1000L.

  • spades.outputPath: The default local directory in which to save simulation outputs. Default is a temporary directory (typically ⁠/tmp/RtmpXXX/SpaDES/outputs⁠).

  • spades.recoveryMode: If this a numeric greater than 0 or TRUE, then the discrete event simulator will take a snapshot of the objects in the simList that might change (based on metadata outputObjects for that module), prior to initiating every event. This will allow the user to be able to recover in case of an error or manual interruption (e.g., Esc). If this is numeric, a copy of that number of "most recent events" will be maintained so that the user can recover and restart more than one event in the past, i.e., redo some of the "completed" events. Default is TRUE, i.e., it will keep the state of the simList at the start of the current event. This can be recovered with restartSpades and the differences can be seen in a hidden object in the stashed simList. There is a message which describes how to find that.

  • spades.switchPkgNamespaces: Should the search path be modified to ensure a module's required packages are listed first? Default FALSE to keep computational overhead down. If TRUE, there should be no name conflicts among package objects, but it is much slower, especially if the events are themselves fast.

  • spades.tolerance: The default tolerance value used for floating point number comparisons. Default .Machine$double.eps^0.5.

  • spades.useragent: The default user agent to use for downloading modules from Default "".


Maintainer: Eliot J B McIntire [email protected] (ORCID)


Other contributors:

See Also


.addChangedAttr for simList objects


This will evaluate which elements in the simList object changed following this Cached function call. It will add a named character string as an attribute attr(x, ".Cache")$changed, indicating which ones changed. When this function is subsequently called again, only these changed objects will be returned. All other simList objects will remain unchanged.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
.addChangedAttr(object, preDigest, origArguments, ...)



Any R object returned from a function


The full, element by element hash of the input arguments to that same function, e.g., from .robustDigest


These are the actual arguments (i.e., the values, not the names) that were the source for preDigest


Anything passed to methods.


returns the object with attribute added

See Also


.addTagsToOutput for simList objects


See reproducible::.addTagsToOutput().


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
.addTagsToOutput(object, outputObjects, FUN, preDigestByClass)



Any R object returned from a function


Optional character vector indicating which objects to return. This is only relevant for list, environment (or similar) objects


A function


A list, usually from .preDigestByClass


modified object, with attributes added


Eliot McIntire

.cacheMessage for simList objects


See reproducible::.cacheMessage().


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
  fromMemoise = getOption("reproducible.useMemoise", TRUE),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")



Any R object returned from a function


A character string indicating the function name


Logical. If TRUE, the message will be about recovery from memoised copy


Numeric, -1 silent (where possible), 0 being very quiet, 1 showing more messaging, 2 being more messaging, etc. Default is 1. Above 3 will output much more information about the internals of Caching, which may help diagnose Caching challenges. Can set globally with an option, e.g., ⁠options('reproducible.verbose' = 0) to reduce to minimal⁠

See Also


.checkCacheRepo for simList objects


See reproducible::.checkCacheRepo().


## S4 method for signature 'list'
.checkCacheRepo(object, create = FALSE)



Any R object returned from a function


Logical. If TRUE, then it will create the path for cache.


character string representing a directory path to the cache repo

See Also


File extensions map


How to load various types of files in R.

This function has two roles:

  1. to proceed with the loading of files that are in a simList; or

  2. as a shortcut to simInit(inputs = filelist).

A data.frame with information on how to load various types of files in R, containing the columns:

  • exts: the file extension;

  • fun: the function to use for files with this file extension;

  • package: the package from which to load fun.



loadFiles(sim, filelist, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
loadFiles(sim, filelist, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY'
loadFiles(sim, filelist, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing'
loadFiles(sim, filelist, ...)




simList object.


list or data.frame to call loadFiles directly from the filelist as described in Details


Additional arguments.


data.frame of file extension, package, and function mappings

the modified sim, invisibly.



Generally not intended to be used by users.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

See Also




# Load random maps included with package
filelist <- data.frame(
  files = dir(getMapPath(tempdir()), full.names = TRUE),
  functions = "rasterToMemory",
  package = "SpaDES.core"
sim1 <- loadFiles(filelist = filelist) # loads all the maps to sim1 simList

# Second, more sophisticated. All maps loaded at time = 0, and the last one is reloaded
#  at time = 10 and 20 (via "intervals").
# Also, pass the single argument as a list to all functions...
#  specifically, when add "native = TRUE" as an argument to the raster function
files <- dir(getMapPath(tempdir()), full.names = TRUE)
arguments <- I(rep(list(lyrs = 1), length(files)))
filelist <- data.frame(
   files = files,
   functions = "terra::rast",
   objectName = NA,
   arguments = arguments,
   loadTime = 0,
   intervals = c(rep(NA, length(files)-1), 10)

sim2 <- loadFiles(filelist = filelist) # only does the time = 0 loading; see next
end(sim2) <- 10
sim2 <- spades(sim2) # loads the object at time 10

# if we extend the end time and continue running, it will load an object scheduled
#  at time = 10, and it will also schedule a new object loading at 20 because
#  interval = 10
end(sim2) <- 20
sim2 <- spades(sim2) # loads the percentPine map 2 more times, once at 10, once at 20

Find simList in a nested list


This is recursive, so it will find the all simLists even if they are deeply nested.





any object, used here only when it is a list with at least one simList in it

Guess package of a function


Guess package of a function





character. A function name


character. The package and function name as "pkg::bsf"

.parseElems for simList class objects


See quickPlot::.parseElems().


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
.parseElems(tmp, elems, envir)



A evaluated object


A character string to be parsed


An environment


An object, parsed from a character string and an environment.

See Also


Pre-digesting method for simList


Takes a snapshot of simList objects.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'



Any R object returned from a function


See reproducible::.preDigestByClass().


character vector corresponding to the names of objects stored in the .xData slot


Eliot McIntire

See Also


.prepareOutput for simList objects


See reproducible::.prepareOutput().


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
.prepareOutput(object, cachePath, ...)



Any R object returned from a function


A repository used for storing cached objects. This is optional if Cache is used inside a SpaDES module.


Anything passed to methods.


the modified object

See Also


The SpaDES.core variable to switch between quick and robust checking


A variable that can be use by module developers and model users to switch between a quick check of functions like downloadData, Cache. The module developer must actually use this in their code.




An object of class logical of length 1.

Generate random strings


Generate a vector of random alphanumeric strings each of an arbitrary length.


.rndstr(n = 1, len = 8)

rndstr(n, len, characterFirst)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,numeric,logical'
rndstr(n, len, characterFirst)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,numeric,missing'
rndstr(n, len)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,missing,logical'
rndstr(n, characterFirst)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,numeric,logical'
rndstr(len, characterFirst)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,missing,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'missing,numeric,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing,logical'

## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing,missing'
rndstr(n, len, characterFirst)



Number of strings to generate (default 1). Will attempt to coerce to integer value.


Length of strings to generate (default 8). Will attempt to coerce to integer value.


Logical, if TRUE, then a letter will be the first character of the string (useful if being used for object names).


Character vector of random strings.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire


rndstr(len = 10)
rndstr(characterFirst = FALSE)
rndstr(n = 5, len = 10)
rndstr(n = 5)
rndstr(n = 5, characterFirst = TRUE)
rndstr(len = 10, characterFirst = TRUE)
rndstr(n = 5, len = 10, characterFirst = TRUE)

.robustDigest for simList objects


This is intended to be used within the Cache function, but can be used to evaluate what a simList would look like once it is converted to a repeatably digestible object.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
.robustDigest(object, .objects, length, algo, quick, classOptions)



an object to digest.


Character vector of objects to be digested. This is only applicable if there is a list, environment (or similar) with named objects within it. Only this/these objects will be considered for caching, i.e., only use a subset of the list, environment or similar objects. In the case of nested list-type objects, this will only be applied outermost first.


Numeric. If the element passed to Cache is a Path class object (from e.g., asPath(filename)) or it is a Raster with file-backing, then this will be passed to digest::digest, essentially limiting the number of bytes to digest (for speed). This will only be used if quick = FALSE. Default is getOption("reproducible.length"), which is set to Inf.


The algorithms to be used; currently available choices are md5, which is also the default, sha1, crc32, sha256, sha512, xxhash32, xxhash64, murmur32, spookyhash, blake3, crc32c, xxh3_64, and xxh3_128.


Logical or character. If TRUE, no disk-based information will be assessed, i.e., only memory content. See Details section about quick in Cache().


Optional list. This will pass into .robustDigest for specific classes. Should be options that the .robustDigest knows what to do with.


See reproducible::.robustDigest(). This method strips out stuff from a simList class object that would make it otherwise not reproducibly digestible between sessions, operating systems, or machines. This will likely still not allow identical digest results across R versions.


Eliot McIntire

See Also


.tagsByClass for simList objects


See reproducible::.tagsByClass(). Adds current moduleName, eventType, eventTime, and ⁠function:spades⁠ as userTags.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'



Any R object returned from a function


Eliot McIntire

See Also


Methods for .wrap and .unwrap


Methods for .wrap and .unwrap


## S3 method for class 'simList'
  drv = getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL),
  conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),
  outputObjects = NULL,

## S3 method for class '.simDeps'
.wrap(obj, ...)

## S3 method for class '.simDeps'
.unwrap(obj, ...)

## S3 method for class '.moduleDeps'
.wrap(obj, ...)

## S3 method for class '.moduleDeps'
.unwrap(obj, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simList'
  drv = getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL),
  conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),



Any arbitrary R object.


A repository used for storing cached objects. This is optional if Cache is used inside a SpaDES module.


The list of preDigest that comes from CacheDigest of an object


an object that inherits from DBIDriver, or an existing DBIConnection object (in order to clone an existing connection).


A DBIConnection object, as returned by dbConnect().


Numeric, -1 silent (where possible), 0 being very quiet, 1 showing more messaging, 2 being more messaging, etc. Default is 1. Above 3 will output much more information about the internals of Caching, which may help diagnose Caching challenges. Can set globally with an option, e.g., ⁠options('reproducible.verbose' = 0) to reduce to minimal⁠


Optional character vector indicating which objects to return. This is only relevant for list, environment (or similar) objects


Other arguments. Can be in the form of tagKey = tagValue, such as, class = "numeric" to find all entries that are numerics in the cache. Note: the special cases of cacheId and fun have their own named arguments in these functions. Also can be regexp = xx, where xx is TRUE if the user is passing a regular expression. Otherwise, userTags will need to be exact matches. Default is missing, which is the same as TRUE. If there are errors due to regular expression problem, try FALSE. For cc, it is passed to clearCache, e.g., ask, userTags. For showCache, it can also be sorted = FALSE to return the object unsorted.


An optional character vector describing the cacheIds to extract. Only entries with this/these cacheIds will be returned. If useDBI(FALSE), this will also be dramatically faster than using userTags, for a large cache.


The same object as passed into the function, but dealt with so that it can be saved to disk.

Extract an intact simList but with subset of objects


This is copies the non-object components of a simList (e.g., events, etc.) then selects only the objects listed in i using Copy(mget(i, envir(sim))) and adds them to the returned simList.


## S4 method for signature 'simList,character,ANY'
x[i, j, ..., drop = TRUE]



A simList


A character vector of objects to select.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


The [ method returns a complete simList class with all the slots copied from the original, but only the named objects in i are returned.


Eliot McIntire


s <- simInit()
s$a <- 1
s$b <- 2
s$d <- 3
s[c("a", "d")] # a simList with only 2 objects

All equal method for simList objects


This function removes a few attributes that are added internally by SpaDES.core and are not relevant to the all.equal. One key element removed is any time stamps, as these are guaranteed to be different. A possibly very important argument to pass to the ... is check.attributes = FALSE which will allow successful comparisons of many objects that might have pointers.


## S3 method for class 'simList'
all.equal(target, current, ...)



R object.


other R object, to be compared with target.


further arguments for different methods, notably the following two, for numerical comparison:


See base::all.equal()

Test whether there should be any plotting from .plots module parameter


This will do all the various tests needed to determine whether plotting of one sort or another will occur. Testing any of the types as listed in Plots() argument types. Only the first 3 letters of the type are required.





Usually will be the P(sim)$.plots is used within a module.


logical of length 1

Append attributes


Ordinary base lists and vectors do not retain their attributes when subsetted or appended. This function appends items to a list while preserving the attributes of items in the list (but not of the list itself).


append_attr(x, y)

## S4 method for signature 'list,list'
append_attr(x, y)


x, y

A list of items with optional attributes.


Similar to updateList but does not require named lists.


An updated list with attributes.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire


tmp1 <- list("apple", "banana")
tmp1 <- lapply(tmp1, `attributes<-`, list(type = "fruit"))
tmp2 <- list("carrot")
tmp2 <- lapply(tmp2, `attributes<-`, list(type = "vegetable"))
append_attr(tmp1, tmp2)
rm(tmp1, tmp2)

Simple wrapper around data.table::rbindlist


This simply sets defaults to fill = TRUE, and use.names = TRUE.





one or more data.frame, data.table, or list objects


a data.table object

Check for the existence of a remote module


Looks in the remote repo for a module named name.


checkModule(name, repo)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
checkModule(name, repo)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'



Character string giving the module name.


GitHub repository name. Default is "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES-modules", which is specified by the global option spades.moduleRepo.


a character vector of module file paths (invisibly).


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

Check for the existence of a module locally


Looks the module path for a module named name, and checks for existence of all essential module files listed below.


checkModuleLocal(name, path, version)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character'
checkModuleLocal(name, path, version)

## S4 method for signature 'character,ANY,ANY'
checkModuleLocal(name, path, version)



Character string giving the module name.


Local path to modules directory. Default is specified by the global option spades.modulePath.


Character specifying the desired module version.


  • data/CHECKSUMS.txt

  • name.R


Logical indicating presence of the module (invisibly).


Alex Chubaty

Uses "." if getPath not set


Will compare default in spadesOptions to getPaths ... these will be same if use has not set them. For such case, use ".". They will be different if the user has used setPaths. If that is the case, then use getPaths()[["modulePath"]]



Check for existence of object(s) referenced by a objects slot of a simList object


Check that a named object exists in the provide simList environment slot, and optionally has desired attributes.


checkObject(sim, name, object, layer, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,ANY,ANY'
checkObject(sim, name, object, layer, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,character,missing'
checkObject(sim, name, object, layer, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,ANY'
checkObject(sim, name, object, layer, ...)



A simList() object.


A character string specifying the name of an object to be checked.


An object. This is mostly used internally, or with layer, because it will fail if the object does not exist.


Character string, specifying a layer name in a Raster, if the name is a ⁠Raster*⁠ object.


Additional arguments. Not implemented.


Invisibly return TRUE indicating object exists; FALSE if not.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire

See Also



sim <- simInit()
sim$a <- 1
sim$b <- list(d = 1)
sim$r <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0,2,0,2), res = 1, vals = 2)
sim$s <- c(sim$r, terra::rast(terra::ext(0,2,0,2), res = 1, vals = 3))
names(sim$s) <- c("r1", "r2") # give layer names
(checkObject(sim, name = "a")) # TRUE
(checkObject(sim, name = "b", layer = "d")) # TRUE
(checkObject(sim, name = "d")) # FALSE
(checkObject(sim, name = "r")) # TRUE
(checkObject(sim, object = sim$s)) # TRUE
(checkObject(sim, object = sim$s, layer = "r1")) # TRUE

Check use and existence of parameters passed to simulation.


Checks that all parameters passed are used in a module, and that all parameters used in a module are passed.


checkParams(sim, coreParams, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,list'
checkParams(sim, coreParams, ...)



A simList simulation object.


List of default core parameters.


Additional arguments. Not implemented.


Invisibly return TRUE indicating object exists; FALSE if not. Sensible messages are produced identifying missing parameters.


Alex Chubaty

Simulation checkpoints


Save and reload the current state of the simulation, including the state of the random number generator, by scheduling checkpoint events.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

checkpointFile(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
checkpointFile(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

checkpointInterval(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
checkpointInterval(sim) <- value

doEvent.checkpoint(sim, eventTime, eventType, debug = FALSE)


.checkpointSave(sim, file)



A simList simulation object.


The parameter value to be set (in the corresponding module and param).


A numeric specifying the time of the next event.


A character string specifying the type of event: one of either "init", "load", or "save".


Optional logical flag determines whether sim debug info will be printed (default debug = FALSE).


The checkpoint file.


Returns the modified simList object.


Checkpoint files are intended to be used locally, and do not invoke the simulation archiving tools to bundle and subsequently extract simulation files (e.g., file-backed rasters).

RNG save code adapted from: and


Alex Chubaty

See Also


Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()

Calculate checksum for a module's data files


Verify (and optionally write) checksums for data files in a module's ‘data/’ subdirectory. The file ‘data/CHECKSUMS.txt’ contains the expected checksums for each data file. Checksums are computed using reproducible:::.digest, which is simply a wrapper around digest::digest.


checksums(module, path, ...)



Character string giving the name of the module.


Character string giving the path to the module directory.


Passed to reproducible::Checksums(), notably, write, quickCheck, checksumFile and files.


Modules may require data that for various reasons cannot be distributed with the module source code. In these cases, the module developer should ensure that the module downloads and extracts the data required. It is useful to not only check that the data files exist locally but that their checksums match those expected.


In version 1.2.0 and earlier, two checksums per file were required because of differences in the checksum hash values on Windows and Unix-like platforms. Recent versions use a different (faster) algorithm and only require one checksum value per file. To update your ‘CHECKSUMS.txt’ files using the new algorithm:

  1. specify your module (moduleName <- "my_module");

  2. use a temporary location to ensure all modules get fresh copies of the data (tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "SpaDES_modules"));

  3. download your module's data to the temp dir (downloadData(moduleName, tmpdir));

  4. initialize a dummy simulation to ensure any 'data prep' steps in the .inputObjects section are run (simInit(modules = moduleName));

  5. recalculate your checksums and overwrite the file (checksums(moduleName, tmpdir, write = TRUE));

  6. copy the new checksums file to your working module directory (the one not in the temp dir) (file.copy(from = file.path(tmpdir, moduleName, 'data', 'CHECKSUMS.txt'), to = file.path('path/to/my/moduleDir', moduleName, 'data', 'CHECKSUMS.txt'), overwrite = TRUE)).

A citation method for SpaDES modules


This is a wrapper around utils::citation() for cases with package is a character string. Otherwise, it takes a simList.


citation(package, lib.loc = NULL, auto = NULL, module = character())

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
citation(package, lib.loc = NULL, auto = NULL, module = character())

## S4 method for signature 'character'
citation(package, lib.loc = NULL, auto = NULL, module = character())



For compatibility with utils::citation(). This can be a simList or a character string for a package name.


a character vector with path names of R libraries, or the directory containing the source for package, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries.


a logical indicating whether the default citation auto-generated from the package ‘DESCRIPTION’ metadata should be used or not, or NULL (default), indicating that a ‘CITATION’ file is used if it exists, or an object of class "packageDescription" with package metadata (see below).


Optional character string indicating which module params should come from.


The citation information for a SpaDES module.

Filter objects by class


Based on


classFilter(x, include, exclude, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character,environment'
classFilter(x, include, exclude, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character,missing'
classFilter(x, include, exclude)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing,environment'
classFilter(x, include, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing,missing'
classFilter(x, include)



Character vector of object names to filter, possibly from ls.


Class(es) to include, as a character vector.


Optional class(es) to exclude, as a character vector.


The environment ins which to search for objects. Default is the calling environment.


Vector of object names matching the class filter.


inherits() is used internally to check the object class, which can, in some cases, return results inconsistent with is. See These (known) cases are checked manually and corrected.


