1. BioSIM::twoLocationsInSouthernQuebec
    A list of two plots located in southern Quebec
  2. LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA
    Table of species name equivalencies for Canadian trees
  3. RandomFields::ca20.df
    Calcium content in soil samples
  4. RandomFields::soil
    Soil data of North Bavaria, Germany
  5. RandomFields::weather
    Pressure and temperature forecast errors over the Pacific Northwest
    matrix|157 x 4
  6. rgdal::GridsDatums
    Grids and Datums PE&RS listing
  7. rgdal::nor2k
    Norwegian peaks over 2000m
  8. scfmutils::frt_attr
    Attributes and fire metrics of the 15 Fire Regime Units (FRTs)
  9. scfmutils::fru_attr
    Attributes and fire metrics of the 60 Fire Regime Units (FRUs)