Package: usefulFuns 0.1.1

Tati Micheletti

usefulFuns: Useful functions for my modules and packages

A few functions and wrappers around useful code.

Authors:Tati Micheletti

usefulFuns.pdf |usefulFuns.html
usefulFuns/json (API)

# Install 'usefulFuns' in R:
install.packages('usefulFuns', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:


2.00 score 1 scripts 37 exports 162 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:daae9ec736 (on development). Checks:5 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 24 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 24 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 24 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 24 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 24 2025
R-4.3-winOKJan 24 2025
R-4.3-macOKJan 24 2025



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'usefulFuns' packageusefulFuns-package usefulFuns
Compare two or more scenarios for averages through timeavrgTimeComparison
Creates a GIF of biomass changebiomassPerSpeciesYearGIF
Creates a GIF of total biomass changebiomassYearGIF
Bootstrap rasters for testing significance on comparable rasters of different species or scenariosbootstrapPercentChanges
Bring objects that represent time series into a listbringObjectTS
Calculate pixels in a rulecalculatePixelsInaRule
Column binds a list of 'data.frame's or 'data.table'scbindFromList
Provides an easy way of modifying species traits table in 'LandR' by multiplication of original traits by a specified factorchangeTraits
All packages' versioningcheckPackagesVersions
Classify wetlands (really!) using the wetlands layer set as input and a either LCC05 or LCC2010classifyWetlands
Create the necessary layers for predictive caribou RSF module.createDynamicLayersRSF createStaticLayersRSF
Write an equation based on a 'data.frame' (or 'data.table'), bootstrapping a set of covariates around the standard error present in the table.createEquation
Create caribou models based on 2011 ECCC report on population demographics and RSF.createModels
Create a simulation model objectcreateModObject
Creates the necessary shrub or herb layers for predictive caribou RSF module.createShrubHerbLayers
Preparing study area for Canadian projectsdefineStudyArea
Extract disturbance of anthropogenic and fireextractDisturbanceFast
Plots of forest ageforestAgePlot
Get the necessary layers for predictive modules such as 'caribouPopGrowth' and 'caribouRSF'.getLayers
Grep using multiple patternsgrepMulti
Create a matrix to use for reclassification of rastersmakeReclassifyMatrix
Calculates the mean value of rasters through timemeanValuesTime
Show the modules that have stickers availablemodulesAvailable
Function to create stickers for 'SpaDES' modulesmoduleSticker
Name a raster, 'postProcess' it using RTM, and brings it to memorynameAndBringOn
Plots summary of burnsplotBurnSummary
Plots Leading Vegetation Type using 'cohortData' and 'pixelGroupMap'plotLeadingVegetationType
Plots vegetation biomass type using 'cohortData' and 'pixelGroupMap'plotVegetationBiomass
Create raster stack for climate sensitive modelsprepareClimateLayers
Prepare DUCKS layerprepInputsLayers_DUCKS
Simple wrapper around 'prepInputs' for a stack of raster layersprepInputStack
Preparing study area based on BCR and Canadian or American provinces or states.provinceBCRStudyArea
Bootstraps rasters for testing significance on comparable rasters of different species or scenariosreviseSpeciesTraits
ECCC's RSF plot styleRSFplot
Get all the values of a raster and remove the NA's, keeping pixel ID.subsetNonNARas
Get a sub-string based on the number of characters and the side to startsubstrBoth
Plots biomass per species: proportional or absolute, and total or just overstorytotalBiomassPerSpecies