Alex Chubaty


## from local (e.g., function) environment
  e <- environment()
  a <- list(1:10)     # class `list`
  b <- letters        # class `character`
  d <- stats::runif(10)      # class `numeric`
  f <- sample(1L:10L) # class `numeric`, `integer`
  g <- lm( jitter(d) ~ d ) # class `lm`
  h <- glm( jitter(d) ~ d ) # class `lm`, `glm`
  classFilter(ls(), include=c("character", "list"), envir = e)
  classFilter(ls(), include = "numeric", envir = e)
  classFilter(ls(), include = "numeric", exclude = "integer", envir = e)
  classFilter(ls(), include = "lm", envir = e)
  classFilter(ls(), include = "lm", exclude = "glm", envir = e)
  rm(a, b, d, e, f, g, h)

## from another environment (can be omitted if .GlobalEnv)
e = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
e$a <- list(1:10)     # class `list`
e$b <- letters        # class `character`
e$d <- stats::runif(10)      # class `numeric`
e$f <- sample(1L:10L) # class `numeric`, `integer`
e$g <- lm( jitter(e$d) ~ e$d ) # class `lm`
e$h <- glm( jitter(e$d) ~ e$d ) # class `lm`, `glm`
classFilter(ls(e), include=c("character", "list"), envir = e)
classFilter(ls(e), include = "numeric", envir = e)
classFilter(ls(e), include = "numeric", exclude = "integer", envir = e)
classFilter(ls(e), include = "lm", envir = e)
classFilter(ls(e), include = "lm", exclude = "glm", envir = e)
rm(a, b, d, f, g, h, envir = e)

clearCache for simList objects


This will take the cachePath(object) and pass


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
  userTags = character(),
  after = NULL,
  before = NULL,
  fun = NULL,
  cacheId = NULL,
  ask = getOption("reproducible.ask"),
  useCloud = FALSE,
  cloudFolderID = getOption("reproducible.cloudFolderID", NULL),
  drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
  conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
  userTags = character(),
  after = NULL,
  before = NULL,
  fun = NULL,
  cacheId = NULL,
  drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
  conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
  userTags = character(),
  after = NULL,
  before = NULL,
  ask = getOption("reproducible.ask"),
  drv = getDrv(getOption("reproducible.drv", NULL)),
  conn = getOption("reproducible.conn", NULL),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),



A simList or a directory containing a valid Cache repository. Note: For compatibility with Cache argument, cachePath can also be used instead of x, though x will take precedence.


Character vector. If used, this will be used in place of the after and before. Specifying one or more userTag here will clear all objects that match those tags. Matching is via regular expression, meaning partial matches will work unless strict beginning (^) and end ($) of string characters are used. Matching will be against any of the 3 columns returned by showCache(), i.e., artifact, tagValue or tagName. Also, if length(userTags) > 1, then matching is by and. For or matching, use | in a single character string. See examples.


A time (POSIX, character understandable by data.table). Objects cached after this time will be shown or deleted.


A time (POSIX, character understandable by data.table). Objects cached before this time will be shown or deleted.


An optional character vector describing the function name to extract. Only functions with this/these functions will be returned.


An optional character vector describing the cacheIds to extract. Only entries with this/these cacheIds will be returned. If useDBI(FALSE), this will also be dramatically faster than using userTags, for a large cache.


Logical. If FALSE, then it will not ask to confirm deletions using clearCache or keepCache. Default is TRUE


Logical. If TRUE, then every object that is deleted locally will also be deleted in the cloudFolderID, if it is non-NULL


A googledrive dribble of a folder, e.g., using drive_mkdir(). If left as NULL, the function will create a cloud folder with name from last two folder levels of the cachePath path, : paste0(basename(dirname(cachePath)), "_", basename(cachePath)). This cloudFolderID will be added to options("reproducible.cloudFolderID"), but this will not persist across sessions. If this is a character string, it will treat this as a folder name to create or use on GoogleDrive.


an object that inherits from DBIDriver, or an existing DBIConnection object (in order to clone an existing connection).


A DBIConnection object, as returned by dbConnect().


Numeric, -1 silent (where possible), 0 being very quiet, 1 showing more messaging, 2 being more messaging, etc. Default is 1. Above 3 will output much more information about the internals of Caching, which may help diagnose Caching challenges. Can set globally with an option, e.g., ⁠options('reproducible.verbose' = 0) to reduce to minimal⁠


Other arguments. Can be in the form of tagKey = tagValue, such as, class = "numeric" to find all entries that are numerics in the cache. Note: the special cases of cacheId and fun have their own named arguments in these functions. Also can be regexp = xx, where xx is TRUE if the user is passing a regular expression. Otherwise, userTags will need to be exact matches. Default is missing, which is the same as TRUE. If there are errors due to regular expression problem, try FALSE. For cc, it is passed to clearCache, e.g., ask, userTags. For showCache, it can also be sorted = FALSE to return the object unsorted.


A data.table object showing the subset of items in the cache, located at cachePath of the sim object, if sim is provided, or located in cachePath. For clearCache (invoked for its side effect of clearing objects matching userTags, or those between after or before), the returned data.table shows the removed items (invisibly).

Convert standard module code into an R package


EXPERIMENTAL – USE WITH CAUTION. This function attempts to convert a SpaDES module to the closest rendition of the same functionality, but in an R package. The main change is that instead of SpaDES.core parsing the functions using custom parsing tools, it will use pkgload::load_all on the package functions. These


  module = NULL,
  path = getOption("spades.modulePath"),
  buildDocuments = TRUE



Character string of module name, without path


Character string of modulePath. Defaults to getOption("spades.modulePath").


A logical. If TRUE, the default, then the documentation will be built, if any exists, using roxygen2::roxygenise.


convertToPackage will:

  1. move any functions that were defined within the main module file (moduleName.R) into the R folder, with the same name, but ending with Fns.R;

  2. keep the defineModule(...) function call with all the metadata in the same file, moduleName.R, but with all other content removed, i.e., only the defineModule(...) will be here.

  3. build documentation from all the roxygen2 tags

  4. places one roxygen2 tag, ⁠@export⁠ in front of the doEvent.moduleName function, so that the function can be found by SpaDES.core

  5. All other functions will be kept "private", i.e., not exported, unless the user manually adds ⁠@export⁠, as per a normal package

  6. will make a DESCRIPTION file from the SpaDES module metadata

  7. will make a NAMESPACE file from the roxygen2 tags (e.g., ⁠@export⁠)

A user can continue to use the module code as before, i.e., by editing it and putting browser() etc. It will be parsed during simInit. Because the functions are "in a package", they are automatically namespaced with each other, so that when you want to use a function from that package, there is no need to put a prefix with the package name.

This function does not install anything (e.g., devtools::install). After running this function, simInit will automatically detect that this is now a package and will load the functions (via pkgload::load_all) from the source files. This will have the effect that it emulates the "non-package" behaviour of a SpaDES module exactly. After running this function, current tests show no impact on module behaviour, other than event-level and module-level Caching will show changes and will be rerun. Function-level Caching appears unaffected. In other words, this should cause no changes to running the module code via simInit and spades.

This function will create and fill a minimal DESCRIPTION file. This will leave the defineModule function call as the only code in the main module file. This defineModule and a are the only 2 elements that are required for an R package to be considered a SpaDES module. With these changes, the module should still function normally, but will be able to act like an R package, e.g., for writing function documentation with roxygen2, using the testthat infrastructure, etc.

This function is intended to be run once for a module that was created using the "standard" SpaDES module structure (e.g., from a newModule call). There is currently no way to "revert" the changes from R (though it can be done using version control utilities if all files are under version control, e.g., GitHub). Currently SpaDES.core identifies a module as being a package if it has a DESCRIPTION file, or if it has been installed to the .libPaths() e.g., via devtools::install or the like. So one can simply remove the package from .libPaths and delete the DESCRIPTION file and SpaDES.core will treat it as a normal module.


Invoked for its side effects. There will be a new or modified DESCRIPTION file in the root directory of the module. Any functions that were in the main module script (i.e., the .R file whose filename is the name of the module and is in the root directory of the module) will be moved to individual .R files in the R folder. Any function with a dot prefix will have the dot removed in its respective filename, but the function name is unaffected.

Currently, SpaDES.core does not install the package under any circumstances. It will load it via pkgdown::load_all, and optionally (option("spades.moduleDocument" = TRUE)) build documentation via roxygen2::roxygenise within the simInit call. This means that any modifications to source code will be read in during the simInit call, as is the practice when a module is not a package.

invoked for the side effect of converting a module to a package


Currently, this is not a reversible process. We recommend trying one module at a time, running your code. If all seems to work, then great. Commit the changes. If things don't seem to work, then revert the changes and continue on as before. Ideally, file a bug report on the SpaDES.core pages.


Exported functions

The only function that will be exported by default is the, where xxx is the module name. If any other module is to be exported, it must be explicitly exported with e.g., ⁠@export⁠, and then building the NAMESPACE file, e.g., via devtools::document(moduleRootPath). NOTE: as long as all the functions are being used inside each other, and they all can be traced back to a call in, then there is no need to export anything else.


The DESCRIPTION file that is created (destroying any existing DESCRIPTION file) with this function will have several elements that a user may wish to change. Notably, all packages that were in reqdPkgs in the SpaDES module metadata will be in the Imports section of the DESCRIPTION. To accommodate the need to see these functions, a new R script, imports.R will be created with ⁠@import⁠ for each package in reqdPkgs of the module metadata. However, if a module already has used ⁠@importFrom⁠ for importing a function from a package, then the generic ⁠@import⁠ will be omitted for that (those) package(s). So, a user should likely follow standard R package best practices and use ⁠@importFrom⁠ to identify the specific functions that are required within external packages, thereby limiting function name collisions (and the warnings that come with them).

Other elements of a standard DESCRIPTION file that will be missing or possibly inappropriately short are Title, Description, URL, BugReports.

Installing as a package

There is no need to "install" the source code as a package because simInit will load it on the fly. But, there may be reasons to install it, e.g., to have access to individual functions, help manual, running tests etc. To do this, simply use the devtools::install(pathToModuleRoot). Even if it is installed, simInit will nevertheless run pkgload::load_all to ensure the spades call will be using the current source code.


if (requireNamespace("ggplot2") && requireNamespace("pkgload") ) {
  tmpdir <- tempdir2()
  newModule("test", tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  convertToPackage("test", path = tmpdir)
  pkgload::load_all(file.path(tmpdir, "test"))

Copy for simList class objects


Because a simList works with an environment to hold all objects, all objects within that slot are pass-by-reference. That means it is not possible to simply copy an object with an assignment operator: the two objects will share the same objects. As one simList object changes so will the other. When this is not the desired behaviour, use this function.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
Copy(object, objects, queues, modules, ...)



An R object (likely containing environments) or an environment.


Whether the objects contained within the simList environment should be copied. Default TRUE, which may be slow.


Logical. Should the events queues (events, current, completed) be deep copied via data.table::copy()


Logical. Should list of modules be copied.


Only used for custom Methods


simList objects can contain a lot of information, much of which could be in pass-by-reference objects (e.g., data.table class), and objects that are file-backed, such as some ⁠Raster*⁠-class objects. For all the objects that are file-backed, it is likely very important to give unique file-backed directories. This should be passed here, which gets passed on to the many methods of Copy in reproducible.


a copy of object


uses capital C, to limit confusion with e.g., data.table::copy().


Eliot McIntire

See Also



Create a copy of an existing module


Create a copy of an existing module


copyModule(from, to, path, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character'
copyModule(from, to, path, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing'
copyModule(from, to, path, ...)



The name of the module to copy.


The name of the copy.


The path to a local module directory. Defaults to the path set by the spades.modulePath option. See setPaths().


Additional arguments to file.copy, e.g., overwrite = TRUE.


Invisible logical indicating success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE).


Alex Chubaty

Define an output object of a module


Used to specify an output object's name, class, description and other specifications.


createsOutput(objectName, objectClass, desc, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,ANY'
createsOutput(objectName, objectClass, desc, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character'
createsOutput(objectName, objectClass, desc, ...)



Character string to define the output object's name.


Character string to specify the output object's class.


Text string providing a brief description of the output object. If there are extra spaces or carriage returns, these will be stripped, allowing for multi-line character strings without using paste or multiple quotes.


Other specifications of the output object.


A data.frame suitable to be passed to outputObjects in a module's metadata.


Yong Luo


outputObjects <- bindrows(
  createsOutput(objectName = "outputObject1", objectClass = "character",
                desc = "this is for example"),
  createsOutput(objectName = "outputObject2", objectClass = "numeric",
                desc = "this is for example",
                otherInformation = "I am the second output object")

Alternative way to define events in SpaDES.core


There are two ways to define what occurs during an event: defining a function called doEvent.moduleName, where moduleName is the actual module name. This approach is the original approach used in SpaDES.core, and it must have an explicit switch statement branching on eventType. The newer approach (still experimental) uses defineEvent(). Instead of creating, doEvent.moduleName(), it creates one function for each event, each with the name doEvent.moduleName.eventName. This may be a little bit cleaner, but both with still work.


  eventName = "init",
  moduleName = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame()



A simList


Character string of the desired event name to define. Default is "init"


An expression that defines the code to execute during the event. This will be captured, and pasted into a new function (doEvent.moduleName.eventName), remaining unevaluated until that new function is called.


Character string of the name of the module. If this function is used within a module, then it will try to find the module name.


An optional environment to specify where to put the resulting function. The default will place a function called doEvent.moduleName.eventName in the module function location, i.e., sim$.mods[[moduleName]]. However, if this location does not exist, then it will place it in the parent.frame(), with a message. Normally, especially, if used within SpaDES module code, this should be left missing.

See Also

defineModule(), simInit(), scheduleEvent()


sim <- simInit()

# these put the functions in the parent.frame() which is .GlobalEnv for an interactive user
defineEvent(sim, "init", moduleName = "thisTestModule", code = {
  sim <- Init(sim) # initialize
  # Now schedule some different event for "current time", i.e., will
  #   be put in the event queue to run *after* this current event is finished
  sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim), "thisTestModule", "grow")
}, envir = envir(sim))

defineEvent(sim, "grow", moduleName = "thisTestModule", code = {
  sim <- grow(sim) # grow
  # Now schedule this same event for "current time plus 1", i.e., a "loop"
  sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1, "thisTestModule", "grow") # for "time plus 1"

Init <- function(sim) {
  sim$messageToWorld <- "Now the sim has an object in it that can be accessed"
  sim$size <- 1 # initializes the size object --> this can be anything, Raster, list, whatever
  return(sim)   # returns all the things you added to sim as they are in the simList

grow <- function(sim) {
  sim$size <- sim$size + 1 # increments the size

# schedule that first "init" event
sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, 0, "thisTestModule", "init")
# Look at event queue
events(sim) # shows the "init" we just added

  # this is skipped when running in automated tests; it is fine in interactive use
  out <- spades(sim)

Define a new module.


Specify a new module's metadata as well as object and package dependencies. Packages are loaded during this call. Any or all of these can be missing, with missing values set to defaults


defineModule(sim, x)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,list'
defineModule(sim, x)



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


A list with a number of named elements, referred to as the metadata. See details.


Updated simList object.

Required metadata elements

name Module name. Must match the filename (without the .R extension). This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
description Brief description of the module. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
keywords Author-supplied keywords. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
childModules If this contains any character vector, then it will be treated as a parent module. If this is a parent module, then only this list entry will be read. For normal, i.e., 'child modules', this should be character(0) or NA. If a character vector is provided, then these must be the names of the modules located in the same file path as this parent module that will be loaded during the simInit.
authors Module author information (as a vector of person() objects. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
version Module version number (will be coerced to numeric_version() if a character or numeric are supplied). The module developer should update manually this with each change that is made to the module. See for a widely accepted standard for version numbering.
spatialExtent The spatial extent of the module supplied via terra::ext. This is currently unimplemented. Once implemented, this should define what spatial region this module is scientifically reasonable to be used in.
timeframe Vector (length 2) of POSIXt dates specifying the temporal extent of the module. Currently unimplemented. Once implemented, this should define what time frame this module is scientifically reasonable to be used for.
timeunit Time scale of the module (e.g., "day", "year"). If this is not specified, then .timeunitDefault() will be used. It indicates what '1' unit of time means for this module. SpaDES interprets this and if modules have different timeunit values then it will correctly schedule each module, using the smallest (currently the default) timeunit as the 'model' timeunit in the spades call.
citation List of character strings specifying module citation information. Alternatively, a list of filenames of .bib or similar files. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
documentation List of filenames referring to module documentation sources. This is currently not parsed by SpaDES; it is for human readers only.
loadOrder Named list of length 0, 1, or 2, with names being after and before. Each element should be a character string/vector naming 1 or more modules that this module must be after or before. after and before are used from the current module's perspective. So, list(after = c("Biomass_core")) means that this module must come after "Biomass_core". This should only be used when there are cyclic dependencies (2 or more modules have 1 or more objects that is in both inputObjects and outputObjects of both/all modules) between this module and other modules. In cases where the dependencies are not cyclic, SpaDES is able to resolve the order correctly.
reqdPkgs List of R package names required by the module. These packages will be loaded when simInit is called. Require::Require() will be used internally to load if available, and install if not available. Because Require::Require() can also download from, these packages can specify package names stored on GitHub, e.g., "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core@development".
parameters A data.frame specifying the parameters used in the module. Usually produced by rbind-ing the outputs of multiple defineParameter() calls. These parameters indicate the default values that will be used unless a module user overrides them with the params argument in the simInit() call. The minimum and maximum are currently used by the SpaDES.shiny::shine function and the POM function, and they should indicate the range of values that are reasonable scientifically.
inputObjects A data.frame specifying the data objects expected as inputs to the module, with columns objectName (class character), objectClass (class character), sourceURL (class character), and other (currently spades does nothing with this column). This data.frame identifies the objects that are expected, but does not do any loading of that object into the simList. The sourceURL gives the developer the opportunity to identify the source of a data file that can be used with the model. This URL will be used if the user calls downloadData (or downloadModule(..., data = TRUE). If the raw data must be modified, the developer can use create a function called .inputObjects in their module. That function will be run during the simInit call. The developer should ensure that if the object is supplied by the module user as an argument in the simInit, then the .inputObjects should not be run, i.e., use an ⁠(is.null(sim$xxx)))⁠.
outputObjects A data.frame specifying the data objects output by the module, with columns identical to those in inputObjects. Like inputObjects above, this only identifies the objects that this module will output into the simList. The module developer must create the necessary functions that will cause these objects to be put into the simList.


Alex Chubaty

See Also

moduleDefaults(), defineEvent()


## a default version of the defineModule is created with a call to newModule
  newModule("test", path = tempdir(), open = FALSE)

  ## view the resulting module file
  if (interactive()) file.edit(file.path(tempdir(), "test", "test.R"))

Define a parameter used in a module


Used to specify a parameter's name, value, and set a default. The min and max arguments are ignored by simInit or spades; they are for human use only. To ensure that a user cannot set parameters outside of a range of values, the module developer should use assertions in their module code.


defineParameter(name, class, default, min, max, desc, ...)



Character string giving the parameter name.


Character string giving the parameter class.


The default value to use when none is specified by the user. Non-standard evaluation is used for the expression.


With max, used to define a suitable range of values. Non-standard evaluation is used for the expression. These are not tested by simInit or spades. These are primarily for human use, i.e., to tell a module user what values the module expects.


With min, used to define a suitable range of values. Non-standard evaluation is used for the expression. These are not tested by simInit or spades. These are primarily for human use, i.e., to tell a module user what values the module expects.


Text string providing a brief description of the parameter. If there are extra spaces or carriage returns, these will be stripped, allowing for multi-line character strings without using paste or multiple quotes.


A convenience that allows writing a long desc without having to use paste; any character strings after desc will be pasted together with desc.


a data.frame


Be sure to use the correct NA type: logical (NA), integer (NA_integer_), real (NA_real_), complex (NA_complex_), or character (NA_character_). See NA().


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire

See Also

P(), params() for accessing these parameters in a module.


parameters = rbind(
  defineParameter("lambda", "numeric", 1.23, desc = "intrinsic rate of increase"),
  defineParameter("P", "numeric", 0.2, 0, 1, "probability of attack"),

  # multi-line desc without quotes on each line -- spaces and carriage returns are stripped
  defineParameter("rate", "numeric", 0.2, 0, 1,
                  "rate of arrival. This is in individuals
                  per day. This can be modified
                  by the user"),
  # multi-line desc with quotes on each line
  defineParameter("times", "numeric", 0.2, 0, 1,
                  desc = "The times during the year ",
                         "that events will occur ",
                         "with possibility of random arrival times")


# Create a new module, then access parameters using `P`
tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "test")
checkPath(tmpdir, create = TRUE)

# creates a  new, "empty" module -- it has defaults for everything that is required
newModule("testModule", tmpdir, open = FALSE)

# Look at new module code -- see defineParameter
if (interactive()) file.edit(file.path(tmpdir, "testModule", "testModule.R"))

# initialize the simList
if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Some things not necessary in this example, if not interactive (like plotting)
  opts <- if (interactive()) list() else
    options(spades.plot = NA, spades.useRequire = FALSE,
            spades.moduleCodeChecks = FALSE)
  mySim <- simInit(modules = "testModule",
                   paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))

  # Access one of the parameters -- because this line is not inside a module
  #  function, we must specify the module name. If used within a module,
  #  we can omit the module name
  P(mySim, module = "testModule") # gets all params in a module
  P(mySim, ".useCache", "testModule") # just one param
unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)

Build edge list for module dependency graph


Build edge list for module dependency graph


depsEdgeList(sim, plot)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,logical'
depsEdgeList(sim, plot)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
depsEdgeList(sim, plot)



A simList object.


Logical indicating whether the edgelist (and subsequent graph) will be used for plotting. If TRUE, duplicated rows (i.e., multiple object dependencies between modules) are removed so that only a single arrow is drawn connecting the modules. Default is FALSE.


A data.table whose first two columns give a list of edges and remaining columns the attributes of the dependency objects (object name, class, etc.).


Alex Chubaty

Build a module dependency graph


Build a module dependency graph


depsGraph(sim, plot)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,logical'
depsGraph(sim, plot)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'



A simList object.


Logical indicating whether the edgelist (and subsequent graph) will be used for plotting. If TRUE, duplicated rows (i.e., multiple object dependencies between modules) are removed so that only a single arrow is drawn connecting the modules. Default is FALSE.


An igraph() object.


Alex Chubaty

SpaDES time units


SpaDES modules commonly use approximate durations that divide with no remainder among themselves. For example, models that simulate based on a "week" timestep, will likely want to fall in lock step with a second module that is a "year" timestep. Since, weeks, months, years don't really have this behaviour because of: leap years, leap seconds, not quite 52 weeks in a year, months that are of different duration, etc. We have generated a set of units that work well together that are based on the astronomical or "Julian" year. In an astronomical year, leap years are added within each year with an extra 1/4 day, (i.e., 1 year == 365.25 days); months are defined as year/12, and weeks as year/52.






## S4 method for signature 'numeric'


## S4 method for signature 'numeric'


## S4 method for signature 'numeric'






## S4 method for signature 'ANY'



numeric. Number of the desired units


When these units are not correct, a module developer can create their own time unit, and create a function to calculate the number of seconds in that unit using the "d" prefix (for duration), following the lubridate package standard: ddecade <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dyear(10)). Then the module developer can use "decade" as the module's time unit.


Number of seconds within each unit


Eliot McIntire

Download module data


Download external data for a module if not already present in the module directory, or if there is a checksum mismatch indicating that the file is not the correct one.


  quickCheck = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  files = NULL,
  checked = NULL,
  urls = NULL,
  children = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,logical'
  quickCheck = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  files = NULL,
  checked = NULL,
  urls = NULL,
  children = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,missing'
downloadData(module, quickCheck, overwrite, files, checked, urls, children)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,logical'

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing'



Character string giving the name of the module.


Character string giving the path to the module directory.


Logical. This is passed to download.file. Default is FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, then the check with local data will only use file.size instead of digest::digest. This is faster, but potentially much less robust.


Logical. Should local data files be overwritten in case they exist? Default is FALSE.


A character vector of length 1 or more if only a subset of files should be checked in the ‘CHECKSUMS.txt’ file.


The result of a previous checksums call. This should only be used when there is no possibility that the file has changed, i.e., if downloadData is called from inside another function.


Character vector of urls from which to get the data. This is automatically found from module metadata when this function invoked with SpaDES.core::downloadModule(..., data = TRUE). See also prepInputs().


The character vector of child modules (without path) to also run downloadData on


Passed to reproducible::preProcess(), e.g., purge


downloadData requires a checksums file to work, as it will only download the files specified therein. Hence, module developers should make sure they have manually downloaded all the necessary data and ran checksums to build a checksums file.

There is an experimental attempt to use the googledrive package to download data from a shared (publicly or with individual users) file. To try this, put the Google Drive URL in sourceURL argument of expectsInputs in the module metadata, and put the filename once downloaded in the objectName argument. If using RStudio Server, you may need to use "out of band" authentication by setting options(httr_oob_default = TRUE). To avoid caching of Oauth credentials, set options(httr_oauth_cache = TRUE).

There is also an experimental option for the user to make a new ‘CHECKSUMS.txt’ file if there is a sourceURL but no entry for that file. This is experimental and should be used with caution.


Invisibly, a list of downloaded files.


Alex Chubaty & Eliot McIntire

See Also

prepInputs(), checksums(), and downloadModule() for downloading modules and building a checksums file.


# In metadata, each expectsInput has a sourceURL; downloadData will look for
# that and download if it defined; however this sample module has all
# NAs for sourceURL, so nothing to download
modulePath <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
downloadData("caribouMovement", path = modulePath)

Download a module from a SpaDES module GitHub repository


Download a .zip file of the module and extract (unzip) it to a user-specified location.


  quickCheck = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE

## S4 method for signature 
## 'character,character,character,character,logical,logical,ANY,logical'
  quickCheck = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE

## S4 method for signature 
## 'character,missing,missing,missing,missing,missing,ANY,ANY'
downloadModule(name, quickCheck, overwrite)

## S4 method for signature 'character,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY'
  quickCheck = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE



Character string giving the module name.


Character string giving the location in which to save the downloaded module.


The module version to download. (If not specified, or NA, the most recent version will be retrieved.)


GitHub repository name, specified as "username/repo". Default is "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES-modules", which is specified by the global option spades.moduleRepo. Only master/main branches can be used at this point.


Logical. If TRUE, then the data that is identified in the module metadata will be downloaded, if possible. Default FALSE.


Logical. This is passed to download.file (default FALSE).


Logical. If TRUE, then the check with local data will only use file.size instead of digest::digest. This is faster, but potentially much less robust.


Logical. Should local module files be overwritten in case they exist? Default FALSE.


Currently only works with GitHub repositories where modules are located in a modules directory in the root tree on the master branch. Module .zip files' names should contain the version number and be inside their respective module folders (see zipModule() for zip compression of modules).


A list of length 2. The first element is a character vector containing a character vector of extracted files for the module. The second element is a tbl with details about the data that is relevant for the function, including whether it was downloaded or not, and whether it was renamed (because there was a local copy that had the wrong file name).


downloadModule uses the GITHUB_PAT environment variable if a value is set. This alleviates 403 errors caused by too-frequent downloads. Generate a GitHub personal access token with no additional permissions at, and add this key to ‘.Renviron’ as ⁠GITHUB_PAT=<your-github-pat-here>⁠.

The default is to overwrite any existing files in the case of a conflict.


Alex Chubaty

See Also

zipModule() for creating module .zip folders.

Simulation environment


Accessor functions for the .xData slot, which is the default virtual slot for an S4 class object that inherits from an S3 object (specifically, the simList inherits from environment) in a simList object. These are included for advanced users.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

envir(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
envir(sim) <- value



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The object to be stored at the slot.


Currently, only get and set methods are defined. Subset methods are not.


Returns or sets the value of the slot from the simList object.


Alex Chubaty

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.8 on simList environment.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()

Simulation event diagram


Create a Gantt Chart representing the events in a completed simulation. This event diagram is constructed using the completed event list To change the number of events shown, provide an n argument.


eventDiagram(sim, n, startDate, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,numeric,character'
eventDiagram(sim, n, startDate, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing,character'
eventDiagram(sim, n, startDate, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing,missing'
eventDiagram(sim, n, startDate, ...)



A simList object (typically corresponding to a completed simulation).


The number of most recently completed events to plot.


A character representation of date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Additional arguments passed to mermaid. Useful for specifying height and width.


Simulation time is presented on the x-axis, starting at date startDate. Each module appears in a colour-coded row, within which each event for that module is displayed corresponding to the sequence of events for that module. Note that only the start time of the event is meaningful is these figures: the width of the bar associated with a particular module's event DOES NOT correspond to an event's "duration".

Based on this Stack Overflow answer:


Plots an event diagram as Gantt Chart, invisibly returning a mermaid object.


A red vertical line corresponding to the current date may appear on the figure. This is useful for Gantt Charts generally but can be considered a 'bug' here.


Alex Chubaty

See Also


Simulation event lists


Accessor functions for the events and completed slots of a simList object. These path functions will extract the values that were provided to the simInit function in the path argument.


events(sim, unit)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,character'
events(sim, unit)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
events(sim, unit)

events(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
events(sim) <- value

conditionalEvents(sim, unit)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,character'
conditionalEvents(sim, unit)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
conditionalEvents(sim, unit)

current(sim, unit)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,character'
current(sim, unit)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
current(sim, unit)

current(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
current(sim) <- value

completed(sim, unit, times = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,character'
completed(sim, unit, times = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
completed(sim, unit, times = TRUE)

completed(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
completed(sim) <- value



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


Character. One of the time units used in SpaDES.


The object to be stored at the slot.


Logical. Should this function report the clockTime.


By default, the event lists are shown when the simList object is printed, thus most users will not require direct use of these methods.

events Scheduled simulation events (the event queue).
completed Completed simulation events.

Currently, only get and set methods are defined. Subset methods are not.


Returns or sets the value of the slot from the simList object.


Each event is represented by a data.table() row consisting of:

  • eventTime: The time the event is to occur.

  • moduleName: The module from which the event is taken.

  • eventType: A character string for the programmer-defined event type.

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.6 on Simulation event queues.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()

Define an input object that the module expects.


Used to specify an input object's name, class, description, source url and other specifications.


expectsInput(objectName, objectClass, desc, sourceURL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY'
expectsInput(objectName, objectClass, desc, sourceURL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character,character'
expectsInput(objectName, objectClass, desc, sourceURL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character,missing'
expectsInput(objectName, objectClass, desc, sourceURL, ...)



Character string to define the input object's name.


Character string to specify the input object's class.


Text string providing a brief description of the input object. If there are extra spaces or carriage returns, these will be stripped, allowing for multi-line character strings without using paste or multiple quotes.


Character string to specify an URL to reach the input object, default is NA.


Other specifications of the input object.


A data.frame suitable to be passed to inputObjects in a module's metadata.


Yong Luo


inputObjects <- bindrows(
  expectsInput(objectName = "inputObject1", objectClass = "character",
               desc = "this is for example", sourceURL = "not available"),
  expectsInput(objectName = "inputObject2", objectClass = "numeric",
               desc = "this is for example", sourceURL = "not available",
               otherInformation = "I am the second input object")

Extract a url from module metadata


This will get the sourceURL for the object named.


extractURL(objectName, sim, module)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'
extractURL(objectName, sim, module)

## S4 method for signature 'character,simList'
extractURL(objectName, sim, module)



A character string of the object name in the metadata.


A simList object from which to extract the sourceURL


An optional character string of the module name whose metadata is to be used. If omitted, the function will use the currentModule(sim), if defined.


The url.


Eliot McIntire

Extract filename (without extension) of a file


Extract filename (without extension) of a file





List or character vector


A character vector.


Eliot McIntire

Get copies of sample files for examples and tests


Get copies of sample files for examples and tests






character specifying the path to a temporary directory (e.g., tempdir())


character vector of filepaths to the copied files

Find the latest module version from a SpaDES module repository


Modified from


getModuleVersion(name, repo)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
getModuleVersion(name, repo)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'



Character string giving the module name.


GitHub repository name, specified as "username/repo". Default is "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES-modules", which is specified by the global option spades.moduleRepo. Only master/main branches can be used at this point.


getModuleVersion extracts a module's most recent version by looking at the module ‘.zip’ files contained in the module directory. It takes the most recent version, based on the name of the zip file.

See the modules vignette for details of module directory structure (, and see our SpaDES-modules repo for details of module repository structure (




Alex Chubaty

See Also

zipModule() for creating module ‘.zip’ folders.

Get and set global simulation parameters


globals, and the alias G, accesses or sets the "globals" in the simList. This currently is not an explicit slot in the simList, but it is a .globals element in the params slot of the simList.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

globals(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
globals(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

G(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
G(sim) <- value



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The parameter value to be set (in the corresponding module and param).

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.1 on Simulation Parameters.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()

Generate a simList object


Given the name or the definition of a class, plus optionally data to be included in the object, new returns an object from that class.

Given the name or the definition of a class, plus optionally data to be included in the object, new returns an object from that class.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
initialize(.Object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList_'
initialize(.Object, ...)



A simList object.


Optional Values passed to any or all slot

Metadata accessors


These accessors extract the metadata for a module (if specified) or all modules in a simList if not specified.


inputObjects(sim, module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
inputObjects(sim, module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'missing'
inputObjects(sim, module, path)

outputObjects(sim, module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
outputObjects(sim, module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'missing'
outputObjects(sim, module, path)

outputObjectNames(sim, module)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
outputObjectNames(sim, module)

reqdPkgs(sim, module, modulePath)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
reqdPkgs(sim, module, modulePath)

## S4 method for signature 'missing'
reqdPkgs(sim, module, modulePath)

documentation(sim, module)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
documentation(sim, module)


## S4 method for signature 'simList'



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


Character vector of module name(s)


The path to the module., i.e., the modulePath. Only relevant if sim not supplied.


That path where module can be found. If set already using setPaths, it will use that. This will be ignored if sim is supplied and is required if sim not supplied


# set modulePath
setPaths(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
# use Require and reqdPkgs
pkgs <- reqdPkgs(module = c("caribouMovement", "randomLandscapes", "fireSpread"))

Simulation inputs


Accessor functions for the inputs slots in a simList object.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

inputs(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
inputs(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

inputArgs(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
inputArgs(sim) <- value



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The object to be stored at the slot. See Details.


These functions are one of three mechanisms to add the information about which input files to load in a spades call.

  1. As arguments to a simInit call. Specifically, inputs or outputs. See ?simInit.

  2. With the outputs(simList) function call.

  3. By adding a function called .inputObjects inside a module, which will be executed during the simInit call. This last way is the most "modular" way to create default data sets for your model.

See below for more details.


Returns or sets the value(s) of the input or output slots in the simList object.

inputs function or argument in simInit

inputs accepts a data.frame, with up to 7 columns. Columns are:

file required, a character string indicating the file path. There is no default.
objectName optional, character string indicating the name of the object that the loaded file will be assigned to in the simList. This object can therefore be accessed with sim$xxx in any module, where objectName = "xxx". Defaults to the filename without file extension or directory information.
fun optional, a character string indicating the function to use to load that file. Defaults to the known extensions in SpaDES (found by examining .fileExtensions()). The package and fun can be jointly specified here as "packageName::functionName", e.g., "terra::rast".
package optional character string indicating the package in which to find the fun);
loadTime optional numeric, indicating when in simulation time the file should be loaded. The default is the highest priority at start(sim), i.e., at the very start.
interval optional numeric, indicating at what interval should this same exact file be reloaded from disk, e.g,. 10 would mean every 10 time units. The default is NA or no interval, i.e, load the file only once as described in loadTime
arguments is a list of lists of named arguments, one list for each fun. For example, if fun="raster", arguments = list(native = TRUE) will pass the argument "native = TRUE" to raster. If there is only one list, then it is assumed to apply to all files and will be recycled as per normal R rules of recycling for each fun.

Currently, only file is required. All others will be filled with defaults if not specified.

See the modules vignette for more details (browseVignettes("SpaDES.core")).

.inputObjects function placed inside module

Any code placed inside a function called .inputObjects will be run during simInit() for the purpose of creating any objects required by this module, i.e., objects identified in the inputObjects element of defineModule. This is useful if there is something required before simulation to produce the module object dependencies, including such things as downloading default datasets, e.g., downloadData('LCC2005', modulePath(sim)). Nothing should be created here that does not create an named object in inputObjects. Any other initiation procedures should be put in the "init" eventType of the doEvent function. Note: the module developer can use sim$.userSuppliedObjNames inside the function to selectively skip unnecessary steps because the user has provided those inputObjects in the simInit call. e.g., the following code would look to see if the user had passed defaultColor into during simInit. If the user had done this, then this function would not override that value with 'red'. If the user has not passed in a value for defaultColor, then the module will get it here:

if (!('defaultColor' %in% sim$.userSuppliedObjNames)) { sim$defaultColor <- 'red' }

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.2 on loading and saving.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()


# inputs

# Start with a basic empty simList
sim <- simInit()

test <- 1:10
tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "inputs") |> checkPath(create = TRUE)
tmpFile <- file.path(tmpdir, "test.rds")
saveRDS(test, file = tmpFile)
inputs(sim) <- data.frame(file = tmpFile) # using only required column, "file"
inputs(sim) # see that it is not yet loaded, but when it is scheduled to be loaded
simOut <- spades(sim)
inputs(simOut) # confirm it was loaded

# can put data.frame for inputs directly inside simInit call
allTifs <- dir(getMapPath(tempdir()), full.names = TRUE)

# next: .objectNames are taken from the filenames (without the extension)
# This will load all 5 tifs in the SpaDES sample directory, using
#   the rast fuction in the terra package, all at time = 0
sim <- simInit(
  inputs = data.frame(
    files = allTifs,
    functions = "rast",
    package = "terra",
    loadTime = 0,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# A fully described inputs object, including arguments:
files <- dir(getMapPath(tempdir()), full.names = TRUE)

# arguments must be a list of lists. This may require I() to keep it as a list
#   once it gets coerced into the data.frame.
# arguments = I(rep(list(native = TRUE), length(files)))
filelist <- data.frame(
  objectName = paste0("Maps", 1:5),
  files = files,
  functions = "terra::rast",
  # arguments = arguments,
  loadTime = 0,
  intervals = c(rep(NA, length(files) - 1), 10)
inputs(sim) <- filelist

# Example showing loading multiple objects from global environment onto the
#   same object in the simList, but at different load times
a1 <- 1
a2 <- 2
# Note arguments must be a list of NROW(inputs), with each element itself being a list,
#  which is passed to[x], arguments[[x]]), where x is row number, one at a time
args <- lapply(1:2, function(x) {
               list(x = paste0("a", x),
                    envir = environment()) # may be necessary to specify in which envir a1, a2
                                           # are located, if not in an interactive session
inputs <- data.frame(objectName = "a", loadTime = 1:2, fun = "base::get", arguments = I(args))
a <- simInit(inputs = inputs, times = list(start = 0, end = 1))
a <- spades(a)
identical(a1, a$a)

end(a) <- 3
a <- spades(a) # different object (a2) loaded onto a$a
identical(a2, a$a)

# Clean up after
unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)

Convert time units


Current pre-defined units are found within the spadesTimes() function. The user can define a new unit. The unit name can be anything, but the function definition must be of the form "dunitName", e.g., dyear or dfortnight. The unit name is the part without the d and the function name definition includes the d. This new function, e.g., dfortnight <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dday(14)) can be placed anywhere in the search path or in a module (you will need to declare "lubridate" in your pkgDeps in the metadata).

This function takes a numeric with a "unit" attribute and converts it to another numeric with a different time attribute. If the units passed to argument units are the same as attr(time, "unit"), then it simply returns input time.


inSeconds(unit, envir, skipChecks = FALSE)

convertTimeunit(time, unit, envir, skipChecks = FALSE)



checkTimeunit(unit, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'
checkTimeunit(unit, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,environment'
checkTimeunit(unit, envir)



Character. One of the time units used in SpaDES or user defined time unit, given as the unit name only. See details.


An environment. This is where to look up the function definition for the time unit. See details.


For speed, the internal checks for classes and missingness can be skipped. Default FALSE.


Numeric. With a unit attribute, indicating the time unit of the input numeric. See Details.


An object of class character of length 12.


Because of R scoping, if envir is a simList environment, then this function will search there first, then up the current search() path. Thus, it will find a user defined or module defined unit before a SpaDES unit. This means that a user can override the dyear given in SpaDES, for example, which is 365.25 days, with dyear <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dday(365)).

If time has no unit attribute, then it is assumed to be seconds.


A numeric vector of length 1, with unit attribute set to "seconds".


Alex Chubaty & Eliot McIntire

Eliot McIntire

Load a saved simList and ancillary files


Loading a simList from file can be problematic as there are non-standard objects that must be rebuilt. See description in saveSimList() for details.

unzipSimList is a convenience wrapper around unzip and loadSimList where all the files are correctly identified and passed to loadSimList(..., otherFiles = xxx). See zipSimList for details.


  projectPath = getwd(),
  tempPath = tempdir(),
  paths = NULL,
  otherFiles = "",
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")

unzipSimList(zipfile, load = TRUE, paths = getPaths(), ...)



Character giving the name of a saved simulation file. Currently, only file types .qs or .rds are supported.


An optional path for the project within which the simList exists. This is used to identify relative paths for saving and loading the simList.


A character string specifying the new base directory for the temporary paths maintained in a simList.


A list of character vectors for all the simList paths. When loading a simList, this will replace the paths of everything to these new paths. Experimental still.


A character vector of (absolute) file names locating each of the existing file-backed ⁠Raster*⁠ files that are the real paths for the possibly incorrect paths in Filenames(sim) if the the file being read in is from a different computer, path, or drive. This could be the output from unzipSimList (which is calls loadSimList internally, passing the unzipped filenames)


Numeric, -1 silent (where possible), 0 being very quiet, 1 showing more messaging, 2 being more messaging, etc. Default is 1. Above 3 will output much more information about the internals of Caching, which may help diagnose Caching challenges. Can set globally with an option, e.g., ⁠options('reproducible.verbose' = 0) to reduce to minimal⁠


Filename of a zipped simList


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the simList will also be loaded into R.


passed to unzip


If cache is used, it is likely that it should be trimmed before zipping, to include only cache elements that are relevant.


For loadSimList(), a simList object. For unzipSimList(), either a character vector of file names unzipped (if load = FALSE), or a simList object.

See Also

saveSimList(), zipSimList()

Make simList correctly work with memoise


Because of the environment slot, simList objects don't correctly memoise a simList. This method for simList converts the object to a simList_ first.


## S3 method for class 'simList'

## S3 method for class 'simList_'



An object to make memoisable. See individual methods in other packages.


A simList_ object or a simList, in the case of unmakeMemoisable.

See Also


Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation


Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation



## S4 method for signature 'simList'



A simList simulation object.


The timeunit as a character string. This defaults to NA if none of the modules has explicit units.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

Estimate memory used with system("ps")


This will give a slightly different estimate than pryr::mem_used, which uses gc() internally. The purpose of this function is to allow continuous monitoring, external to the R session. Normally, this is run in a different session.

This will only work if the user has specified before running the spades call, set the interval, in seconds, that ps is run. E.g., options("spades.memoryUseInterval" = 0.5), will assess memory use every 0.5 seconds. The default is 0, meaning no interval, "off".



memoryUse(sim, max = TRUE)



Numeric or integer, the PID of the process. If omitted, it will be found with Sys.getpid().


A completed simList


Logical. If TRUE, then it the return value will be summarized by module/event, showing the maximum memory used. If FALSE, then the raw memory used during each event will be shown.


estimated memory use in MiB

data.table summarizing the estimated memory use (in MiB) for each event type, for each module, during the simulation.


The suggested future and future.callr packages must be available.

See Also

The vignette("iv-modules")

Determine the smallest timeunit in a simulation


When modules have different timeunit, SpaDES automatically takes the smallest (e.g., "second") as the unit for a simulation.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

## S4 method for signature 'list'



A simList simulation object.


The timeunit as a character string. This defaults to "second" if none of the modules has explicit units.


Eliot McIntire

Extract the full file paths for R source code


This can be used e.g., for Caching, to identify which files have changed.


moduleCodeFiles(paths, modules)



An optional named list with up to 4 named elements, modulePath, inputPath, outputPath, and cachePath. See details. NOTE: Experimental feature now allows for multiple modulePaths to be specified in a character vector. The modules will be searched for sequentially in the first modulePath, then if it doesn't find it, in the second etc.


A named list of character strings specifying the names of modules to be loaded for the simulation. Note: the module name should correspond to the R source file from which the module is loaded. Example: a module named "caribou" will be sourced form the file ‘caribou.R’, located at the specified modulePath(simList) (see below).


character vector of file paths.

Calculate module coverage of unit tests


Calculate the test coverage by unit tests for the module and its functions.


moduleCoverage(mod, modulePath = "..")



Character string. The module's name. Default is basename(getwd())


Character string. The path to the module directory (default is "..", i.e., one level up from working directory).


Return a list of two coverage objects and two data.table objects. The two coverage objects are named moduleCoverage and functionCoverage. The moduleCoverage object contains the percent value of unit test coverage for the module. The functionCoverage object contains percentage values for unit test coverage for each function defined in the module. Please use covr::report() to view the coverage information. Two data.tables give the information of all the tested and untested functions in the module.


When running this function, the test files must be strictly placed in the ‘tests/testthat/’ directory under module path. To automatically generate this folder, please set unitTests = TRUE when creating a new module using newModule(). To accurately test your module, the test filename must follow the format test-functionName.R.


Yong Luo

See Also


Defaults values used in defineModule


Where individual elements are missing in defineModule, these defaults will be used.




An object of class list of length 13.


named list of default module metadata

Simulation module dependency diagram


Create a network diagram illustrating the simplified module dependencies of a simulation. Offers a less detailed view of specific objects than does plotting the depsEdgeList directly with objectDiagram().


moduleDiagram(sim, type, showParents = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,character,logical'
moduleDiagram(sim, type = "plot", showParents = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,ANY,ANY'
moduleDiagram(sim, type, showParents = TRUE, ...)



A simList object (typically corresponding to a completed simulation).


Character string, either "rgl" for igraph::rglplot or "tk" for igraph::tkplot, "Plot" to use quickPlot::Plot() or "plot" to use base::plot(), the default.


Logical. If TRUE, then any children that are grouped into parent modules will be grouped together by coloured blobs. Internally, this is calling moduleGraph(). Default FALSE.


Additional arguments passed to plotting function specified by type.


invoked for its side effect of plotting the module dependency diagram.


Alex Chubaty

See Also

igraph(), moduleGraph() for a version that accounts for parent and children module structure.


if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
times <- list(start = 0, end = 6, "month")
parameters <- list(
  .globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
  caribouMovement = list(
    .saveObjects = "caribou",
    .saveInitialTime = 1, .saveInterval = 1
  randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, nx = 20, ny = 20))

modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement")
paths <- list(
  modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir())

# Set some options so example runs faster
opts <- options(spades.moduleCodeChecks = FALSE, spades.loadReqdPkgs = FALSE)
sim <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
               paths = paths)
# Can also use default base::plot
modDia <- depsGraph(sim, plot = TRUE)
# See ?plot.igraph
plot(modDia, layout = layout_as_star)

# Or for more control - here, change the label "_INPUT_" to "DATA"
edgeList <- depsEdgeList(sim)
edgeList <- edgeList[, list(from, to)]
edgeList[from == "_INPUT_", from := "Data"]
edgeList[to == "_INPUT_", to := "Data"]
edgeList <- unique(edgeList)
ig <- graph_from_data_frame(edgeList[, list(from, to)])

Build a module dependency graph


This is still experimental, but this will show the hierarchical structure of parent and children modules and return a list with an igraph object and an igraph communities object, showing the groups. Currently only tested with relatively simple structures.


moduleGraph(sim, plot, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,logical'
moduleGraph(sim, plot, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'
moduleGraph(sim, plot, ...)



A simList object.


Logical indicating whether the edgelist (and subsequent graph) will be used for plotting. If TRUE, duplicated rows (i.e., multiple object dependencies between modules) are removed so that only a single arrow is drawn connecting the modules. Default is FALSE.


Arguments passed to Plot


A list with 2 elements, an igraph() object and an igraph communities object.


Eliot McIntire

See Also


Parse and extract module metadata


Parse and extract module metadata


  path = getOption("spades.modulePath", NULL),
  defineModuleListItems = c("name", "description", "keywords", "childModules", "authors",
    "version", "spatialExtent", "timeframe", "timeunit", "citation", "documentation",
    "reqdPkgs", "parameters", "inputObjects", "outputObjects")

## S4 method for signature 'missing,character,character'
moduleMetadata(module, path, defineModuleListItems)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,character,missing'
moduleMetadata(module, defineModuleListItems)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,ANY'
  path = getOption("spades.modulePath", NULL),
  defineModuleListItems = c("name", "description", "keywords", "childModules", "authors",
    "version", "spatialExtent", "timeframe", "timeunit", "citation", "documentation",
    "reqdPkgs", "parameters", "inputObjects", "outputObjects")



A simList simulation object, generally produced by simInit.


Character string. Your module's name.


Character string specifying the file path to modules directory. Default is to use the spades.modulePath option.


A vector of metadata entries to return values about.


A list of module metadata, matching the structure in defineModule().


Alex Chubaty

See Also



## turn off code checking -- don't need it here
opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE,
                "spades.useRequire" = FALSE)

path <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
sampleModules <- dir(path)
x <- moduleMetadata(sampleModules[3], path = path)

## using simList
if (require("", quietly = TRUE)) {
   mySim <- simInit(
      times = list(start = 2000.0, end = 2001.0, timeunit = "year"),
      params = list(
        .globals = list(stackName = "landscape")
      modules = list("caribouMovement"),
      paths = list(modulePath = path)
   moduleMetadata(sim = mySim)

# turn code checking back on -- don't need it here

Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs


These are more or less wrappers around moduleMetadata, with the exception that extraneous spaces and End-Of-Line characters will be removed from the desc arguments in defineParameters, defineInputs, and defineOutputs


moduleParams(module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
moduleParams(module, path)

moduleInputs(module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
moduleInputs(module, path)

moduleOutputs(module, path)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
moduleOutputs(module, path)



Character string. Your module's name.


Character string specifying the file path to modules directory. Default is to use the spades.modulePath option.




Alex Chubaty

See Also



## easily include these tables in Rmd files using knitr
path <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
sampleModules <- dir(path)

p <- moduleParams(sampleModules[3], path = path)
i <- moduleInputs(sampleModules[3], path = path)
o <- moduleOutputs(sampleModules[3], path = path)


Simulation modules and dependencies


Accessor functions for the depends and modules slots in a simList object. These are included for advanced users.

depends() List of simulation module dependencies. (advanced)
modules() List of simulation modules to be loaded. (advanced)
inputs() List of loaded objects used in simulation. (advanced)


modules(sim, hidden = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
modules(sim, hidden = FALSE)

modules(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
modules(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

depends(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
depends(sim) <- value



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


Logical. If TRUE, show the default core modules.


The object to be stored at the slot.


Currently, only get and set methods are defined. Subset methods are not.


Returns or sets the value of the slot from the simList object.


Alex Chubaty

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.7 on Modules and dependencies.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()

Parse and extract a module's version


Parse and extract a module's version


moduleVersion(module, path, sim, envir = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing'
moduleVersion(module, path, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,missing'
moduleVersion(module, envir)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,simList'
moduleVersion(module, sim, envir)



Character string. Your module's name.


Character string specifying the file path to modules directory. Default is to use the spades.modulePath option.


A simList simulation object, generally produced by simInit.


Optional environment in which to store parsed code. This may be useful if the same file is being parsed multiple times. This function will check in that environment for the parsed file before parsing again. If the envir is transient, then this will have no effect.


numeric_version indicating the module's version.


Alex Chubaty

See Also



# using filepath
path <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
moduleVersion("caribouMovement", path)

# using simList
options("spades.useRequire" = FALSE)
if (require("", quietly = TRUE)) {
   mySim <- simInit(
      times = list(start = 2000.0, end = 2002.0, timeunit = "year"),
      params = list(
        .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned")
      modules = list("caribouMovement"),
      paths = list(modulePath = path)
   moduleVersion("caribouMovement", sim = mySim)

Create new module from template


Generate a skeleton for a new SpaDES module, a template for a documentation file, a citation file, a license file, a ‘’ file, and a folder that contains unit tests information. newModule is largely a wrapper around newModuleCode and newModuleDocumentation. newModuleCode will not generate the module code. newModuleDocumentation will create the other files.


newModule(name, path, ..., events = NULL, envir = parent.frame())

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
newModule(name, path, ..., events = NULL, envir = parent.frame())

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'
newModule(name, path, ..., events = NULL, envir = parent.frame())

newModuleCode(name, path, ..., events)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
newModuleCode(name, path, ..., events)

newModuleDocumentation(name, path, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
newModuleDocumentation(name, path, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'
newModuleDocumentation(name, path, ...)



Character string specifying the name of the new module.


Character string. Subdirectory in which to place the new module code file. The default is the current working directory.


Additional arguments. Currently, these can be either named function definitions (which will be added to the simList) or one or more of the following:


Required when type = "parent". A character vector specifying the names of child modules.


Logical. Should the new module file be opened after creation? Default TRUE.


Character string specifying one of "child" (default), or "parent".

For newModule can also be:


Logical. Should the new module include unit test files? Default TRUE. Unit testing relies on the testthat package.


Logical. Is module development happening on GitHub? Default TRUE.


A list of named expressions, each of which is surrounded by { }. A user can specify events here, instead of accepting the default doEvent function that comes with the module template. If this is specified, all events must be specified, i.e., it will not inherit partially from the template ⁠doEvent.<moduleName>⁠. See example.


An environment where objects being passed to newModule can be found. Default parent.frame(), which should be fine for most cases.


All files will be created within a subdirectory named name within the path:

    |_ <name>/
    |_ R/               # contains additional module R scripts
    |_ data/            # directory for all included data
      |_ CHECKSUMS.txt  # contains checksums for data files
    |_ tests/           # contains unit tests for module code
    |_ citation.bib     # bibtex citation for the module
    |_ LICENSE          # describes module's legal usage
    |_        # provide overview of key aspects
    |_ <name>.R         # module code file (incl. metadata)
    |_ <name>.Rmd       # documentation, usage info, etc.


NULL (invisibly). The new module file is created at ‘path/name.R’, as well as ancillary files for documentation, citation, ‘LICENSE’, ‘README’, and ‘tests’ directory.

newModuleCode is invoked for its side effect of creating new module code files.

newModuleDocumentation is nvoked for its side effect of creating new module documentation files.


On Windows there is currently a bug in RStudio that prevents the editor from opening when file.edit is called. Similarly, in RStudio on macOS, there is an issue opening files where they are opened in an overlaid window rather than a new tab. file.edit does work if the user types it at the command prompt. A message with the correct lines to copy and paste is provided.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire

Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

See Also

Other module creation helpers: newModuleTests()

Other module creation helpers: newModuleTests()

Other module creation helpers: newModuleTests()


tmpdir <- tempdir2("exampleNewModule")
  ## create a "myModule" module in the "modules" subdirectory.
  newModule("myModule", tmpdir)

  ## create a new parent module in the "modules" subdirectory.
  newModule("myParentModule", tmpdir, type = "parent", children = c("child1", "child2"))
  unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)

if (requireNamespace("ggplot2")) {
  # We can also specify events and functions in `newModule`; it will still get all
  #   functions that are not specified from the module template (e.g., plotFun below)
  nm <- "test"
  modulePath <- Require::tempdir2()
  newModule(nm, path = modulePath, open = FALSE,
            events = list(
              init = {
                  sim <- Init(sim)                            # finds definition below
                  sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, start(sim) + 1,
                                       eventType = "plot")
              plot = {
                  plotFun(sim)                                # finds the templated plotFun
                  sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1,
                                       eventType = "plot")
            Init = function(sim) { # replaces Init definition from template
              sim$a <- 1
  out <- simInitAndSpades(module = nm, paths = list(modulePath = modulePath))
  # clean up
  unlink(dir(modulePath, pattern = nm, full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE)

Create template testing structures for new modules


Create template testing structures for new modules


newModuleTests(name, path, open, useGitHub)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,logical,logical'
newModuleTests(name, path, open, useGitHub)



Character string specifying the name of the new module.


Character string. Subdirectory in which to place the new module code file. The default is the current working directory.


Logical. Should the new module file be opened after creation? Default TRUE in an interactive session.


Logical indicating whether GitHub will be used. If TRUE (default), creates suitable configuration files (e.g., ‘.gitignore’) and configures basic GitHub actions for module code checking.


NULL (invisibly). Invoked for its side effect of creating new module test files.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

See Also

Other module creation helpers: newModule()

Show which objects were first created in a simInit or spades call


This does an rbindlist(sim$._objectsCreated). This object in the sim records the yellow message that reports on when objects are created.





A simList object that contains data.table objects


The data.table of the objects created, alongside the current(sim) at each moment of creation.

Progress bar


Shows a progress bar that is scaled to simulation end time.






A simList simulation object.


The progress bar object is stored in a separate environment, #' .pkgEnv.


invoked for side effect of creating progress bar


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire

Create new SpaDES project


Initialize a project with subdirectories ‘cache/’, ‘modules/’, ‘inputs/’, ‘outputs/’, and setPaths accordingly. If invoked from Rstudio, will also create a new Rstudio project file.


newProject(name, path, open)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,logical'
newProject(name, path, open)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing'
newProject(name, path, open)



project name (name of project directory)


path to directory in which to create the project directory


Logical. Should the new project file be opened after creation? Default TRUE in an interactive session.


invoked for side effect of project file creation


myProjDir <- newProject("myProject", tempdir())

dir.exists(file.path(myProjDir, "cache"))
dir.exists(file.path(myProjDir, "inputs"))
dir.exists(file.path(myProjDir, "modules"))
dir.exists(file.path(myProjDir, "outputs"))
unlink(myProjDir, recursive = TRUE) ## cleanup

Create new module code file


Create new module code file


newProjectCode(name, path, open)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,logical'
newProjectCode(name, path, open = interactive())



project name (name of project directory)


path to directory in which to create the project directory


Logical. Should the new project file be opened after creation? Default TRUE in an interactive session.


invoked for side effect of project file creation


Alex Chubaty

Text for no event with that name


Provides the text to be sent to warning in each module as the default switch case.





A simList simulation object, generally produced by simInit.


A text string specifying the event name and module for which there is no event

Simulation object dependency diagram


Create a sequence diagram illustrating the data object dependencies of a simulation. Offers a more detailed view of specific objects than does plotting the depsEdgeList directly with moduleDiagram().


objectDiagram(sim, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
objectDiagram(sim, ...)



A simList object (typically corresponding to a completed simulation).


Additional arguments passed to DiagrammeR::mermaid. Useful for specifying height and width.


Plots a sequence diagram, invisibly returning a DiagrammeR::mermaid object.


Alex Chubaty

See Also



if (requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE)) {
  sim <- simInit()
  # if there are lots of objects, may need to increase width and/or height
  objectDiagram(sim, height = 3000, width = 3000)

Identify synonyms in a simList


This will create active bindings amongst the synonyms. To minimize copying, the first one that exists in the character vector will become the "canonical" object. All others named in the character vector will be activeBindings to that canonical one. This synonym list will be assigned to the envir, as an object named objectSynonyms. That object will have an attribute called, bindings indicating which one is the canonical one and which is/are the activeBindings. EXPERIMENTAL: If the objects are removed during a spades call by, say, a module, then at the end of the event, the spades call will replace the bindings. In other words, if a module deletes the object, it will "come back". This may not always be desired.


objectSynonyms(envir, synonyms)



An environment, which in the context of SpaDES.core is usually a simList to find and/or place the objectSynonyms object.


A list of synonym character vectors, such as list(c("age", "ageMap", "age2"), c("veg", "vegMap"))


This is very experimental and only has minimal tests. Please report if this is not working, and under what circumstances (e.g., please submit a reproducible example to our issues tracker)

This function will append any new objectSynonym to any pre-existing objectSynonym in the envir. Similarly, this function assumes transitivity, i.e., if age and ageMap are synonyms, and ageMap and timeSinceFire are synonyms, then age and timeSinceFire must be synonyms.


Active bindings in the envir so that all synonyms point to the same canonical object, e.g., they would be at envir[[synonym[[1]][1]]] and envir[[synonym[[1]][2]]], if a list of length one is passed into synonyms, with a character vector of length two. See examples.


sim <- simInit()

sim$age <- 1:10;
sim <- objectSynonyms(sim, list(c("age", "ageMap")))

identical(sim$ageMap, sim$age)
sim$age <- 4
identical(sim$ageMap, sim$age)
sim$ageMap <- 2:5
sim$ageMap[3] <- 11
identical(sim$ageMap, sim$age)

# Also works to pass it in as an object
objectSynonyms <- list(c("age", "ageMap"))
sim <- simInit(objects = list(objectSynonyms = objectSynonyms))
identical(sim$ageMap, sim$age) # they are NULL at this point
sim$age <- 1:10
identical(sim$ageMap, sim$age) # they are not NULL at this point

## More complicated, with 'updating' i.e., you can add new synonyms to previous
sim <- simInit()
os <- list(c("age", "ageMap"), c("vegMap", "veg"), c("studyArea", "studyArea2"))
os2 <- list(c("ageMap", "timeSinceFire", "tsf"),
            c("systime", "systime2"),
            c("vegMap", "veg"))
sim <- objectSynonyms(sim, os)
sim <- objectSynonyms(sim, os2)

# check

Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment


The [[ and $ operators provide "shortcuts" for accessing objects in the simulation environment. I.e., instead of using envir(sim)$object or envir(sim)[["object"]], one can simply use sim$object or sim[["object"]].


objs(sim, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
objs(sim, ...)

objs(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
objs(sim) <- value

moduleObjects(sim, module, path)

findObjects(objects, sim, module, path)



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


passed to ls


objects to assign to the simList


Character vector of module name(s)


The path to the module., i.e., the modulePath. Only relevant if sim not supplied.


A character vector of length >= 1 with name(s) of objects to look for in the metadata. This is used in a grep, meaning it will do partial matching (e.g., "studyArea" will find "studyArea" and "studyAreaLarge"). User can use regular expressions.


objs can take ... arguments passed to ls, allowing, e.g. all.names=TRUE ⁠objs<-⁠ requires takes a named list of values to be assigned in the simulation environment.


Returns or sets a list of objects in the simList environment.

moduleObjects returns a data.table with 4 columns, module, objectName, type, and desc, pulled directly from the object metadata in the createsOutputs and expectsInputs. These will be determined either from a simList or from the module source code.

findObjects returns a data.table similar to moduleObjects, but with only the objects provided by objects.

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.1 on Simulation Parameters.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()


# findObjects
path <- getSampleModules(tempdir())
findObjects(path = path, module = dir(path), objects = "caribou")

Object size for simList


Recursively, runs reproducible::objSize() on the simList environment, so it estimates the correct size of functions stored there (e.g., with their enclosing environments) plus, it adds all other "normal" elements of the simList, e.g., objSize(completed(sim)). The output is structured into 2 elements: the sim environment and all its objects, and the other slots in the simList (e.g., events, completed, modules, etc.). The returned object also has an attribute, "total", which shows the total size.


## S3 method for class 'simList'
objSize(x, quick = TRUE, ...)



An object


Logical. If FALSE, then an attribute, "objSize" will be added to the returned value, with each of the elements' object size returned also.


Additional arguments (currently unused), enables backwards compatible use.


an estimate of the size of the object, in bytes.


a <- simInit(objects = list(d = 1:10, b = 2:20))

Open all modules nested within a base directory


This is just a convenience wrapper for opening several modules at once, recursively. A module is defined as any file that ends in .R or .r and has a directory name identical to its filename. Thus, this must be case sensitive.


openModules(name, path)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character'
openModules(name, path)

## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'missing,character'

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'

## S4 method for signature 'simList,missing'



Character vector with names of modules to open. If missing, then all modules will be opened within the base directory.


Character string of length 1. The base directory within which there are only module subdirectories.


NULL (invisibly). All file are open via file.edit.


On Windows there is currently a bug in RStudio that prevents the editor from opening when file.edit is called. file.edit does work if the user types it at the command prompt. A message with the correct lines to copy and paste is provided.


Eliot McIntire


if (interactive())

Simulation outputs


Accessor functions for the outputs slots in a simList object.

If a module saves a file to disk during events, it can be useful to keep track of the files that are saved e.g., for saveSimList() so that all files can be added to the archive. In addition to setting outputs at the simInit stage, a module developer can also put this in a using any saving mechanism that is relevant (e.g., qs::qsave, saveRDS etc.). When a module event does this it can be useful to register that saved file. registerOutputs offers an additional mechanism to do this. See examples.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

outputs(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
outputs(sim) <- value

registerOutputs(filename, sim, ...)


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

outputArgs(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
outputArgs(sim) <- value



A simList. If missing, then the function will search in the call stack, so it will find it if it is in a SpaDES module.


The object to be stored at the slot. See Details.


The filename to register in the outputs(sim) data.frame. If missing, an attempt will be made to search for either a file or filename argument in the call itself. This means that this function can be used with the pipe, as long as the returned return from the upstream pipe function is a filename or if it is NULL (e.g., saveRDS), then it will find the file argument and use that.


Not used.


These functions are one of three mechanisms to add information about which output files to save.

  1. As arguments to a simInit call. Specifically, inputs or outputs. See ?simInit.

  2. With the outputs(simList) function call.

  3. By adding a function called .inputObjects inside a module, which will be executed during the simInit call. This last way is the most "modular" way to create default data sets for your model.

See below for more details.

Note using registerOutputs: a user can pass any other arguments to registerOutputs that are in the outputs(sim) data.frame, such as objectName, fun, package, though these will not be used to save the files as this function is only about registering an output that has already been saved.


A simList which will be the sim passed in with a new object registered in the outputs(sim)

outputs function or argument in simInit

outputs accepts a data.frame similar to the inputs data.frame, but with up to 6 columns.

objectName required, character string indicating the name of the object in the simList that will be saved to disk (without the ⁠sim$⁠ prefix).
file optional, a character string indicating the file path to save to. The default is to concatenate objectName with the model timeunit and saveTime, separated by underscore, '⁠_⁠'. So a default filename would be "Fires_year1.rds".
fun optional, a character string indicating the function to use to save that file. The default is saveRDS()
package optional character string indicating the package in which to find the fun);
saveTime optional numeric, indicating when in simulation time the file should be saved. The default is the lowest priority at end(sim), i.e., at the very end.
arguments is a list of lists of named arguments, one list for each fun. For example, if fun = "write.csv", arguments = list(row.names = TRUE) will pass the argument row.names = TRUE to write.csv If there is only one list, then it is assumed to apply to all files and will be recycled as per normal R rules of recycling for each fun.

See the modules vignette for more details (browseVignettes("SpaDES.core")).


The automatic file type handling only adds the correct extension from a given fun and package. It does not do the inverse, from a given extension find the correct fun and package.

See Also

registerOutputs() which enables files that are saved to be added to the simList using the outputs(sim) mechanism, so the files that are saved during a module event can be tracked at the simList level. saveSimList() which will optionally add all the outputs that are tracked into an archive.

Plots(), outputs()


# outputs

tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "outputs") |> checkPath(create = TRUE)
tmpFile <- file.path(tmpdir, "temp.rds")
tempObj <- 1:10

# Can add data.frame of outputs directly into simInit call
sim <- simInit(objects = c("tempObj"),
               outputs = data.frame(objectName = "tempObj"),
               paths = list(outputPath = tmpdir))
outputs(sim) # To see what will be saved, when, what filename
sim <- spades(sim)
outputs(sim) # To see that it was saved, when, what filename

# Also can add using assignment after a simList object has been made
sim <- simInit(objects = c("tempObj"), paths = list(outputPath = tmpdir))
outputs(sim) <- data.frame(objectName = "tempObj", saveTime = 1:10)
sim <- spades(sim)
outputs(sim) # To see that it was saved, when, what filename.

# can do highly variable saving
tempObj2 <- paste("val", 1:10)
df1 <- data.frame(col1 = tempObj, col2 = tempObj2)
sim <- simInit(objects = c("tempObj", "tempObj2", "df1"),
  paths = list(outputPath = tmpdir))
outputs(sim) <- data.frame(
     objectName = c(rep("tempObj", 2), rep("tempObj2", 3), "df1"),
     saveTime = c(c(1, 4), c(2, 6, 7), end(sim)),
     fun = c(rep("saveRDS", 5), "write.csv"),
     package = c(rep("base", 5), "utils"),
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# since write.csv has a default of adding a column, x, with rownames, must add additional
#   argument for 6th row in data.frame (corresponding to the write.csv function)
outputArgs(sim)[[6]] <- list(row.names = FALSE)
sim <- spades(sim)

# read one back in just to test it all worked as planned
newObj <- read.csv(dir(tmpdir, pattern = "year10.csv", = TRUE))

# using saving with SpaDES-aware methods
# To see current ones SpaDES can do

ras <- rast(ncol = 4, nrow = 5)
ras[] <- 1:20

sim <- simInit(objects = c("ras"), paths = list(outputPath = tmpdir))
outputs(sim) <- data.frame(
  file = "test",
  fun = "writeRaster",
  package = "terra",
  objectName = "ras",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

simOut <- spades(sim)
newRas <- rast(dir(tmpdir, = TRUE, pattern = ".tif")[1])
all.equal(newRas, ras) # Should be TRUE
# Clean up after
unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
# For `registerOutputs`
sim <- simInit()
# This would normally be a save call, e.g., `writeRaster`
tf <- reproducible::tempfile2(fileext = ".tif")
sim <- registerOutputs(sim, filename = tf)

# Using a pipe
tf <- reproducible::tempfile2(fileext = ".rds")
sim$a <- 1
sim <- saveRDS(sim$a, tf) |> registerOutputs()
# confirm:
outputs(sim) # has object --> saved = TRUE

Get module or simulation package dependencies


Get module or simulation package dependencies


packages(sim, modules, paths, filenames, envir, clean = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
packages(sim, modules, paths, filenames, envir, clean = FALSE, ...)



A simList object.


Character vector, specifying the name or vector of names of module(s)


Character vector, specifying the name or vector of names of paths(s) for those modules. If path not specified, it will be taken from getOption("spades.modulePath"), which is set with setPaths())


Character vector specifying filenames of modules (i.e. combined path & module. If this is specified, then modules and path are ignored.


Optional environment in which to store parsed code. This may be useful if the same file is being parsed multiple times. This function will check in that environment for the parsed file before parsing again. If the envir is transient, then this will have no effect.


Optional logical. If TRUE, it will scrub any references to GitHub repositories, e.g., "PredictiveEcology/reproducible" will be returned as "reproducible".


All simInit parameters.


A sorted character vector of package names.


Alex Chubaty & Eliot McIntire

See Also

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), params(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()

Test and update a parameter against same parameter in other modules


This function is intended to be part of module code and will test whether the value of a parameter within the current module matches the value of the same parameter in other modules. This is a test for parameters that might expect to be part of a params = list(.globals = list(someParam = "test")) passed to simInit().


  moduleToUse = "all",
  ifSetButDifferent = c("error", "warning", "message", "silent"),
  verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")



A simList object


A character string, length one, of a parameter name to check and compare between the current module and one or more or all others


A character vector of module names to check against. This can be "all" which will compare against all other modules.


A character string indicating whether to "error" the default, or send a "warning", message or just silently continue (any other value).


Logical or Numeric, follows reproducible.verbose value by default.


It is considered a "fail" under several conditions:

  1. current module has a value that is not NULL or "default" and another module has a different value;

  2. there is more than one value for the paramToCheck in the other modules, so it is ambiguous which one to return.

Either the current module is different than other modules, unless it is "default" or NULL.


If the value of the paramToCheck in the current module is either NULL or "default", and there is only one other value across all modules named in moduleToUse, then this will return a character string with the value of the single parameter value in the other module(s). It will return the current value if there are no other modules with the same parameter.

Get and set simulation parameters


params, P and Par (an active binding, like "mod") access the parameter slot in the simList. params has a replace method, so can be used to update a parameter value.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

params(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
params(sim) <- value

P(sim, param, module)

P(sim, param, module) <- value

parameters(sim, asDF = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
parameters(sim, asDF = FALSE)



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The parameter value to be set (in the corresponding module and param).


Optional character string indicating which parameter to choose.


Optional character string indicating which module params should come from.


Logical. For parameters, if TRUE, this will produce a single data.frame of all model parameters. If FALSE, then it will return a data.frame with 1 row for each parameter within nested lists, with the same structure as params.


parameters will extract only the metadata with the metadata defaults, NOT the current values that may be overwritten by a user. See examples.


Returns or sets the value of the slot from the simList object.


The differences between P(), params() and being explicit with passing arguments are mostly a question of speed and code compactness. The computationally fastest way to get a parameter is to specify moduleName and parameter name, as in: P(sim, "paramName", "moduleName") (replacing moduleName and paramName with your specific module and parameter names), but it is more verbose than P(sim)$paramName. Note: the important part for speed (e.g., 2-4x faster) is specifying the moduleName. Specifying the parameter name is <5% faster.

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.1 on Simulation parameters.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), paths(), progressInterval(), times()


s <- simInit()
# add a parameter to tmp module
params(s)$tmp <- list(a = 1)

# Only work inside a module, inside a function with `sim` is an argument
# P(s, "a") # get "a" parameter inside the current module
# Par$a     # same. Get "a" parameter inside the current module

if (requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE)) {
  opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE) # not necessary for example
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes")
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
  mySim <- simInit(modules = modules, paths = paths,
                   params = list(.globals = list(stackName = "landscape")))

  # update some parameters using assignment -- currently only params will work
  params(mySim)$randomLandscapes$nx <- 200
  params(mySim)$randomLandscapes$ny <- 200

  parameters(mySim) # Does not contain these user overridden values

  # These next 2 are same here because they are not within a module
  P(mySim)          # Does contain the user overridden values
  params(mySim)     # Does contain the user overridden values

  # NOTE -- deleting a parameter will affect params and P, not parameters
  params(mySim)$randomLandscapes$nx <- NULL
  params(mySim)$randomLandscapes$ny <- NULL

  parameters(mySim) # Shows nx and ny

  # These next 2 are same here because they are not within a module
  P(mySim)          # nx and ny are Gone
  params(mySim)     # nx and ny are Gone

  options(opts) # reset

Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters


Accessor functions for the paths slot in a simList object.

dataPath will return file.path(modulePath(sim), currentModule(sim), "data"). dataPath, like currentModule,is namespaced. This means that when it is used inside a module, then it will return that model-specific information. For instance, if used inside a module called "movingAgent", then currentModule(sim) will return "movingAgent", and dataPath(sim) will return file.path(modulePath(sim), "movingAgent", "data")



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

paths(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
paths(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

cachePath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
cachePath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

inputPath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
inputPath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

outputPath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
outputPath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

modulePath(sim, module)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
modulePath(sim, module)

modulePath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
modulePath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

scratchPath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
scratchPath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

rasterPath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
rasterPath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

terraPath(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
terraPath(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The parameter value to be set (in the corresponding module and param).


The optional character string of the module(s) whose paths are desired. If omitted, will return all module paths, if more than one exist.


These are ways to add or access the file paths used by spades(). There are five file paths: cachePath, modulePath, inputPath, outputPath, and rasterPath. Each has a function to get or set the value in a simList object. If no paths are specified, the defaults are as follows:

  • cachePath: getOption("reproducible.cachePath");

  • inputPath: getOption("spades.modulePath");

  • modulePath: getOption("spades.inputPath");

  • outputPath: getOption("spades.outputPath");

  • rasterPath: file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "raster");

  • scratchPath: getOption("spades.scratchPath");

  • terraPath: file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "terra")


Returns or sets the value of the slot from the simList object.

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.4 on Simulation Paths.

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), progressInterval(), times()

Plot method for simList objects


Extends quickPlot::Plot for simList objects.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
  new = FALSE,
  addTo = NULL,
  gp = gpar(),
  gpText = gpar(),
  gpAxis = gpar(),
  axes = FALSE,
  speedup = 1,
  size = 5,
  cols = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  zoomExtent = NULL,
  visualSqueeze = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  legendRange = NULL,
  legendText = NULL,
  pch = 19,
  title = NULL,
  na.color = "#FFFFFF00",
  zero.color = NULL,
  length = NULL,
  arr = NULL,
  plotFn = "plot",
  verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")



A combination of spatialObjects or non-spatial objects. For many object classes, there are specific Plot methods. Where there are no specific ones, the base plotting will be used internally. This means that for objects with no specific Plot methods, many arguments, such as addTo, will not work. See details.


Logical. If TRUE, then the previous named plot area is wiped and a new one made; if FALSE, then the ... plots will be added to the current device, adding or rearranging the plot layout as necessary. Default is FALSE. This currently works best if there is only one object being plotted in a given Plot call. However, it is possible to pass a list of logicals to this, matching the length of the ... objects. Use clearPlot to clear the whole plotting device. NOTE if TRUE: Everything that was there, including the legend and the end points of the colour palette, will be removed and re-initiated.


Character vector, with same length as .... This is for overplotting, when the overplot is not to occur on the plot with the same name, such as plotting a ⁠SpatialPoints*⁠ object on a RasterLayer.


A gpar object, created by gpar(), to change plotting parameters (see grid package).


A gpar object for the title text. Default gpar(col = "black").


A gpar object for the axes. Default gpar(col = "black").


Logical or "L", representing the left and bottom axes, over all plots.


Numeric. The factor by which the number of pixels is divided by to plot rasters. See Details.


Numeric. The size, in points, for SpatialPoints symbols, if using a scalable symbol.


(also col) Character vector or list of character vectors of colours. See details.


(also cols) Alternative to cols to be consistent with plot. cols takes precedence, if both are provided.


An Extent object. Supplying a single extent that is smaller than the rasters will call a crop statement before plotting. Defaults to NULL. This occurs after any downsampling of rasters, so it may produce very pixelated maps.


Numeric. The proportion of the white space to be used for plots. Default is 0.75.


Logical indicating whether a legend should be drawn. Default is TRUE.


Numeric vector giving values that, representing the lower and upper bounds of a legend (i.e., 1:10 or c(1,10) will give same result) that will override the data bounds contained within the grobToPlot.


Character vector of legend value labels. Defaults to NULL, which results in a pretty numeric representation. If ⁠Raster*⁠ has a Raster Attribute Table (rat; see raster package), this will be used by default. Currently, only a single vector is accepted. The length of this must match the length of the legend, so this is mostly useful for discrete-valued rasters.


see ?par.


Logical or character string. If logical, it indicates whether to print the object name as the title above the plot. If a character string, it will print this above the plot. NOTE: the object name is used with addTo, not the title. Default NULL, which means print the object name as title, if no other already exists on the plot, in which case, keep the previous title.


Character string indicating the colour for NA values. Default transparent.


Character string indicating the colour for zero values, when zero is the minimum value, otherwise, zero is treated as any other colour. Default transparent.


Numeric. Optional length, in inches, of the arrow head.


A vector of length 2 indicating a desired arrangement of plot areas indicating number of rows, number of columns. Default NULL, meaning let Plot function do it automatically.


An optional function name to do the plotting internally, e.g., "barplot" to get a barplot() call. Default "plot".


Numeric or logical. If TRUE or ⁠>0⁠, then messages will be shown. If FALSE or 0, most messages will be suppressed.


See quickPlot::Plot. This method strips out stuff from a simList class object that would make it otherwise not reproducibly digestible between sessions, operating systems, or machines. This will likely still not allow identical digest results across R versions.


invoked for side effect of plotting

See Also


Plot wrapper intended for use in a SpaDES module


This is a single function call that allows a user to change which format in which the plots will occur. Specifically, the two common formats would be to "screen" or to disk as an image file, such as "png". This has currently been tested with ggplot2, RasterLayer, and tmap objects. The default (or change with e.g., ⁠fn = "print", usePlot = FALSE⁠) uses Plot internally, so individual plots may be rearranged. When saved to disk (e.g., via type = 'png'), then Plot will not be used and the single object that is the result of this Plots call will be saved to disk. This function requires at least 2 things: a plotting function and arguments passed to that function (which could include data, but commonly would simply be named arguments required by fn). See below and examples.


  types = quote(params(sim)[[currentModule(sim)]]$.plots),
  path = quote(figurePath(sim)),
  .plotInitialTime = quote(params(sim)[[currentModule(sim)]]$.plotInitialTime),
  ggsaveArgs = list(),
  usePlot = getOption("spades.PlotsUsePlot", FALSE),
  deviceArgs = list(),



An (optional) arbitrary data object. If supplied, it will be passed as the first argument to Plot function, and should contain all the data required for the inner plotting. If passing a RasterLayer, it may be a good idea to set names(RasterLayer) so that multiple layers can be plotted without overlapping each other. When a custom fn is used and all arguments for fn are supplied and named, then this can be omitted. See examples.


An arbitrary plotting function. If not provided, defaults to using quickPlot::Plot


A name that will be the base for the files that will be saved, i.e, do not supply the file extension, as this will be determined based on types. If a user provides this as an absolute path, it will override the path argument.


Character vector, zero or more of types. If used within a module, this will be deduced from the P(sim)$type and can be omitted. See below.


Currently a single path for the saved objects on disk. If filename is supplied as an absolute path, path will be set to dirname(filename), overriding this argument value.


A numeric. If NA then no visual on screen. Anything else will have visuals plotted to screen device. This is here for backwards compatibility. A developer should set in the module to the intended initial plot time and leave it, i.e., not NA.


An optional list of arguments passed to ggplot2::ggsave


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the plot will occur with quickPlot::Plot, so it will be arranged with previously existing plots.


An optional list of arguments passed to one of png, pdf, tiff, bmp, or jgeg. This is useful when the plotting function is not creating a ggplot object, e.g., plotting a RasterLayer.


Anything needed by fn, all named.


  • type

    • "screen" – Will plot to the current device, normally a plot window

    • "object" – Will save the plot object, e.g., ggplot object

    • "raw" – Will save the raw data prior to plotting, e.g., the data argument

    • "png" – or any other type save-able with ggsave


Called for its side effect of plot creation.

Recording of files saved

In cases where files are saved, and where Plots is used within a SpaDES module, the file(s) that is/are saved will be appended to the outputs slot of the simList of the module. This will, therefore, keep a record of figures saved within the simList


This is still experimental and could change in the next release.

Plots now has experimental support for "just a Plot call", but with types specified. See examples. The devices to save on disk will have some different behaviours to the screen representation, since "wiping" an individual plot on a device doesn't exist for a file device.

This offers up to 4 different actions for a given plot:

  • To screen device

  • To disk as raw data (limited testing)

  • To disk as a saved plot object (limited testing)

  • To disk as a ‘.png’ or other image file, e.g., ‘.pdf

To turn off plotting both to screen and disk, set both .plotInititalTime = NA and .plots = NA or any other value that will not trigger a TRUE with a grepl with the types argument (e.g., "" will omit all saving).


# Note: if this is used inside a SpaDES module, do not define this
  #  function inside another function. Put it outside in a normal
  #  module script. Otherwise, it will cause a memory leak.
  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2")) {
    fn <- function(d)
      ggplot2::ggplot(d, ggplot2::aes(a)) +
    sim <- simInit()
    sim$something <- data.frame(a = sample(1:10, replace = TRUE))

    Plots(data = sim$something, fn = fn,
          types = c("png"),
          path = file.path("figures"),
          filename = tempfile(),
          .plotInitialTime = 1)

    # plot to active device and to png
      data = sim$something, fn = fn,
      types = c("png", "screen"),
      path = file.path("figures"),
      filename = tempfile(),
      .plotInitialTime = 1

    # Can also be used like quickPlot::Plot, but with control over output type
    r <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0,10,0,10),
                     vals = sample(1:3, size = 100, replace = TRUE))
    Plots(r, types = c("screen", "png"), filename = tempfile(),
          deviceArgs = list(width = 700, height = 500),
          usePlot = TRUE)

    # with ggplotify, Plots can also be used to plot/save
    # non-ggplot objects:

    if (require("ggplotify")) {
      if (!require("lattice")) stop("please install lattice")

      p1 <- densityplot(~mpg|cyl, data=mtcars)
      Plots(data = p1, fn = as.ggplot, filename = tempfile(),
            ggsaveArgs = list(width = 5, height = 4, dpi = 300,
                              bg = "white", units = "in"),
            types = c("screen", "png"),
            .plotInitialTime = 1)
  } # end ggplot
 # end of dontrun

Event priority


Preset event priorities: 1 = first (highest); 5 = normal; 10 = last (lowest).








numeric of length 1.


Alex Chubaty

Get and set simulation progress bar details


The progress bar can be set in two ways in SpaDES. First, by setting values in the .progress list element in the params list element passed to simInit(). Second, at the spades() call itself, which can be simpler. See examples.



## S4 method for signature 'simList'

progressInterval(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
progressInterval(sim) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

progressType(sim) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
progressType(sim) <- value



A simList object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).


The parameter value to be set (in the corresponding module and param).


Progress Bar: Progress type can be one of "text", "graphical", or "shiny". Progress interval can be a numeric. These both can get set by passing a .progress = list(type = "graphical", interval = 1) into the simInit call. See examples.


for progressInterval, a numeric corresponding to the progress update interval; for ⁠progressInterval<-⁠, an updated simList object.

See Also

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), times()


if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE) # not necessary for example
mySim <- simInit(
  times = list(start=0.0, end=100.0),
  params = list(.globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
  .progress = list(type = "text", interval = 10),
  checkpoint = list(interval = 10, file = "chkpnt.RData")),
  modules = list("randomLandscapes"),
  paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))

# progress bar
progressType(mySim) # "text"
progressInterval(mySim) # 10

# parameters
params(mySim) # returns all parameters in all modules
              # including .global, .progress, checkpoint
globals(mySim) # returns only global parameters

# checkpoint
checkpointFile(mySim) # returns the name of the checkpoint file
                      # In this example, "chkpnt.RData"
checkpointInterval(mySim) # 10

options(opts) # reset

Simple wrapper to load any ⁠Raster*⁠ object


This wraps either raster::raster, raster::stack, raster::brick, or terra::rast, allowing a single function to be used to create a new object of the same class as a template. This works for all ⁠Raster*⁠ and SpatRaster class templates.


rasterCreate(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
rasterCreate(x, ...)



An object, notably a ⁠Raster*⁠ object. All others will simply be passed through with no effect.


Passed to raster::raster, raster::stack, or raster::brick


a new (empty) object of same class as the original.

Methods (by class)

  • rasterCreate(default): Simply passes through argument with no effect

Read raster to memory


Wrapper to the raster function, that creates the raster object in memory, even if it was read in from file. There is the default method which is just a pass through, so this can be safely used on large complex objects, recursively, e.g., a simList.


rasterToMemory(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
rasterToMemory(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character'
rasterToMemory(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
rasterToMemory(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'
rasterToMemory(x, ...)



An object passed directly to the function raster (e.g., character string of a filename).


Additional arguments to raster::raster, raster::stack, or raster::brick.


A raster object whose values are stored in memory.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

See Also

raster(), terra::rast().

Determine the size of a remotely hosted file


Defunct. Will be removed by mid-2023.





The url of the remote file.


A numeric indicating the size of the remote file in bytes.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

Restart R programmatically


This will attempt to restart the R session, reloading all packages, and saving and reloading the simList. Currently, this is not intended for general use: it has many specialized pieces for using inside a spades call. The main purpose for doing this is to clear memory leaks (possibly deep in R that are not fully diagnosed. This is still very experimental. This should only be used if there are RAM limitations being hit with long running simulations. It has been tested to work Linux within Rstudio and at a terminal R session. The way to initiate restarting of R is simply setting the spades.restartRInterval or setting the equivalent parameter in the restartR core module via: simInit(..., params = list(.restartR = list(.restartRInterval = 1)), ...) greater than 0, which is the default, e.g., options("spades.restartRInterval" = 100). This is only intended to restart a simulation in exactly the same place as it was (i.e., cannot change machines), and because of the restart, the assignment of the spades call will be either to sim or the user must make such an assignment manually, e.g., sim <- savedSimEnv()$.sim, or perhaps, the safer sim <- Copy(savedSimEnv()$.sim). This is stated in a message.


  reloadPkgs = TRUE,
  .First = NULL,
  .RDataFile = getOption("spades.restartR.RDataFilename"),
  restartDir = getOption("spades.restartR.restartDir", NULL)



Required. A simList to be retained through the restart


Logical. If TRUE, it will attempt to reload all the packages as they were in previous session, in the same order. If FALSE, it will load no packages beyond normal R startup. Default TRUE


A function to save to ‘~/.qs’ which will be loaded at restart from ‘~/.qs’ and run. Default is NULL, meaning it will use the non-exported SpaDES.core:::First. If a user wants to make a custom First file, it should built off that one.


A filename for saving the simList. Defaults to getOption("spades.restartR.filename"), and the directory will be in restartDir. The simulation time will be mid-pended to this name, as in: ⁠basename(file), "_time",⁠ ⁠paddedFloatToChar(time(sim), padL = nchar(as.character(end(sim))))))⁠


A character string indicating root directory to save simList and other ancillary files during restart. Defaults to getOption("spades.restartR.restartDir", NULL). If NULL, then it will try, in order, outputPath(sim), modulePath(sim), inputPath(sim), cachePath(sim), taking the first one that is not inside the tempdir(), which will disappear during restart of R. The actual directory for a given spades call that is restarting will be: file.path(restartDir, "restartR", paste0(sim$._startClockTime, "_", .rndString)). The random string is to prevent parallel processes that started at the same clock time from colliding.


The process responds to several options. Though under most cases, the default behaviour should suffice. These are of 3 types: restartRInterval the arguments to restartR and the arguments to saveSimList, these latter two using a dot to separate the function name and its argument. The defaults for two key options are: ⁠options("spades.restartR.restartDir" = NULL⁠, meaning use file.path(restartDir, "restartR", paste0(sim$._startClockTime, "_", .rndString)) and options("spades.saveSimList.fileBackend" = 0), which means don't do anything with raster-backed files. See specific functions for defaults and argument meanings. The only difference from the default function values is with saveSimList argument fileBackend = FALSE during restartR by default, because it is assumed that the file backends will still be intact after a restart, so no need to move them all to memory.


invoked for side effect of restarting the R session


Because of the restarting, the object name of the original assignment of the spades call can not be preserved. The spades call will be assigned to sim in the .GlobalEnv.

Because this function is focused on restarting during a spades call, it will remove all objects in the .GlobalEnv, emulating q("no"). If the user wants to keep those objects, then they should be saved to disk immediately before the spades call. This can then be recovered immediately after the return from the spades call.

To keep the saved simList, use options("spades.restartR.clearFiles" = TRUE). The default is to treat these files as temporary files and so will be removed.

Restart an interrupted simulation


This is very experimental and has not been thoroughly tested. Use with caution. This function will re-parse a single module (currently) into the simList where its source code should reside, and then optionally restart a simulation that stopped on an error, presumably after the developer has modified the source code of the module that caused the break. This will restart the simulation at the next event in the event queue (i.e., returned by events(sim)). Because of this, this function will not do anything if the event queue is empty.


restartSpades(sim = NULL, module = NULL, numEvents = Inf, restart = TRUE, ...)



A simList. If not supplied (the default), this will take the sim from savedSimEnv()$.sim, i.e., the one that was interrupted


A character string length one naming the module that caused the error and whose source code was fixed. This module will be re-parsed and placed into the simList


Numeric. Default is Inf (i.e., all available). In the simList, if options('spades.recoveryMode') is set to TRUE or a numeric, then there will be a list in the simList called .recoverableObjs. These will be replayed backwards in time to reproduce the initial state of the simList before the event that is numEvents back from the first event in events(sim).


Logical. If TRUE, then the call to spades will be made, i.e., restarting the simulation. If FALSE, then it will return a new simList with the module code parsed into the simList


Passed to spades, e.g., debug, .plotInitialTime


This will only parse the source code from the named module. It will not affect any objects that are in the mod or sim.

The random number seed will be reset to the state it was at the start of the earliest event recovered, thereby returning to the exact stochastic simulation trajectory.


A simList as if spades had been called on a simList.


This will only work reliably if the simList was not modified yet during the event which caused the error. The simList will be in the state it was at the time of the error.


# options("spades.recoveryMode" = 1) # now the default
s <- simInit()
s <- spades(s) # if this is interrupted or fails
# the following line will not work if the previous line didn't fail
s <- restartSpades(s) # don't need to specify `sim` if previous line fails
                     # will take from savedSimEnv()$.sim automatically

Retrieve environment for saving interrupted simulations


If the user sets options(reproducible.memoisePersist = TRUE), the global environment will be used, otherwise, a package environment.


savedSimEnv(envir = .GlobalEnv)



an environment to use to store the .sim (simList) object. default is to use the user's global environment (.GlobalEnv).

Save objects using .saveObjects in params slot of simInit


In the simInit() call, a parameter called .saveObjects can be provided in each module. This must be a character string vector of all object names to save. These objects will then be saved whenever a call to saveFiles is made.





A simList simulation object.


The file names will be equal to the object name plus time(sim) is appended at the end. The files are saved as .rds files, meaning, only one object gets saved per file.

For objects saved using this function, the module developer must create save events that schedule a call to saveFiles.

If this function is used outside of a module, it will save all files in the outputs(sim) that are scheduled to be saved at the current time in the simList.

There are several ways to save objects using SpaDES.


(invisibly) the modified sim object. invoked for side effect of saving the simulation to file.

Model-level saving

Using the outputs slot in the simInit() call. See example in simInit(). This can be convenient because it gives overall control of many modules at a time, and it gets automatically scheduled during the simInit() call.

Module-level saving

Using the saveFiles function inside a module. This must be accompanied by a .saveObjects vector or list element in the params slot in the simList(). Usually a module developer will create this method for future users of their module.

Custom saving

A module developer can save any object at any time inside their module, using standard R functions for saving R objects (e.g., save or saveRDS). This is the least modular approach, as it will happen whether a module user wants it or not.


It is not possible to schedule separate saving events for each object that is listed in the .saveObjects.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty


if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
## This will save the "caribou" object at the save interval of 1 unit of time
## in the outputPath location
  outputPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "test_save")
  times <- list(start = 0, end = 1, "month")

  modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement")
  paths <- list(
    modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()),
    outputPath = outputPath
 opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE,
                 "spades.useRequire" = FALSE) # not necessary for example

  ## save multiple outputs
  parameters <- list(
    .globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
    caribouMovement = list(
      .saveObjects = c("caribou", "habitatQuality"),
      .saveInitialTime = 1, .saveInterval = 1
    randomLandscapes = list(.plots = NA, nx = 20, ny = 20))

  mySim <- simInit(times = times, params = parameters, modules = modules,
                 paths = paths)

  spades(mySim, .plotInitialTime = NA) # plotting not relevant for this example
  # remove the files
  file.remove(dir(outputPath, full.names = TRUE))

  options(opts) # clean up


Save a whole simList object to disk


Saving a simList may not work using the standard approaches (e.g., save, saveRDS, and qs::qsave). There are 2 primary reasons why this doesn't work as expected: the activeBindings that are in place within modules (these allow the mod and Par to exist), and file-backed objects, such as SpatRaster and ⁠Raster*⁠. Because of these, a user should use saveSimList and loadSimList. These will save the object and recover the object using the filename supplied, if there are no file-backed objects. If there are file-backed objects, then it will save an archive (default is .tar.gz using the archive package for non-Windows and zip() if using Windows, as there is currently an unidentified bug in ⁠archive*⁠ on Windows). The user does not need to specify the filename any differently, as the code will search based on the filename without the file extension.


  projectPath = getwd(),
  outputs = TRUE,
  inputs = TRUE,
  cache = FALSE,



Either a simList or a character string of the name of a simList that can be found in envir. Using a character string will assign that object name to the saved simList, so when it is recovered it will be given that name.


Character string with the path for saving simList to or reading the simList from. Currently, only .rds and .qs file types are supported.


Should be the "top level" or project path for the simList. Defaults to getwd(). All other paths will be made relative with respect to this if nested within this.


Logical. If TRUE, all files identified in outputs(sim) will be included in the zip.


Logical. If TRUE, all files identified in inputs(sim) will be included in the zip.


Logical. Not yet implemented. If TRUE, all files in cachePath(sim) will be included in the archive. Defaults to FALSE as this could be large, and may include many out of date elements. See Details.


If sim is a character string, then this must be provided. It is the environment where the object named sim can be found.


Additional arguments. See Details.


There is a family of 2 functions that are mutually useful for saving and loading simList objects and their associated files (e.g., file-backed ⁠Raster*⁠, inputs, outputs, cache) saveSimList(), loadSimList().

Additional arguments may be passed via ..., including:

  • files: logical indicating whether files should be included in the archive. if FALSE, will override cache, inputs, outputs, setting them to FALSE.

  • symlinks: a named list of paths corresponding to symlinks, which will be used to substitute normalized absolute paths of files. Names should correspond to the names in paths(); values should be project-relative paths. E.g., list(cachePath = "cache", inputPath = "inputs", outputPath = "outputs").


Invoked for side effects of saving both a .qs (or .rds) file, and a compressed archive (one of .tar.gz if using non-Windows OS or .zip on Windows).

See Also


Schedule a conditional simulation event


Adds a new event to the simulation's conditional event queue, updating the simulation object by creating or appending to sim$._conditionalEvents. This is very experimental. Use with caution.


  eventPriority = .normal(),
  minEventTime = start(sim),
  maxEventTime = end(sim)



A simList simulation object.


A string, call or expression that will be assessed for TRUE after each event in the regular event queue. It can access objects in the simList by using functions of sim, e.g., "sim$age > 1"


A character string specifying the module from which to call the event. If missing, it will use currentModule(sim)


A character string specifying the type of event from within the module.


A numeric specifying the priority of the event. Lower number means higher priority. As a best practice, it is recommended that decimal values are conceptual grouped by their integer values (e.g., 4.0, 4.25, 4.5 are conceptually similar). See priority().


A numeric specifying the time before which the event should not occur, even if the condition is met. Defaults to start(sim)


A numeric specifying the time after which the event should not occur, even if the condition is met. Defaults to end(sim)


This conditional event queue will be assessed at every single event in the normal event queue. If there are no conditional events, then spades will proceed as normal. As conditional event conditions are found to be true, then it will trigger a call to scheduleEvent(...) with the current time passed to eventTime and it will remove the conditional event from the conditional queue. If the user would like the triggered conditional event to occur as the very next event, then a possible strategy would be to set eventPriority of the conditional event to very low or even negative to ensure it gets inserted at the top of the event queue.


Returns the modified simList object, i.e., sim$._conditionalEvents.


Eliot McIntire


Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3). San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc.. Retrieved from

See Also

scheduleEvent(), conditionalEvents()


sim <- simInit(times = list(start = 0, end = 2))
  condition <- "sim$age > 1" # provide as string
  condition <- quote(sim$age > 1) # provide as a call
  condition <- expression(sim$age > 1) # provide as an expression
  sim <- scheduleConditionalEvent(sim, condition, "firemodule", "burn")
  sim <- spades(sim) # no changes to sim$age, i.e., it is absent
  events(sim) # nothing scheduled
  sim$age <- 2 # change the value
  sim <- spades(sim) # Run spades, the condition is now true, so event is
                     #  scheduled at current time
  events(sim)        # now scheduled in the normal event queue

Schedule a simulation event


Adds a new event to the simulation's event queue, updating the simulation object.


  eventPriority = .pkgEnv$.normalVal,
  .skipChecks = FALSE



A simList simulation object.


A numeric specifying the time of the next event.


A character string specifying the module from which to call the event. If missing, it will use currentModule(sim)


A character string specifying the type of event from within the module.


A numeric specifying the priority of the event. Lower number means higher priority. As a best practice, it is recommended that decimal values are conceptual grouped by their integer values (e.g., 4.0, 4.25, 4.5 are conceptually similar). See priority().


Logical. If TRUE, then internal checks that arguments match expected types are skipped. Should only be used if speed is critical.


Here, we implement a simulation in a more modular fashion so it's easier to add submodules to the simulation. We use S4 classes and methods, and use data.table instead of data.frame to implement the event queue (because it is much faster).


Returns the modified simList object.


Alex Chubaty


Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3). San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc.. Retrieved from

See Also

priority(), scheduleConditionalEvent()


sim <- simInit()
 sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn") # default priority
 sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .normal()) # default priority

 sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .normal()-1) # higher priority
 sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .normal()+1) # lower priority

 sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .highest()) # highest priority
 sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .lowest()) # lowest priority
 events(sim) # shows all scheduled events, with eventTime and priority

Show an Object


Show an Object


## S4 method for signature 'simList'





Alex Chubaty

Generate simulation file name


Assists with saving and retrieving simulations (e.g., with saveSimList and loadSimList).


simFile(name, path, time = NULL, ext = "rds")



Object name (e.g., "mySimOut")


Directory location in where the file will be located (e.g., an outputPath).


Optional simulation time to use as filename suffix. Default NULL.


The file extension to use (default "rds").


character string giving a file path for a simulation file

Initialize a new simulation


Create a new simulation object, the sim object (a simList). This object is implemented using an environment where all objects and functions are placed. Since environments in R are pass by reference, "putting" objects in the sim object does no actual copy. The simList also stores all parameters, and other important simulation information, such as times, paths, modules, and module load order. See more details below.


  notOlderThan = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 
## 'list,list,list,list,list,data.frame,data.frame,character'
  notOlderThan = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,ANY,character,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY'
  notOlderThan = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,character,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY'
  notOlderThan = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY'
  notOlderThan = NULL,





A named list of numeric simulation start and end times (e.g., times = list(start = 0.0, end = 10.0, timeunit = "year")), with the final optional element, timeunit, overriding the default time unit used in the simulation which is the "smallest time unit" across all modules. See examples.


A list of lists of the form list(moduleName=list(param1=value, param2=value)). See details.


A named list of character strings specifying the names of modules to be loaded for the simulation. Note: the module name should correspond to the R source file from which the module is loaded. Example: a module named "caribou" will be sourced form the file ‘caribou.R’, located at the specified modulePath(simList) (see below).


(optional) A vector of object names (naming objects that are in the calling environment of the simInit, which is often the .GlobalEnv unless used programmatically. NOTE: this mechanism will fail if object name is in a package dependency), or a named list of data objects to be passed into the simList (more reliable). These objects will be accessible from the simList as a normal list, e.g,. mySim$obj.


An optional named list with up to 4 named elements, modulePath, inputPath, outputPath, and cachePath. See details. NOTE: Experimental feature now allows for multiple modulePaths to be specified in a character vector. The modules will be searched for sequentially in the first modulePath, then if it doesn't find it, in the second etc.


A data.frame. Can specify from 1 to 6 columns with following column names: objectName (character, required), file (character), fun (character), package (character), interval (numeric), loadTime (numeric). See inputs() and vignette("ii-modules") section about inputs.


A data.frame. Can specify from 1 to 5 columns with following column names: objectName (character, required), file (character), fun (character), package (character), saveTime (numeric) and eventPriority (numeric). If eventPriority is not set, it defaults to .last(). If eventPriority is set to a low value, e.g., 0, 1, 2 and saveTime is start(sim), it should give "initial conditions".

See outputs() and vignette("ii-modules") section about outputs.


An optional character vector of module names specifying the order in which to load the modules. If not specified, the module load order will be determined automatically.


A time, as in from Sys.time(). This is passed into the Cache function that wraps .inputObjects. If the module uses the .useCache parameter and it is set to TRUE or ".inputObjects", then the .inputObjects will be cached. Setting notOlderThan = Sys.time() will cause the cached versions of .inputObjects to be refreshed, i.e., rerun.


An alternative way to pass objects, i.e., they can just be named arguments rather than in a objects = list(...). It can also be any options that begins with spades, reproducible or Require, i.e., those identified in spadesOptions(), reproducibleOptions() or RequireOptions(). These will be assigned to the equivalent option during the simInit and spades calls only, i.e., they will revert after the simInit or spades calls are complete. NOTE: these are not passed to the simList per se, i.e., they are not be available in the simList during either the simInit or spades calls via sim$xxx, though they will be returned to the simList at the end of each of these calls (so that the next call to e.g., spades can see them). For convenience, these can be supplied without their package prefix, e.g., lowMemory can be specified instead of spades.lowMemory. In cases that share option name (reproducible.verbose and Require.verbose both exist), passing verbose = FALSE will set both. Obviously this may cause unexpected problems if a module is also expecting a value.


A list of arguments to passed to simInit.


Calling this simInit function does the following:

What Details Argument(s) to use
fills simList slots places the arguments times, params, modules, paths into equivalently named simList slots times, params, modules, paths
sources all module files places all function definitions in the simList, specifically, into a sub-environment of the main simList environment: e.g., ⁠sim$<moduleName>$function1⁠ (see section on Scoping) modules
copies objects from the global environment to the simList environment objects
loads objects from disk into the simList inputs
schedule object loading/copying Objects can be loaded into the simList at any time during a simulation inputs
schedule object saving Objects can be saved to disk at any arbitrary time during the simulation. If specified here, this will be in addition to any saving due code inside a module (i.e., a module may manually run write.table(...) outputs
schedules "init" events from all modules (see events()) automatic
assesses module dependencies via the inputs and outputs identified in their metadata. This gives the order of the .inputObjects and init events. This can be overridden by loadOrder. automatic
determines time unit takes time units of modules and how they fit together times or automatic
runs .inputObjects functions from every module in the module order as determined above automatic

params can only contain updates to any parameters that are defined in the metadata of modules. Take the example of a module named, Fire, which has a parameter named .plotInitialTime. In the metadata of that module, it says TRUE. Here we can override that default with: list(Fire=list(.plotInitialTime=NA)), effectively turning off plotting. Since this is a list of lists, one can override the module defaults for multiple parameters from multiple modules all at once, with say: list(Fire = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = 2), caribouModule = list(N = 1000)).

The params list can contain a list (named .globals) of named objects e.g., .globals = list(climateURL = "https:\\") entry. Any and every module that has a parameter with that name (in this case climateURL) will be overridden with this value as passed.

params can be used to set the seed for a specific event in a module. This is done using the normal params argument, specifying .seed as a list where the elements are a numeric for the seed and the name is the event. Since parameters must be specific to a module, this creates a module and event specific seed e.g., params = list(moduleName = list(.seed = list(init = 123))) will set the init event of module named moduleName to 123. The RN stream will be reset to its state prior to the set.seed call after the event.

We implement a discrete event simulation in a more modular fashion so it is easier to add modules to the simulation. We use S4 classes and methods, and fast lists to manage the event queue.

paths specifies the location of the module source files, the data input files, and the saving output files. If no paths are specified the defaults are as follows:

  • cachePath: getOption("reproducible.cachePath");

  • inputPath: getOption("spades.inputPath");

  • modulePath: getOption("spades.modulePath");

  • outputPath: getOption("spades.outputPath").


A simList simulation object, pre-initialized from values specified in the arguments supplied.

Parsing and Checking Code

The simInit function will attempt to find usage of sim$xxx or sim[['xxx']] on either side of the assignment (⁠<-⁠) operator. It will compare these to the module metadata, specifically inputObjects for cases where objects or "gotten" from the simList and outputObjects for cases where objects are assigned to the simList.

It will also attempt to find potential, common function name conflicts with things like scale and stack (both in base and raster), and Plot (in quickPlot and some modules).

This code checking is young and may get false positives and false negatives, i.e., miss things. It also takes computational time, which may be undesirable in operational code. To turn off checking (i.e., if there are too many false positives and negatives), set options(spades.moduleCodeChecks = FALSE).


Using caching with SpaDES is vital when building re-usable and reproducible content. Please see the vignette dedicated to this topic.


Since the objects in the simList are passed-by-reference, it is useful to create a copy of the initialized simList object prior to running the simulation (e.g., mySimOut <- spades(Copy(mySim))). This ensures you retain access to the original objects, which would otherwise be overwritten/modified during the simulation.

The user can opt to run a simpler simInit call without inputs, outputs, and times. These can be added later with the accessor methods (See example). These are not required for initializing the simulation via simInit. All of modules, paths, params, and objects are needed for successful initialization.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire


Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3). San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc.. Retrieved from

See Also

spades(), defineModule() to get help on metadata elements, times(), params(), objs(), paths(), modules(), inputs(), outputs()


# Tests take several seconds
if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE, "spades.useRequire" = FALSE)
if (!interactive()) opts <- append(opts, options("spades.plots" = NA,
                                                 "spades.debug" = FALSE))

mySim <- simInit(
 times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
 params = list(
   .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned")
 modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
 paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
spades(mySim) # shows plotting

# Change more parameters, removing plotting
mySim <- simInit(
 times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
 params = list(
   .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
   fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA)
 modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
 paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
outSim <- spades(mySim)

# A little more complicated with inputs and outputs
mapPath <- system.file("maps", package = "quickPlot")
mySim <- simInit(
  times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
  params = list(
    .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned")
  modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
  paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()),
               outputPath = tempdir()),
  inputs = data.frame(
    files = dir(file.path(mapPath), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")[1:2],
    functions = "rast",
    package = "terra",
    loadTime = 1,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
  outputs = data.frame(
    expand.grid(objectName = c("caribou","landscape"),
    saveTime = 1:2,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))

 # Use accessors for inputs, outputs
 mySim2 <- simInit(
   times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
   modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
   params = list(
     .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
     randomLandscapes = list(nx = 10, ny = 10)
   paths = list(
     modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()),
     outputPath = tempdir()

 # add by accessor is equivalent
 inputs(mySim2) <- data.frame(
     files = dir(file.path(mapPath), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")[1:2],
     functions = "rast",
     package = "terra",
     loadTime = 1,
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 outputs(mySim2) <- data.frame(
     expand.grid(objectName = c("caribou", "landscape"),
     saveTime = 1:2,
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
 all.equal(mySim, mySim2) # TRUE

 # Use accessors for times -- does not work as desired because times are
 #   adjusted to the input timeunit during simInit
 mySim2 <- simInit(
   params = list(
     .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned")
   modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
   paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()),
                outputPath = tempdir()),
   inputs = data.frame(
     files = dir(file.path(mapPath), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")[1:2],
     functions = "rast",
     package = "terra",
     loadTime = 1,
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
   outputs = data.frame(
     expand.grid(objectName = c("caribou","landscape"),
     saveTime = 1:2,
     eventPriority = c(0,10), # eventPriority 0 may give "initial" conditions
     stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

 # add times by accessor fails all.equal test because "year" was not
 #   declared during module loading, so month became the default
 times(mySim2) <- list(current = 0, start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year")
 all.equal(mySim, mySim2) # fails because time units are all different, so
                          # several parameters that have time units in
                          # "months" because they were loaded that way
 events(mySim) # load event is at time 1 year
 events(mySim2) # load event is at time 1 month, reported in years because of
                #   update to times above


simInitAndSpades2 is a convenience wrapper for, listOfArgs), i.e., a user can pass a list of all the arguments.


These functions are convenience wrappers that may allow for more efficient caching. Passes all arguments to simInit(), then passes the created simList to spades().






A list of arguments to passed to simInitAndSpades.


A named list of numeric simulation start and end times (e.g., times = list(start = 0.0, end = 10.0, timeunit = "year")), with the final optional element, timeunit, overriding the default time unit used in the simulation which is the "smallest time unit" across all modules. See examples.


A list of lists of the form list(moduleName=list(param1=value, param2=value)). See details.


A named list of character strings specifying the names of modules to be loaded for the simulation. Note: the module name should correspond to the R source file from which the module is loaded. Example: a module named "caribou" will be sourced form the file ‘caribou.R’, located at the specified modulePath(simList) (see below).


(optional) A vector of object names (naming objects that are in the calling environment of the simInit, which is often the .GlobalEnv unless used programmatically. NOTE: this mechanism will fail if object name is in a package dependency), or a named list of data objects to be passed into the simList (more reliable). These objects will be accessible from the simList as a normal list, e.g,. mySim$obj.


An optional named list with up to 4 named elements, modulePath, inputPath, outputPath, and cachePath. See details. NOTE: Experimental feature now allows for multiple modulePaths to be specified in a character vector. The modules will be searched for sequentially in the first modulePath, then if it doesn't find it, in the second etc.


A data.frame. Can specify from 1 to 6 columns with following column names: objectName (character, required), file (character), fun (character), package (character), interval (numeric), loadTime (numeric). See inputs() and vignette("ii-modules") section about inputs.


A data.frame. Can specify from 1 to 5 columns with following column names: objectName (character, required), file (character), fun (character), package (character), saveTime (numeric) and eventPriority (numeric). If eventPriority is not set, it defaults to .last(). If eventPriority is set to a low value, e.g., 0, 1, 2 and saveTime is start(sim), it should give "initial conditions".

See outputs() and vignette("ii-modules") section about outputs.


An optional character vector of module names specifying the order in which to load the modules. If not specified, the module load order will be determined automatically.


A time, as in from Sys.time(). This is passed into the Cache function that wraps .inputObjects. If the module uses the .useCache parameter and it is set to TRUE or ".inputObjects", then the .inputObjects will be cached. Setting notOlderThan = Sys.time() will cause the cached versions of .inputObjects to be refreshed, i.e., rerun.


Optional tools for invoking debugging. Supplying a list will invoke the more powerful logging package. See details. Default is to use the value in getOption("spades.debug").


Logical (TRUE or FALSE show a graphical progress bar), character ("graphical", "text") or numeric indicating the number of update intervals to show in a graphical progress bar.


Logical. If TRUE, then the spades call will be cached. This means that if the call is made again with the same simList, then spades will return the return value from the previous run of that exact same simList. Default FALSE. See Details. See also the vignette on caching for examples.


Character. Sets the parameter of this name in all modules. See Plots() for possible values. The parameter is intended to slowly take over from .plotInitialTime as a mechanism to turn on or off plotting. For backwards compatibility, if .plotInitialTime is not set in this spades call, but this .plots is used, two things will happen: setting this without "screen" will turn off all plotting; setting this with "screen" will trigger plotting for any modules that use this parameter but will have no effect on other modules. To get plotting, therefore, it may be necessary to also set .plotInitialTime = start(sim).


Numeric. Temporarily override the .plotInitialTime parameter for all modules. See Details.


Numeric. Temporarily override the .plotInitialTime parameter for all modules. See Details.


A character vector or a named list of character vectors. If specified, the simulations will only do the events indicated here. If a named list, the names must correspond to the modules and the character vectors can be specific events within each of the named modules. With the list form, all unspecified modules will run all their events, including internal spades modules, e.g., save, that get invoked with the outputs argument in simInit. See example.


Arguments passed to simInit() and spades()


Same as spades() (a simList) or

See Also

simInit(), spades()

The simList class


Contains the minimum components of a SpaDES simulation. Various slot accessor methods (i.e., get and set functions) are provided (see 'Accessor Methods' below).


Based on code from chapter 7.8.3 of Matloff (2011): "Discrete event simulation". Here, we implement a discrete event simulation in a more modular fashion so it's easier to add simulation components (i.e., "simulation modules"). We use S4 classes and methods, and use data.table() instead of data.frame() to implement the event queue (because it is much more efficient).



List of character names specifying which modules to load.


Named list of potentially other lists specifying simulation parameters.


The list of scheduled events (i.e., event queue), which can be converted to a sorted data.table with events(sim). See 'Event Lists' for more information.


The current event, as a data.table. See 'Event Lists' for more information..


An environment consisting of completed events, with each object named a character representation of the order of events. This was converted from a previous version which was a list. This was changed because the list became slow as number of events increased. See 'Event Lists' for more information. It is kept as an environment of individual events for speed. The completed method converts it to a sorted data.table.


A .simDeps list of .moduleDeps() objects containing module object dependency information.


List of numerical values describing the simulation start and end times; as well as the current simulation time.


a data.frame or data.table of files and metadata


a data.frame or data.table of files and metadata


Named list of paths. See ?.paths. Partial matching is performed.


Environment referencing the objects used in the simulation. Several "shortcuts" to accessing objects referenced by this environment are provided, and can be used on the simList object directly instead of specifying the .xData slot: $, [[, ls, ls.str, objs. See examples.


Deprecated. Please do not use any more.

Accessor Methods

Several slot (and sub-slot) accessor methods are provided for use, and categorized into separate help pages:

simList-accessors-envir() Simulation environment.
simList-accessors-events() Scheduled and completed events.
simList-accessors-inout() Passing data in to / out of simulations.
simList-accessors-modules() Modules loaded and used; module dependencies.
simList-accessors-objects() Accessing objects used in the simulation.
simList-accessors-params() Global and module-specific parameters.
simList-accessors-paths() File paths for modules, inputs, and outputs.
simList-accessors-times() Simulation times.

Event Lists

The main event list is a sorted data.table (keyed) on eventTime, and eventPriority. The completed event list is an ordered list in the exact order that the events were executed. Each event is represented by a data.table() row consisting of:

eventTime The time the event is to occur.
moduleName The module from which the event is taken.
eventType A character string for the programmer-defined event type.
eventPriority The priority given to the event.


The simList class extends the environment, by adding several slots that provide information about the metadata for a discrete event simulation. The environment slot, if accessed directly is .xData and this is where input and output objects from modules are placed. The simList_() class is similar, but it extends the list class. All other slots are the same. Thus, simList is identical to simList_, except that the former uses an environment for objects and the latter uses a list. The class simList_ is only used internally when saving/loading, because saving/loading a list behaves more reliably than saving/loading an environment.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire


Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3). San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc.. Retrieved from

spades2 is a convenience wrapper for, listOfArgs), i.e., a user can pass a list of all the arguments.


Here, we implement a simulation in a more modular fashion so it's easier to add submodules to the simulation. We use S4 classes and methods, and use data.table instead of data.frame to implement the event queue (because it is much faster).



  debug = getOption("spades.debug"),
  progress = NA,
  .plotInitialTime = NULL,
  .saveInitialTime = NULL,
  notOlderThan = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  .plots = getOption("spades.plots", NULL),

## S4 method for signature 'simList,ANY,ANY,missing'
  debug = getOption("spades.debug"),
  progress = NA,
  .plotInitialTime = NULL,
  .saveInitialTime = NULL,
  notOlderThan = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  .plots = getOption("spades.plots", NULL),

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,ANY,logical'
  debug = getOption("spades.debug"),
  progress = NA,
  .plotInitialTime = NULL,
  .saveInitialTime = NULL,
  notOlderThan = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  .plots = getOption("spades.plots", NULL),



A list of arguments to passed to spades.


A simList simulation object, generally produced by simInit.


Optional tools for invoking debugging. Supplying a list will invoke the more powerful logging package. See details. Default is to use the value in getOption("spades.debug").


Logical (TRUE or FALSE show a graphical progress bar), character ("graphical", "text") or numeric indicating the number of update intervals to show in a graphical progress bar.


Logical. If TRUE, then the spades call will be cached. This means that if the call is made again with the same simList, then spades will return the return value from the previous run of that exact same simList. Default FALSE. See Details. See also the vignette on caching for examples.


Numeric. Temporarily override the .plotInitialTime parameter for all modules. See Details.


Numeric. Temporarily override the .plotInitialTime parameter for all modules. See Details.


Date or time. Passed to reproducible::Cache to update the cache. Default is NULL, meaning don't update the cache. If Sys.time() is provided, then it will force a recache, i.e., remove old value and replace with new value. Ignored if cache is FALSE.


A character vector or a named list of character vectors. If specified, the simulations will only do the events indicated here. If a named list, the names must correspond to the modules and the character vectors can be specific events within each of the named modules. With the list form, all unspecified modules will run all their events, including internal spades modules, e.g., save, that get invoked with the outputs argument in simInit. See example.


Character. Sets the parameter of this name in all modules. See Plots() for possible values. The parameter is intended to slowly take over from .plotInitialTime as a mechanism to turn on or off plotting. For backwards compatibility, if .plotInitialTime is not set in this spades call, but this .plots is used, two things will happen: setting this without "screen" will turn off all plotting; setting this with "screen" will trigger plotting for any modules that use this parameter but will have no effect on other modules. To get plotting, therefore, it may be necessary to also set .plotInitialTime = start(sim).


Any. Can be used to make a unique cache identity, such as "replicate = 1". This will be included in the Cache call, so will be unique and thus spades will not use a cached copy as long as anything passed in ... is unique, i.e., not cached previously.


The is the workhorse function in the SpaDES package. It runs simulations by implementing the rules outlined in the simList.

This function gives simple access to two sets of module parameters: .plotInitialTime and with .plotInitialTime. The primary use of these arguments is to temporarily turn off plotting and saving. "Temporary" means that the simList is not changed, so it can be used again with the simList values reinstated. To turn off plotting and saving, use .plotInitialTime = NA or .saveInitialTime = NA. NOTE: if a module did not use .plotInitialTime or .saveInitialTime, then these arguments will not do anything.


Invisibly returns the modified simList object.

Caching with SpaDES

There are numerous ways in which Caching can be used within SpaDES. Please see the vignette for many examples. Briefly, functions, events, modules, entire spades calls or experiment calls (see can be cached and mixtures of all of these will work. For functions, simply wrap the call with Cache, moving the original function name into the first argument of Cache. For events or modules, set the module parameters, .useCache, e.g., simInit(..., parameters = list(myModule = list(.useCache = "init"))). This can be set to an event name, which will cache that event, or a logical, which will cache every event in that module. Event and module caching makes most sense when the event or module only runs once, such as an initialization or data preparation event/module. Caching an entire simulation is actually just a function call to simInitAndSpades, for example. So, simply writing Cache(simInitAndSpades, modules = ...) will effectively cache a whole simulation. Finally for experiments, it is just like a function call: Cache(simInitandExperiment, ...). The final way Caching can be done is in experiment or spades, by setting the cache argument.

If cache is TRUE, this allows for a seamless way to "save" results of a simulation. The user does not have to intentionally do any saving manually. Instead, upon a call to spades in which the simList is identical, the function will simply return the result that would have come if it had been rerun. Use this with caution, as it will return exactly the result from a previous run, even if there is stochasticity internally. Caching is only based on the input simList. See also the vignette on caching for examples.


The most powerful way to use debug is to invoke the logging R package. To invoke this, debug must be a list with up to 3 named elements: console, file, and debug. Each of these list elements must be a list (including empty list() for defaults) with the sub-list elements here:

console level The level, see below, of information shown
file append Logical. If TRUE, the default, then log entries are appended to file, if it exists
file A filename. Defaults to log.txt
level The level, see below, of information shown
debug See possible values below

level can be a number from 0 to 100 or a character string matching one of the values in logging::loglevels. These are hierarchical levels of information passed to the console. Set a lower number for more information and a higher number for less information. Errors in code will be shown if level is set to "ERROR" or 40 or above; warnings in code will be shown if level is set to "WARN" or 30 or above; normal messages in code will be shown if level is set to "INFO" or 20 or above. For consistency with base R messaging, if default level is used, then normal messaging via message will be shown; this means that suppressMessages will work to suppress messaging only when level is set to "INFO" or 20. Some functions in the SpaDES ecosystem may have information at the lower levels, but currently, there are few to none.

debug is specified as a non-list argument to spades or as list(debug = ...), then it can be a logical, a quoted call, a character vector or a numeric scalar (currently 1 or 2) or a list of any of these to get multiple outputs. This will be run at the start of every event. The following options for debug are available. Each of these can also be in a list to get multiple outputs:

TRUE current(sim) will be printed at the start of each event as it runs
a function name (as character string) If a function, then it will be run on the simList, e.g., "time" will run time(sim) at each event.
moduleName (as character string) All calls to that module will be entered interactively
eventName (as character string) All calls that have that event name (in any module) will be entered interactively
⁠c(<moduleName>, <eventName>)⁠ Only the event in that specified module will be entered into.
Any other R expression expressed as a character string or quoted call Will be evaluated with access to the simList as sim. If this is more than one character string, then all will be printed to the screen in their sequence.
A numeric scalar, currently 1 or 2 (maybe others) This will print out alternative forms of event information that users may find useful

If not specified in the function call, the package option spades.debug is used.

If options("spades.browserOnError" = TRUE) (experimental still) if there is an error, it will attempt to open a browser in the event where the error occurred. You can edit, and then press c to continue or Q to quit, plus all other normal interactive browser tools. c will trigger a reparse and events will continue as scheduled, starting with the one just edited. There may be some unexpected consequences if the simList objects had already been changed before the error occurred.


The debug option is primarily intended to facilitate building simulation models by the user. Will print additional outputs informing the user of updates to the values of various simList slot components. See for details.


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire


Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3). San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc.. Retrieved from

See Also

SpaDES.core-package(), simInit(), and the caching vignette (very important for reproducibility): which uses reproducible::Cache().



if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # some options are not necessary when not interactive
  opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE, "spades.useRequire" = FALSE)
  if (!interactive()) opts <- append(opts, options("spades.plots" = NA))
  mySim <- simInit(
   times = list(start = 0.0, end = 1.0, timeunit = "year"),
   params = list(
     randomLandscapes = list(nx = 10, ny = 10),
     .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned",
                     .plots = NA) # plotting off --> not relevant for example
   modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
   paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))

  options(opts) # reset options

Classes defined in SpaDES


These S4 classes are defined within SpaDES. "dot" classes are not exported and are therefore intended for internal use only.

Simulation classes

simList() The simList class
.moduleDeps() Descriptor object for specifying SpaDES module dependencies
.simDeps() Defines all simulation dependencies for all modules within a SpaDES simulation
--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

See Also


SpaDES.core options


These provide top-level, powerful settings for a comprehensive SpaDES workflow. To see defaults, run spadesOptions(). See Details below.




Below are options that can be set with options("" = newValue), where xxx is one of the values below, and newValue is a new value to give the option. Sometimes these options can be placed in the user's .Rprofile file so they persist between sessions.

The following options are likely of interest to most users

spades.allowInitDuringSimInit FALSE New feature as of ⁠SpaDES.core >⁠; If set to TRUE, simInit will evaluate the dependencies in the metadata objects and determine whether there are modules whose init events can be run safely prior to the .inputObjects of other modules, i.e., if a module's expectsInput is not being supplied by any other module's createsOutput.
spades.browserOnError FALSE If TRUE, the default, then any error rerun the same event with debugonce called on it to allow editing to be done. When that browser is continued (e.g., with 'c'), then it will save it re-parse it into the simList and rerun the edited version. This may allow a spades() call to be recovered on error, though in many cases that may not be the correct behaviour. For example, if the simList gets updated inside that event in an iterative manner, then each run through the event will cause that iteration to occur. When this option is TRUE, then the event will be run at least 3 times: the first time makes the error, the second time has debugonce and the third time is after the error is addressed. TRUE is likely somewhat slower.
reproducible.cachePath getOption('reproducible.cachePath') The default local directory in which to cache simulation outputs. Default is a temporary directory (typically ⁠/tmp/RtmpXXX/SpaDES/cache⁠).
spades.debug TRUE The default debugging value debug argument in spades()
spades.dotInputObjects TRUE This is used in simInit; if set to TRUE then the .inputObjects function will be run; if FALSE, then it will be skipped.
spades.DTthreads 1L The default number of data.table threads to use. See also ?data.table::setDTthreads.
spades.futureEvents FALSE If set to TRUE, the event simulator will attempt to spawn events whose outputs are not needed (by other events in the simList) into a future. In some cases, this will speed up simulations, by running some events in parallel. Still VERY experimental. Use cautiously.
spades.logPath Defaults to a subdirectory (⁠logs/⁠) of the simulation output directory. The default local directory in which to look for simulation inputs.
spades.inputPath Default is a temporary directory (typically ⁠/tmp/RtmpXXX/SpaDES/inputs⁠) The default local directory in which to look for simulation inputs.
spades.loadReqdPkgs Default is TRUE meaning that any reqdPkgs will be loaded via Require or require. If FALSE, no package loading will occur. This will mean that modules must prefix every function call from a package with that package name with double colon (::).
spades.lowMemory FALSE If true, some functions will use more memory efficient (but slower) algorithms.
spades.memoryUseInterval FALSE A numeric in seconds indicating how often sample the memory use. This will be run in a separate "future" process so it can monitor the main process. To access the resulting memory use table, use memoryUse(sim) after the simulation has terminated.
spades.messagingNumCharsModule 21 The number of characters to use for the messaging preamble on each line of the messaging during spades calls.
spades.moduleCodeChecks list(suppressParamUnused = FALSE, suppressUndefined = TRUE, suppressPartialMatchArgs = FALSE, suppressNoLocalFun = TRUE, skipWith = TRUE) Should the various code checks be run during simInit. These are passed to codetools::checkUsage(). Default is given by the function, plus these:
spades.moduleDocument TRUE When a module is an R package e.g., via convertToPackage, it will, by default, rebuild documentation and reparse during simInit. Since rebuilding documentation (from the roxygen2 tags) can be time consuming, a user may wish to prevent this from happening each simInit call. If so, set this option to FALSE
spades.modulePath file.path(tempdir(), "SpaDES", "modules")) The default local directory where modules and data will be downloaded and stored. Default is a temporary directory
spades.moduleRepo "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES-modules" The default GitHub repository to use when downloading modules via downloadModule
spades.nCompleted 1000L The maximum number of completed events to retain in the completed event queue.
spades.outputPath file.path(tempdir(), "SpaDES", "outputs") The default local directory in which to save simulation outputs.
spades.plots The value of this will passed to .plots within every module; it will thus override all module parameter values for .plots. This can, e.g., be used to turn off all plotting. The default is NULL, meaning accept the module-level parameter
spades.recoveryMode 1L If this is a numeric greater than 0 or TRUE, then the discrete event simulator will take a snapshot of the objects in the simList that might change (based on metadata outputObjects for that module), prior to initiating every event. This will allow the user to be able to recover in case of an error or manual interruption (e.g., Esc). If this is numeric, a copy of that number of "most recent events" will be maintained so that the user can recover and restart more than one event in the past, i.e., redo some of the "completed" events. Default is TRUE, i.e., it will keep the state of the simList at the start of the current event. This can be recovered with restartSpades and the differences can be seen in a hidden object in the stashed simList. There is a message which describes how to find that.
spades.saveFileExtensions NULL a data.frame with 3 columns, exts, fun, and package indicating which file extension, and which function from which package will be used when using the outputs mechanism for saving files during a spades call. e.g., ⁠options(spades.saveFileExtensions = data.frame(exts = "shp", fun = "st_write", package = "sf")⁠. Then specify e.g., simInit(outputs = data.frame(objectName = "caribou", fun = "st_write", package = "sf"))
spades.scratchPath file.path(tempdir(), "SpaDES", "scratch")) The default local directory where transient files from modules and data will written. This includes temporary raster and terra files, as well as SpaDES recovery mode files. Default is a temporary directory.
spades.sessionInfo TRUE) Assigns the utils::sessionInfo() to the simList during simInit with the name sim$._sessionInfo. This takes about 75 milliseconds, which may be undesirable for some situations where speed is critical. If FALSE, then this is not assigned to the simList.
spades.switchPkgNamespaces FALSE to keep computational overhead down. Should the search path be modified to ensure a module's required packages are listed first? If TRUE, there should be no name conflicts among package objects, but it is much slower, especially if the events are themselves fast.
spades.testMemoryLeaks TRUE. There is a very easy way to create a memory leak with R and SpaDES, by adding formulas or functions to ⁠sim$⁠ when the enclosing environment of the formula or function contained a large object, most relevant here is the sim object. SpaDES.core now tests for likely culprits for this and suggests alternatives with a warning
spades.tolerance .Machine$double.eps^0.5. The default tolerance value used for floating point number comparisons.
spades.useragent "". : The default user agent to use for downloading modules from GitHub.
spades.useRequire !tolower(Sys.getenv("SPADES_USE_REQUIRE")) %in% "false" : The default for that environment variable is unset, so this returns TRUE. If this is TRUE, then during the simInit call, when packages are identified as being required, these will be installed if missing, only if spades.useRequire option is TRUE, otherwise, simInit will fail because packages are not available.


named list of the default package options.

Assess whether an object has or will be supplied from elsewhere


When loading objects into a simList, especially during the simInit call, and inside the .inputObjects functions of modules, it is often useful to know if an object in question will or has been by the user via the inputs or objects arguments, or by another module's .inputObjects while preparing its expected inputs (via expectsInputs in metadata), or if it will be supplied by another module during its "init" event. In all these cases, it may not be necessary for a given module to load any default value for its expectsInputs. This function can be used as a check to determine whether the module needs to proceed in getting and assigning its default value.


  where = c("sim", "user", "initEvent"),
  returnWhere = FALSE



Character vector


A simList in which to evaluated whether the object is supplied elsewhere


Character vector with one to three of "sim", "user", or "initEvent". Default is all three. Partial matching is used. See details.


Logical, default FALSE, whether the vector of length 3 logical should be returned, or a logical of length one


where indicates which of three places to search, either "sim" i.e., the simList, which would be equivalent to ⁠is.null(sim\$objName)⁠, or "user" which would be supplied by the user in the simInit function call via outputs or inputs (equivalent to ⁠(!('defaultColor' \%in\% sim$.userSuppliedObjNames))⁠), or "initEvent", which would test whether a module that gets loaded before the present one will create it as part of its outputs (i.e., as indicated by createsOutputs in that module's metadata). There is a caveat to this test, however; if that other event also has the object as an expectsInput, then it would fail this test, as it also needs it as an input. This final one ("initEvent") does not explicitly test that the object will be created in the "init" event, only that it is in the outputs of that module, and that it is a module that is loaded prior to this one.




mySim <- simInit()
suppliedElsewhere("test", mySim) # FALSE

# supplied in the simList
mySim$test <- 1
suppliedElsewhere("test", mySim) # TRUE
test <- 1

# supplied from user at simInit time -- note, this object would eventually get into the simList
#   but the user supplied values come *after* the module's .inputObjects, so
#   a basic is.null(sim$test) would return TRUE even though the user supplied test
mySim <- simInit(objects = list("test" = test))
suppliedElsewhere("test", mySim) # TRUE

# Example with prepInputs
# Put chunks like this in your .inputObjects
if (!suppliedElsewhere("test", mySim))
  sim$test <- Cache(prepInputs, "raster.tif", "",
                    destinationPath = dataPath(sim), studyArea = sim$studyArea,
                    rasterToMatch = sim$otherRasterTemplate, overwrite = TRUE)

Time usage in SpaDES


Functions for the simtimes slot of a simList object and its elements. To maintain modularity, the behaviour of these functions depends on where they are used. In other words, different modules can have their own timeunit. SpaDES converts these to seconds when running a simulation, but shows the user time in the units of the model as shown with timeunit(sim)


times(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'simList'

times(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
times(x) <- value

## S3 method for class 'simList'
time(x, unit, ...)

time(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
time(x) <- value

end(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simList'
end(x, unit, ...)

end(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
end(x) <- value

start(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simList'
start(x, unit = NULL, ...)

start(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
start(x) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

timeunit(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
timeunit(x) <- value


## S4 method for signature 'simList'

elapsedTime(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'simList'
elapsedTime(x, byEvent = TRUE, units = "auto", ...)



A simList


Additional parameters.


A time, given as a numeric, optionally with a unit attribute, but this will be deduced from the model time units or module time units (if used within a module).


Character. One of the time units used in SpaDES.


Logical. If TRUE, the elapsed time will be by module and event; FALSE will report only by module. Default is TRUE.


character string. Units in which the results are desired. Can be abbreviated.


timeunit will extract the current units of the time used in a simulation (i.e., within a spades call). If it is set within a simInit, e.g., times=list(start=0, end=52, timeunit = "week"), it will set the units for that simulation. By default, a simInit call will use the smallest unit contained within the metadata for the modules being used. If there are parent modules, then the parent module timeunit will be used even if one of its children is a smaller timeunit. If all modules, including parents, are set to NA, timeunit defaults to seconds. If parents are set to NA, then the set of modules defined by that parent module will be given the smallest units of the children.

Currently, available units are "second", "hours", day", "week", "month", and "year" can be used in the metadata of a module.

The user can also define a new unit. The unit name can be anything, but the function definition must be of the form dunitName, e.g., dyear or dfortnight. The unit name is the part without the d and the function name definition includes the d. This new function, e.g., dfortnight <- function(x) lubridate::duration(dday(14)) can be placed anywhere in the search path or in a module.

timeunits will extract the current units of the time of all modules used in a simulation. This is different from timeunit because it is not necessarily associated with a spades call.

In many cases, the "simpler" use of each of these functions may be slower computationally. For instance, it is much faster to use time(sim, "year") than time(sim). So as a module developer, it is advantageous to write out the longer one, minimizing the looking up that R must do.


Returns or sets the value of the slot from the simList object.


These have default behaviour that is based on the calling frame timeunit. When used inside a module, then the time is in the units of the module. If used in an interactive mode, then the time will be in the units of the simulation.

Additional methods are provided to access the current, start, and end times of the simulation:

time Current simulation time.
start Simulation start time.
end Simulation end time.
timeunit Simulation timeunit.
timeunits Module timeunits.
times List of all simulation times (current, start, end, timeunit).


Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire

See Also

SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.5 on Simulation times; elapsedTime(),

Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object: .addDepends(), checkpointFile(), envir(), events(), globals(), inputs(), modules(), objs(), packages(), params(), paths(), progressInterval()


# Elapsed Time
s1 <- simInit()
s2 <- spades(s1)
elapsedTime(s2, units = "mins")

Update elements of a named list with elements of a second named list


Defunct. Use utils::modifyList() (which can not handle NULL) or Require::modifyList2() for case with >2 lists and can handle NULL lists.


updateList(x, y)


x, y

a named list


A named list, with elements sorted by name. The values of matching elements in list y replace the values in list x.


Alex Chubaty

Use GitHub actions for automated module checking


See corresponding vignette for more information.


use_gha(name, path)



module name


module path


Invoked for its side effect of creating new GitHub Actions workflow files.

Write simulation event info to file


Useful for debugging.


writeEventInfo(sim, file = "events.txt", append = FALSE)



A simList object.


Character specifying the file name (default ‘"events.txt"’).


Logical indicating whether to append to the file (default FALSE).


Nothing returned. Invoked for its side effect of writing to file.


Alex Chubaty

Write RNG state info to file


Useful for debugging and ensuring reproducibility.


writeRNGInfo(file = "seed.txt", append = FALSE)



Character specifying the filename (default "seed.txt").


Logical indicating whether to append to the file (default FALSE).


Nothing returned. Invoked for its side effect of writing to file.


Alex Chubaty

Create a zip archive of a module subdirectory


The most common use of this would be from a "modules" directory, rather than inside a given module.


zipModule(name, path, version, data = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,character'
zipModule(name, path, version, data = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,character'
zipModule(name, path, version, data = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,missing,missing'
zipModule(name, path, version, data = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'character,character,missing'
zipModule(name, path, version, data = FALSE, ...)



Character string giving the module name.


A file path to a directory containing the module subdirectory.


The module version.


Logical. If TRUE, then the data subdirectory will be included in the zip. Default is FALSE.


Additional arguments to zip(): e.g., add "-q" using flags="-q -r9X" (the default flags are "-r9X").


NULL (invisibly). Invoked for its side effect of zipping module files.


Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty

Zip a simList and various files


zipSimList will save the simList and file-backed ⁠Raster*⁠ objects, plus, optionally, files identified in outputs(sim) and inputs(sim). This uses Copy under the hood, to not affect the original simList.

These functions have been moved to other packages.


zipSimList(sim, zipfile, ..., outputs = TRUE, inputs = TRUE, cache = FALSE)








Either a simList or a character string of the name of a simList that can be found in envir. Using a character string will assign that object name to the saved simList, so when it is recovered it will be given that name.


A character string indicating the filename for the zip file. Passed to zip.




Logical. If TRUE, all files identified in outputs(sim) will be included in the zip.


Logical. If TRUE, all files identified in inputs(sim) will be included in the zip.


Logical. Not yet implemented. If TRUE, all files in cachePath(sim) will be included in the archive. Defaults to FALSE as this could be large, and may include many out of date elements. See Details.